Hey everyone Fayth here. This is my first story on here, I wrote it a while ago but it's just been sat in a folder. What a waste, right?

Well I'll leave that for you, the readers, to decide.

Please leave a review. Constructive criticisms welcome, but please be nice. If you notice any mistakes, point them out and I'll try to fix them.

Pairings: Itachi/Femnaru and Sasuke/Naruto

Summary: Twin blondes Nuriko and Naruto, are entering their first year of college. They think it's going to be a breeze...but, they haven't met the Uchiha yet.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from this story. All I own is the plot.

Love Born of Hate

Chapter 1: You'll never break me

"Home, sweet home. For the next three years or so sis." Naruto cheerily said as he pulled up to the old gray building.

"I know. This is going to be so much fun!" His twin sister Nuriko squeaked. Their right hands met in a high five as they exited the vehicle. Naruto walked to the boot and grabbed both their suitcases, before locking the car. He sent a questioning look his twin sisters way.

"Oh we're over in the freshman/senior wing." She said.

"And that's called?" Naruto asked slightly annoyed.

"SFX." 'Wasn't that obvious', she thought to herself.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "That stands for sound effects, baka."

"Nuuuu, it also stands for senior, freshman around here"

"Missed the X." Naruto pointed out with a grin.

"Oh never mind that, no-one knows what it stands for. I'm Temari by the way. I'm a senior here." A tall, blonde girl with four pigtails in her hair held her hand out towards the pair.

"Nuriko Uzumaki and this is my brother, Naruto. You wouldn't happen to know where room 24c is, would you?" Nuriko said, quickly shaking the offered hand.

"Or room 10d?" Naruto asked also shaking hands.

"Ooh!" Temari squealed. "You're my new roomie. I was so scared I was gonna get landed with a freak. And Naruto, yours is on a side corridor, not far from ours." She started frowning now. "Oh, but if I remember correctly you'll be sharing with Sasuke Uchiha. You poor thing, he's so cold. Not as cold as his brother though. Lava couldn't melt Itachi." She shuddered slightly. "Even the dorm master daren't give him a roommate." She stepped out a side door. "Well this it our room. If you go around that corner Naruto, yours is the tenth door on the right." She pointed, not five meters way at an opening.

Naruto gave his sister a reassuring smile before making his way to his own room. Nuriko watched for a little while after he disappeared, a worried frown marring her features. She shrugged the uneasy feeling away and started walking to her door, but before she reached it, she heard a distressed cry and headed towards the noise.

- Naruto's P.O.V -

I sighed lightly. It was gonna be pretty lonely without my sis. It might seem strange to some people, but we've shared a room since we were born. Even though we're sixteen now, we still share a room back home. And now...we're apart.

"Oh, sorry." I apologised to the older guy I'd just walked into while lost in my thoughts. He smirked at me and I could've sworn I saw an evil glint in his eye. That made me cringe.

"Not at all." He said tightening the grip he had on my arm. I tried to struggle free, but he slammed me against the wall. "It's not everyday a young, pretty blonde runs into me." I didn't know what his intentions were, but I knew I had to get out of there and fast.

"Let me go!" I growled out loudly. He chuckled and moved back slightly. I would've gasped if I wasn't so pissed at the jerk. He had the most beautiful obsidian eyes and skin as pale as snow. I felt one of his hands sneak underneath my shirt and start moving north.

"NARUTO!" Nuriko yelled. She must have heard me earlier and come to help. Huh, what could she do against this tall guy? She started charging towards us. How the hell she can run in mile high wedges is beyond me. I see the guy pinning me smirk. His head turned towards her, eyes never moving. I can practically hear the gears in his head turning, formulating a plan. I try to warn her but it's too late. Moments before she collides with him, his hand whips out of my shirt. As they fall, it's almost as if he's embracing her. They're still for a moment. I couldn't move, the shock of what was happening was still setting in. Nuriko suddenly jumped up. Her eyes were to the ground and a light blush dusted her whiskered cheeks.

