Reviews for Who's out of the Wardrobe?
TurtleJustice chapter 3 . 12/25/2015
This is such a clever story idea. It is utterly charming, with a hint of silliness, and an endless number of ways you could take it. It is sad that it has been over four years since it was last updated as that likely means you shant be continuing with it, but thank you for sharing it.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/29/2015
I will die, if u dont update this story
crimson6633 chapter 3 . 9/19/2014
oh, please continue this story! This is currently the only fanfic in the Narnia genre of my alert list. Ive quite enjoyed it
FireUpTheIQ chapter 3 . 7/15/2014
Well this is fascinating. Hope u write a new chapter soon
ShaunaChe chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
I really love this little story about Tumnus and Lucy. It's really fun, could you keep working on it?
aesthetichipstertrash chapter 3 . 5/29/2012
Love it! please write more very soon!
Saamon-sama chapter 3 . 5/22/2012
ahhh...but satyrs are the ones who are part goat.

fauns are part deer.
Angelwomon chapter 3 . 3/10/2012
Lucy and Tumnus! I really like this story, please update!
Saizo's Little Lady chapter 3 . 2/4/2012
*squeals* oh how I've longed for some good T/L you have cured my hunger! :D but please update before I go nuts. Heheheheeeh
VividInfinity chapter 3 . 1/31/2012

plz plz plz update soon!

this is so good!

i luv how so many people have had suitors and junk for lucy, but not tumnus!


continue soon!
walkintomordor chapter 3 . 1/31/2012
I can see that this is going to be a really cool story. It's a shame that Susan doesn't remember Tumnus. Will Lucy really show up with a pet goat? It'll be interesting to see Susan's reaction, goat or no goat! Keep up the good work!
4everYoung93 chapter 2 . 10/14/2011
This story is great! I'm so happy that they finally have a chance to be together, Tumnus and Lucy. I know you haven't updated in a long time, and so I know my review might be too late, but I hope when you see it, you'll give this story another go. It's fantastic, and I'd hate to see it go to the Unfinished Boneyard, like so many others on this site. I'll be putting it on my Alert list, though. Just in case ;)

Think on it.

Calanmire424 chapter 2 . 10/1/2011
I really enjoyed this story and hope you continue it soon. I can't wait to see what happens. I think this story has the potential to be really great!
vesperlynds chapter 2 . 6/9/2011
I really love your concept, and this is fantastic so far! I really hope you update and keep up with this story. I love Lucy/Tumnus and this is a great way to make the pairing happen. :) Your story is lovely so far.
Fennelwink chapter 2 . 3/28/2011
Interested to see where this goes. Way to go Tumnus, that's initiative! I can't believe someone's complaining about the pairing considering all the incest pairing this fandom gets.

One thing that bugged me a little... Would they use the term suitors in the 1940's? Sure it was normal when they were in Narnia, but back in England? I'm just not sure. Ah well.

Also, the one nitpicky bit I can't let go is the line "We're taking Lucy to the hospital..." It sounds too American. Should be "We're taking Lucy to hospital..." Leaving out the "the" makes it sound much more English.
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