Reviews for Love Born of Hate
Guest chapter 6 . 7/21/2016
Its sad i didnt read this when you were still writing this but i just wanted to say that i love this story and that you are a great writer
Uchiha Natsumi chapter 6 . 5/10/2015
puedes hacer una secuela me gusto mucho y desearĂ­a que hicieras una
mirian chapter 6 . 12/22/2013
que lindo
Vongolafan16 chapter 6 . 11/30/2013
That was such an epic story.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/4/2013
or i love that story better then the others I have read of itachi and naruto
DragonFire Princess chapter 6 . 10/27/2012
I Love the way this story is writing, Hope you'll uploads the story soon; I want to know what happen next in the story. So please update the story ASAP.

When will you continue this story?

I want to know what will happen next in the story.
XNuffSaidX chapter 5 . 12/4/2011
damn no wonder she lost the baby she had it for like 14 months or a year and 2 months if you perfer, yes i was acually doing the math -_-
silverdoutrane chapter 6 . 9/24/2011
Wonderful ending!

Write more and LONGER Itachi and Naruko FANFICS AND MATURE!
narutogirl103 chapter 6 . 7/24/2011
great story!
The Orachen chapter 6 . 7/20/2011
Alright, You asked for a review. I'll give you one.

1. You have tremendous potential as a writer.

2. You chose the wronge pairing/subject to write about.

3. Personally, I have nothing against Naruto being a girl, and having sex with Itachi or Sasuke, but the way you suddenly portrayed the sex, rather ... lacking in substance.


-Write about something that most people will read. Did you know that out of the 10 or so stories that have more than 5k reviews about 7 of them have listed in the details that its a NaruHina.

People like to read the canon. Don't change too many details and you'll be fine.

-Try and get a good buildup going.

I admit I suck as a writer. In fact I'm probably one of the worst writers here. So don't any of my comments like i'm flaming you or anything.

You wrote a good story, but it wasn't to the tase of the masses.
Secret world chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
Loved it cant wait to read more. lol
wherethehellami chapter 6 . 4/17/2011
Awww what a great ending to a great story. I love how Sai got his ass beat by Itachi hehehe that will make me hapy just to think of that when I am sad. So you are a great writer keep up the great work. Now I have to get some sleep becase it is 3:08 in the morning so good life I guess and bye. :)
Law-Mae chapter 4 . 4/12/2011
Wow this is a great story and I hope that u r feeling better but does this mean that the baby will die I mean it is probaly getting no nutrision (srry if spelled wrong)by thet way I love how u made Sai a waiter I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Sai in a suit with slick back hair and a big red bow tie ik u didn't say he had a bow tie i just imagine that he would have one either that or he would be ina suit 2 sizes 2 small cause it is Sai anyway love the story it is great.
narutoyaoifan chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
the story was really good. it was also funny at the end. plz update soon.
Zlorecile chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
OOH! Sounds interesting! Would love love love to see it updated!