Yes, we were born with whisker like marks on our cheeks. Three on each side to be exact. Hers are a little finer than mine, but they're still visible.

I look at her in confusion for a while, it didn't last long. The guy I ran into was back on his feet. He grabbed hold of her wrist and begun to drag her down the corridor. She struggled, of course, but I knew she wouldn't escape that grip.

"Oi, jerk! Get your hands off my sister." I tried to charge him, like Nuriko had done earlier, but he brushed me off into a wall. "Argh!" I cried out as I hit my head really hard. "You ass-wipe, leave my sister alone!" I got up and was about to try again, but Nuriko stopped me.

"No Naruto." She said firmly. I'd never heard her use such a serious voice before. Not even at our parent's funeral. "I can handle anything this guy throws at me. Just get to your room, now." I gulped but nodded. The tone of voice she was using was kinda scary. I rushed to the room, opened the door and dashed in. Once the door was closed I slid down it and let out a frustrated cry.

"Room wasn't that hard to find was it?" He asked.

-Nuriko's P.O.V-

As soon as I heard my brother in trouble I rushed around the corner. Some guy was stood there with his hand up my brother's top. Rage instantly came to life inside me. All thought process went out the window.

"NARUTO!" I yelled, doing the first thing that came to mind. I charged the guy stood over him. Mere seconds passed before I collided with him and we both ended up tumbling to the floor. I felt one of his hands brush my breast as we fell, saw the glint of mischief in his dark obsidian eyes. Then we landed. I stilled for a moment. Something hard in his pocket was pressed against my stomach. 'Shit shit shit shit!' I chanted in my head as I got to my feet. For one that object wasn't in his pocket and two, said object was his dick. I avoided eye contact with both the guy and Naruto, Choosing instead to stare at a rather interesting square of carpet.

A hand closed tightly around my wrist and began to pull me further along the corridor. I knew what was happening, that I couldn't avoid it, but I tried to pull away anyway.

"Oi, jerk! Get your hands off my sister!" I turned my head towards Naruto's yells. He tried to charge the guy, liked I'd done earlier, but was easily dealt with. I gasped as Naruto's head hit the wall. "You ass-wipe, leave my sister alone!" He yelled. He got ready to charge again, but I stopped him.

"No Naruto. I can handle anything this guy throws at me. Just get to your room. Now." I used my most serious voice. I knew it would scare him a little, but I had no choice. If he knew what was going to happen to me, he wouldn't give up. The truth is my brother has a big heart and a small, slightly weak mind. He couldn't handle something like this and carry on as normal. I can. He gulped and regrettably nodded his head. I could tell he didn't want to leave me, but he had to. I sighed with relief as I heard the door close.

"Brave girl." The boy smirked, "but do you even know who I am?"

"Unlike my baka brother, yes, I do." I said matter-of-factly. I have a photographic memory. "Itachi Uchiha. Senior. This is your third and final year here. Never had a roommate. Councillors are scared of ya and even the principle daren't kick you out. Want me to tell you your room and mobile number or was that enough?" I recited the information as if reading from a text book. He didn't like it. He scowled briefly, before smirking again.

"You'll see just how bad I can be soon enough." He said stonily as he continued to drag me along. I rolled my eyes. What else could I do?

-Normal P.O.V -

Few people stared at Itachi as he dragged the blonde girl to his room. They didn't stare, because they were afraid. That's also why nobody bothered to help.

The pair reached Itachi's room, 35a. Nuriko was horrified to learn that Itachi's room was at the opposite end of the corridor to Naruto's. It must only be what, 25 maybe 30 meters away. She'd have to keep him happy to keep him away from Naruto. Itachi finished punching the numbers into the keypad and swung her inside.

"Whoa!" She yelled as she landed softly on the bed. She sat up and unbuttoned the white, three quarter sleeve shirt she was wearing. Itachi turned around to face her and his eyes widened slightly in shock.

