One-shot set during and after the events of Episode 1.01 "See One. Do One. Teach One."
Also there was some inspiration from the Friends episode where Joey and Ross take a nap together and it's the most rested either of them have ever felt. Remember that?
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. No infringement intended and no profit will be made from their use.
Jane awoke feeling surprisingly refreshed. However, the first second of calm quickly became panic when she realized that something heavy was on top of her. Jane opened her eyes and looked down to see Maura's leg spread across her legs, Maura's arm draped over her waist, and her head on Jane's chest. This discovery did not cause the panicked feeling to subside but only served to replace it with a different panic. What the hell? Why is Maura cuddling with me? The last thing I remember is lying in bed talking. I must of fallen asleep. But how did this happen?
Jane's thoughts were interrupted by Maura starting to stir. Jane did the first thing that came to mind which was pretend to still be sleeping. Maura started to move her hand across Jane's stomach and then stopped and Jane heard Maura's breathing hitch. Suddenly Maura quickly moved her body away from Jane's, got up from the bed, and left the room. Shit. Okay I'm just going to keep pretending I was sleeping.
Maura came in a little while later to wake Jane up for work. "Did you sleep okay?" she asked Jane.
"Uh, yeah, actually I slept really well," Jane answered and she realized it was really true. She couldn't remember being this rested in months.
Hours later, Jane collapsed to the floor against her door. Her apartment was still a mess after being ransacked by Hoyt's apprentice, who was now dead. Hoyt was back in custody and Jane had survived another encounter with him. Maura came over to help Jane clean up. Instead they headed out to get a drink.
"You know, you should really just stay with me tonight, and as long as you need to until your apartment gets cleaned up," Maura told Jane.
"Well, I think I might take you up on your offer. I think I had the best night's sleep I've had in very long time at your house."
"Uh, Jane. I think I need to tell you something but it's a little embarrassing. When you stayed in my guest room the other night, after we were talking you fell asleep. I decided to stay a little while to make sure you were going to be okay and I guess I fell asleep too. When I woke up in the morning I was...well, I was cuddled up against you and kind of on top of you. I don't know when it happened. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable so I left before you woke up. I'm sorry."
"I know. I woke up before you did and panicked. When I felt you waking up I pretended to still be asleep because I wasn't sure how to react. I'm sorry for pretending."
"You panicked?"
"Well, first I just felt a weight on me and didn't know what it was so I panicked, and then it was you and I didn't know how we ended up in that position."
"I'm really sorry. You can stay in my guest room whenever you need to and I promise that won't happen again."
Jane took a deep breath. "What if I wanted it to happen again?"
"I'm not kidding when I say it was the best night's sleep I've had in a long time. Maybe it was because you were there."
"Jane, c'mon. You slept well because you were exhausted. That's all."
"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm actually gonna to go get to work on cleaning my place up. It's going to take forever and I should get started on it. I'll see you later."
I'm so stupid. Yeah Maura, I want to cuddle in bed with you some more because it makes me sleep better. What is the matter with me? Obviously I have some sort of stress induced insanity. I should ask Maura if that's a thing. Ughh, Maura.
Jane was lying in bed. She went home, swept up all of the debris in her bedroom, and then collapsed on the bed.
I did sleep better with Maura there. I fell asleep and didn't even notice when she moved half on top of me. Because I felt safer with her there. Which is ridiculous because she wouldn't be able to protect me from Hoyt or anyone else. But I feel safe with her. Ughh, what a mess.
Jane only managed a couple of hours of restless sleep. She tossed and turned until finally giving up trying to sleep anymore around 6am. She spent the day cleaning up the rest of her apartment and then collapsed on the couch with a sandwich and beer. She ate and watched the end of the Red Sox game until she was totally exhausted. Jane hoped to fall asleep right on the couch, thinking that might allow her to actually sleep. After an hour she was no closer to sleeping than she had been that morning. Fuck it. I'm just going over to Maura's house. She'll let me sleep in her guest room.
Twenty minutes later she rang Maura's doorbell. Maura answered in her pajamas, "Hi Jane. Come in. Are you okay?"
"Sorry, I know it's late but I don't think I'm ready to sleep at my apartment yet. Can I please crash here again?"
"Of course. I told you that yesterday. Go make yourself at home."
Jane put her bag in the guest room and got ready for bed. When she crawled under the covers she noticed the sheets smelled like Maura and it was a comforting smell. Maura came in to say goodnight. "Do you have everything you need?"
Again Jane took a deep breath. "No, I don't. I've barely slept at all the past two days. I would really appreciate it if you could lie here with me until I fall asleep. Please?"
"Of course." Maura went to sit on the edge of the bed but Jane pulled back the covers and motioned for her to get in.
Jane fell asleep almost immediately. She woke up feeling something heavy on her left arm and opened her eyes to find herself wrapped around Maura's body. Her left arm was under Maura's neck and her right arm around Maura's waist. "Maura, wake up sweetie." Maura woke up and Jane felt Maura's body tense when she realized the position they were in. "It's okay. I'm sorry. I just woke up and I don't know how this happened. But I didn't want to pretend it didn't. I can't explain it but this feels more perfect than anything else I've ever felt."
"Jane, you don't know what you're saying."
"Yes, I do. I've never let myself be so vulnerable before and I've never felt so safe with anyone before. That we keep ending up like is isn't an accident. This is just right."
Maura rolled over so she was facing Jane. "Do you really mean that?"
Jane nodded and Maura said, "I'm going to kiss you now."
Jane nodded again and Maura pressed her lips against Jane's lips, which parted slightly at the touch. Maura pulled back and said, "Is that right too?"
"Yes, it's perfect."