Unintended Medicine

by PuppyNoelle

Description: Maka goes on the Pill to help alleviate her troublesome menstrual symptoms, but things become skewed when Soul finds out about her new prescription. SoulxMaka, multi-chap, future lemon.

A/N: I'm back! Thank you so much to everyone who read and reviewed my first Soul Eater story, Promiscuity! I got so much encouragement from you guys, and I can't thank you all enough :3 I got 7 reviews and almost 600 hits in the first 48 hours after my story posted! That's probably the most traffic any of my stories has gotten so quickly on this site, so thank you!

I got the idea for this story while watching the episode of Sex and the City where Miranda visits her gynecologist and decides to go off birth control and finds out that she has a "lazy ovary" (for any of you who have seen that episode). I figured I'd put Maka through a little gyno awkwardness too, just for fun.

Love, Ash~

Maka Albarn was really not in the mood for this. She couldn't wait to get out of this thin cotton hospital gown and get her own clothing back on. It was way too drafty in the cold, sterile exam room. But of course she had to wait for the doctor to get back.

The seventeen year old meister had just had her very first gynecological exam, and she had never felt more embarrassed in her life. Having those cold tools and gloved fingers probing around her unmentionables and poking around her breasts was a total nightmare. She shuddered at the still recent memory.

Finally, the brunette woman strode calmly back into the room, with Maka's clipboard in hand.

"Well Maka, you are perfectly healthy. Everything seems to be in good shape. Now, I know that earlier you complained about having unusually painful menstrual cramps and very heavy bleeding during your period. I know you mentioned that you had to miss a couple days of school last time, and to help you out I would like to put you on an oral contraceptive."

Maka stared blankly. "A what?"

"An oral contraceptive dear- birth control pills."

"W-what?" Maka stammered.

The doctor lightly laughed, reaching over and patting the girl's hand. "It's alright. Nowadays many women use it primarily to reduce menstrual and pre-menstrual symptoms. It's not just for preventing pregnancy."

"Oh," the blonde replied meekly, as the doctor scribbled on the clipboard.

Maka stared blankly at the wall, until she heard a small rip, and the doctor handed over a piece of paper with a prescription on it.

"Here you go," she smiled, as Maka tentatively grasped the paper. "You're all set to go Maka! Just remember to come back in a couple of months so we can have another check-up and alter the strength of your prescription if we need to."

"Okay, thanks..." the young girl replied, and the good doctor quietly left the room so Maka could change.

Later that afternoon, as Maka walked home from the pharmacy, she clutched the bag with her prescription to her tightly. What on earth was she going to tell Soul, her very male roommate? Going on the Pill was embarrassing enough, and if he found out, she would never hear the end of it. He had finally quit teasing her about her small breasts (which weren't quite so small anymore, to her relief). Still, she knew her best friend, and if she let him in on any embarrassing information, it probably wouldn't be long before he told Black Star... and no one's secrets were safe once the loudmouth Black Star knew about them.

No, she simply wasn't going to tell anyone about her new prescription. She could just hide the pills in her room, and take them right before bed when no one else was there to disturb her. Not even Soul would find out that way.

The meister thought her plan was foolproof until she reached the door to their apartment and realized that, since it was a Saturday, her roommate was probably inside, on the couch, watching television. For the first time she cursed herself for not bringing a purse with her.

With no way around the situation, Maka slowly turned the knob and peeked around the door. Just as she thought, Soul was still in his pajamas and sprawled out across the couch with his crimson eyes glued to the TV. Since he hadn't turned to look at her yet, she quickly took the chance to stash one hand behind her back, clutching the container of pills.

When his gaze finally met hers, she plastered on a quick smile, waved at him, and immediately scuttled off to her bedroom. She hadn't noticed the quizzical look that crossed her weapon's face at her odd behavior.

Once inside the safety of her room, Maka closed the door behind her and breathed a sigh of relief. She kicked off her shoes, and tentatively opened the paper pharmacy bag. She curiously pulled out the circular plastic container of pills and the folded piece of paper that contained the drug facts and directions.

There was a knock on the door, and she jumped, dropping the pill container on the floor.

"Maka, what are you doing?" It was Soul.

"N-nothing!" she stammered, hastily reaching down to scoop up the fallen pills, just as her bedroom door flew open. She'd forgotten to lock it!

Soul arched a curious eyebrow at her as his eyes traveled down to the container that her left hand was currently clasping on the floor.

Maka noticed where his line of vision had traveled, and she immediately popped back up, hiding the container behind her back, with her face flushed.

Soul blinked. "What is that?"

"I... it's just a prescription the doctor gave me," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Well then why are you hiding it from me? They're just pills, no big deal, right?" he asked, reaching around behind her back for the container.

"No!" Maka squealed, jumping out of his reach.

Soul was annoyed now. "Maka, what the hell? They're just fucking pills, it's not like you haven't made me get you Midol or tampons before. What could be more embarrassing for a cool guy than that?"

"Uh..." She flushed, but didn't fight him this time as he reached for the packet again.

Soul draped his fingers around the circular container and brought it close enough to his face to read the label. He murmured inaudibly as he read the contents of the label, until the words, "oral contraceptive" left his mouth, and he became slack-jawed. A hint of pink graced his cheeks as his face displayed an incredibly rare moment of raw embarrassment. Maka's own face was tomato red.

Soul couldn't look his meister in the face. Instead, he swallowed and muttered, "M-maka, you're not having..."

Maka-chop! The textbook from her desk slammed into his cranium, causing him to drop the pill container onto the floor, and clutch his aching skull.

"What? You are such a pervert! Get out of my room!" Maka screamed, madly waving her book around in the air as a flustered Soul flew out the line of fire.

Maka slammed her bedroom door behind him, pressing her back up against it. She was fuming. She stamped around her room, recovering the discarded pills and placing them securely in a desk drawer. She continued mumbling about men and their stupidity, as she recovered the lost directions and read through the information thoroughly.

By seven o'clock, she finally realized that it was her night to cook dinner, and she scrambled out to the kitchen to get to work. She was an hour late getting dinner prepared, so she was surprised that Soul hadn't come banging on her door, demanding to be fed. He wasn't out in the kitchen, nor was he in the living area either. She curiously peered into his half-open bedroom door to find him missing from there as well. He wasn't in the apartment.

Maka suddenly felt a wave of guilt crash over her. She'd had no idea that he would be that upset about their fight. So she decided to make a homemade italian sausage and five cheese pizza, his favorite, to cheer him up when he came back home.

~end chapter one~

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