Chapter 5

But as I lay in bed unable to fall asleep I'd never felt so far away from her or so alone. The empty pillow next to me was the final straw. I was back out of bed not even glancing at the clock pulling the clothes I'd worn that day back on, grabbing my keys as I made my way from to my car and drove through the deserted streets with only one goal in mind.

My feet carried me to her door and I knocked once hoping that she'd answer right away. But when there was no response I looked at my watch to realize that it would probably take a few more times to get any sort of a response from her at this time and so I knocked again, and after a suitable time I knocked again.

Finally, I heard her unlocking it the door opened to reveal her wrapped in her robe, hair rumbled. Her body radiated a restless sleep as she just stood there and waited from me to say something. I took a deep breath and started, "I can't do this anymore."

She nodded so calmly which told me that she was going to approach whatever I said in a logical and rational manner. "Ok Booth. That's ok. I learned a lot from you these last few years. I'll put in a request for a new partner in the morning." And she made to close the door.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I hadn't intended for her to take that meaning out of my words at all, in fact I'd intended to babble at her for a little bit longer to make my point. But the door was closing and I didn't have another option as my hand flew out to stop the door from closing literally and metaphorically.

She looks stunned and just starred at my hand as if she hadn't even considered this a possibility. "Last night was the longest night of my life and I would appreciate it if you would let me finish because when I say I can't do this anymore I don't mean I'm done with us. I mean I'm done with the undefined."

There was the most imperceptible nod of her head and she brought her eyes up to mine. "There is no way I'm giving up this time. We've been together for too long and what we have Bones it's stronger than any bond I've ever had with anyone else. I'm not losing you this time."

A tear escaped her eye running down her cheek and my hand itched to reach out and brush it away, but I stood still as I waited for her to say something. Finally her breath hitched, "What are you saying Booth?"

Now I took the step across the threshold wrapping one arm around her waist and using the other free hand to wipe away the errant tear. "I'm all in Bones. It doesn't matter what comes next. I'm all in."

She stared up at me eyes glittering as she comprehended what I said and with a watery laugh she smiled, "Really?" All I could to was nod. "I was sure you were going to say no." She admitted wrapping her arms around my neck. "All the logical and rational signs of the last few months pointed to you saying no."

"Yeah, well…" I brushed her hair behind her ear, "I came to my senses" I smiled and brushed a kiss over her lips before pulling back just a little bit and resting my forehead on her and gazing into the currently green eyes that sparkled with tears. "I'm not losing you not now not ever."

"Ok" She nodded "Ok. I'm not going anywhere."

I pressed and kiss to her forehead now and just pulled her close kicking the door closed behind me.

And there it is, what I think is the end of the season. I didn't read any spoilers I just have this feeling that something like this is going to play out.

What did you think? Please let me know I really do appreciate it.

Elevators and blizzards tomorrow.

It's been a pleasure.
