I have at long last updated! Sorry it's so short!

Lucy woke up in the hospital. And sat upright immediately, "Where is he?"

Susan took her hand, "Where's who?"


Susan took a deep breath, "If you mean that man who came in smelling strangely, I sent him away."

"But Susan! He's the only man I'm interested in!"

"He smells like goat!"

"Susan Dear, you're the one who told me to get to know someone before I judged, I want to get to know him."

"I sent him away, and I don't know where to find him. I'm sorry, I just don't."

Edmund came in, "Lu, you woke up!"

"Edmund, do you know where he went?"

Edmund winked at her, and then said, "I think Susan would prefer it if we didn't talk about him right now."

Susan cast grateful eyes towards her younger brother, "Yes I would. Thank you Ed. Now excuse me, I need to use the loo."

As soon as Susan had left the room Lucy clutched at her brothers arm, "Do you know where he lives Edmund? Do you?"

Edmund nodded, "Yes, he lives on a goat farm. Of all things, a goat farm! The man who hired him says that he has a way with the goats, so he lives in a little cabin there. He even gave me the address."

"What's the address, I want to go there later."

"1800, Bow-"

"I'm back," Declared Susan, "Now look, we need to get back home, the doctor says that you're fine, and we don't want Peter to be worrying about you!"

Soon, they were home again.

The Next Day

"Susan, I'm going to get a pet goat. I've heard of a goat farm, and well, I just want a pet goat. If you won't let me be with who I want to be with, I want to at least have a pet goat." Lucy stood in front of Susan, declaring that she wanted a pet goat as if she would fall over and die if she didn't get one.

Susan, alarmed came up to her and put her hand on Lucy's forehead, "Lucy calm down, I don't want you fainting again!"

"Then let me get a pet goat!"

Susan looked worried, and Edmund came into the room, "Well, what'd she say Lu? Sue, don't worry, I'll take her."

"Alright, alright, go get a pet goat. But you're keeping it outside on a leash!"

Lucy jumped a foot in the air from happiness, "Oh thank you Susan, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

And with that they were off to the goat farm on 1800 Bower St.

Good, bad, in between? Review and let me know!

Oh, and here's some responses to my reviewers:

To 4everYoung93: Thank you, that means allot, and I think I'll dedicate this chapter to you!

To Calanmire424: I've continued!

To Fennelwink: You know, I'm really not sure, I'll have to look it up, thank you for pointing that out to me, and being nice about it too.

To The Narnian Phantom Stallion: Don't worry there, Susan should remember at the end, but you never know, and you know, I'm just the author, what do I know!