"What the hell are you doing?" He gritted out from between his teeth.

"What does it look like? I'm undressing." Nuriko snapped back as she undid the buttons on her black, wrap around mini skirt.

"I can see that, but why?" Itachi asked moving closer. She was now rolling her fishnet stockings down her legs. "Are you giving in, submitting?"

"Um, I guess." She replied uncertainly. Itachi smirked, hastily removing his own clothing and then crawling on top of her, pressing her to the bed with his chest. "Umm, maybe this wasn't such a good idea." She mumbled, trying to wriggle out from underneath him. "You're bigger than I thought and I've never done this before."

Itachi stopped assaulting her neck for a moment. "What was that? I didn't quite hear." He grinned evilly.

"I said you're bigger than I thought," Nuriko snapped. She was blushing furiously.

Itachi chuckled again. He got himself into position then leant down next to her ear. "Don't worry, it won't hurt. Much." His last word said he thrust in harshly. Nuriko cried out in pain. It felt as if she were being stabbed by knives, or ripped open from the inside. Itachi didn't even give her a second to adjust. He pulled out and roughly pushed back in again, greedily sucking on every part of her neck and collar bone he could reach. "You. Will. Learn. To. Respect. Me." Itachi growled with each inward thrust. "You. Will. Be. Mine. Only." Itachi thrust one more time before he released. Panting slightly, he climbed off her and started heading towards his bathroom, but the rustle of sheets stopped him. He slowly turned around to face her, an eyebrow raised questioningly.

"Never." Was the single defiant word she got out, before fainting gracefully back onto the bed.

"Hn." He walked the rest of the way to his bathroom and took a quick shower.

He couldn't help but have some admiration and respect for the girl. He'd just fucked her into unconsciousness and she still wasn't the slightest bit afraid of him. He quickly dressed, frowning at the still unconscious girl, wondering what to do. Shrugging, he walked over, clothed her in his dressing gown and carried her bridal style to the room their brothers shared.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Naruto yelled as Itachi carried the stirring blonde girl over to his bed. Itachi remained silent. He ungraciously dropped her onto the bed. This caused her to yell at him.

"Ow. Bastard can't you leave a girl to sleep after you..." She didn't finish that sentence because she'd just noticed a pair of big, watery, blue eyes staring at her worriedly. "Never mind." She said instead. Naruto looked disappointed.

"Oh, you mean after I..."Itachi was cut off.

"I said never mind, now shut up!" Nuriko scowled sitting up. Itachi chuckled. Surely her brother, a sixteen year old, hormone crazed teen, wasn't all that innocent. He chuckled darkly again, before leaving the room.

Nuriko sighed into her hands. "Uh, Nuriko are you alright?" Naruto asked crawling onto the bed. Naruto didn't expect an answer, but he got one.

"Just tell me, how bad is it?" She asked as she stood up, dropping the robe in the process. Sasuke's jaw dropped with the robe. Whoever say's he's gay is wrong. He's bi, he just prefers guys. Naruto would've burst out laughing at his roommate's expression, if he wasn't too busy staring at the bruising covering his sisters collar bone.

"And that's all he did, strip you and cover you in love bites?" Naruto asked sceptically. Nuriko just nodded.

"You sure, because my brothers usually a lot worse?" Sasuke said.

"Brother." Nuriko spat. "That bastard is your brother!" Nuriko advanced towards Sasuke, wapping him over the head for being so passive about it all. Her scowl would have been slightly intimidating if she weren't naked. Instead, it just made him laugh. Once Naruto's slow brain caught up, he started laughing too. Nuriko folded her arms, tapping one foot in annoyance. Though when she thought about it, what she'd just done was quite funny and soon she was laughing too.

So guys what do you think? Let me know please. Naruto and Nuriko have a pretty close relationship as twins. If anyone hasn't noticed, this story is centred on the female Naruto (which is Nuriko of course) just thought I'd make that clear.

Till next time. Bye!