Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, it's finally complete! I love love love this chapter, and I'm pretty happy with how this has turned out I think. I hope you all enjoy it as well, please review!
I own nothing that you recognize :(
Lysander stared into his hands. He could see the little lines of light peeking through his fingers, and he liked the way that the sun made his skin light up bright and red around the edges of each finger. He made sure not to peek though, Lysander Scamander was no cheater. Although he never actually counted upon having to hide his gaze from her today. He just thought he'd have to wait to see her until she appeared on the end of the aisle, ready to walk to him.
"Ready or no Lily, here I come!" He called through the door, before pushing the wooden door open with his foot. He nudged his way around the room, keeping his eyes squeezed tight and searching for his bride to be. He heard sniffling coming from the direction he knew the bed to be in, and he headed that way. He dropped one hand from his face but made sure to keep his eyes squeezed tight so she couldn't accuse him of peeking. Feeling around he found her face and brushed a few tears away, before sitting on the bed beside her.
"Why so glum love?" He asked quietly, trailing blind kisses along her shoulder.
"You'll think I'm silly." She whispered, making him grin.
"I already think you're silly, Lily." He joked, making her smile, not that he knew it. "Come on love, what's the matter?" He asked, rubbing a hand along her back.
"We're getting married." She told him, as if he didn't already know.
"You don't say." He smiled. "Please don't tell me you're crying because you have to marry me." He frowned.
"No, I want to marry you." She assured him. "But I don't want to be married. Everyone says life is boring when you marry. We'll be a boring old married couple, and never leave the house and go on any more of our adventures together. I'm not scared to get married, I'm scared to get old. We're not going to get old are we Sander?" She asked softly.
Lysander pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
"Of course we're going to get old silly. That's what I'm looking forward to the most. But that doesn't mean we have to get boring." He smiled. "I can't wait to have children with you, and watch them grow and marry somebody they love just like I'm marrying you. We'll be just like your Gandmum and Grandpa Weasley, and all of the little grandchildren will come and stay with us. We'll have a quidditch pitch in the back and you can wear an ugly apron if you like." He smiled wider at the thought of it all. "But we have plenty of time for all that, just because we're marrying doesn't mean we have to stop going on our adventures together. You get a month off from the hospital right around the time my team breaks in between seasons, we'll go on a trip then, we can be married and still have fun." He assured her.
"I know. I told you I'm being silly." She amended. "I'm just scared. Do you think we're too young for this? That maybe we've rushed it?" She asked him timidly.
"We've been together for four years Lily, and I've loved you for many more than that. There's no reason to wait is there?" He asked, unsure of himself now. Maybe Lily really didn't want to marry him.
"None that I can think of." She agreed, and he smiled.
"Good, now quit your blubbering, I have a wedding to attend." He told her with a grin, before being slapped on the arm. He jumped and rubbed his arm furiously. "Watch it woman! I'm defenseless over here, there's a crazy maid of honor on the loose that might kill me if I peek." He told her solemnly, backing up carefully towards the door.
"Yes well Amala's damn right in threatening you." She scolded. "It's horrible luck for you to see me before the wedding, and Merlin knows we don't want any bad luck." He heard the bed squeak a little as she got up, and then he felt a feather light kiss being pressed to his lips, which he returned with a smile before walking into the hall and closing the door. He opened his eyes and jumped when he saw Amala Nott glaring at him in the hallway.
"You better not have looked!" She said, shaking a finger at him before shooing him down the hall with instructions to send Isabel up. They had makeup to fix after all.
Lysander stood at the front of the aisle anxiously. He knew the music would be starting any minute, and then Lily would appear, following Amala and Isabel down the isle. Lorcan squeezed his shoulder from his spot as best man and gave him a reassuring smile. Albus was muttering about itchy dress robes and how if it had been anyone other than his sister, he wouldn't be caught dead in the things. Lysander smiled.
Finally the music began and Isabel Zabini appeared at the opposite end of the aisle. The crowd turned their attention to her, and Albus shut up. Lysander couldn't help but notice the way she smiled up at his groomsman and it made him happy. Days like this were always made better by more love. Amala was looking just a beautiful as Isabel was, and they both had made their way gracefully down the aisle. Lysander's heart stopped.
Lily and her father finally appeared and Lysander couldn't think of a more beautiful sight. He didn't know what her dress looked like. He didn't know how her hair was styled. All he knew was that she positively glowed. Her eyes were swimming and he knew these tears were the happy ones. She mouthed an I love you and he grinned.
Lily and Uncle Harry were taking far too long to walk down that aisle.
Finally they reached the end, and Lily's father said something to her that made her nod and smile, before placing a kiss on his cheek. He returned the gesture and then placed her hand in Lysanders and took his seat.
Lysander didn't pay a bit of attention to what Kingsley Shacklebolt had to say. He only repeated the words from instinct. He was mesmerized. He knew he must have said I do at the correct moment though, because he finally heard the sentence he'd been waiting for since he first saw her at the top of the aisle.
"You may kiss the bride."