Disclaimer: Aragorn, Denethor, and anything Middle-Earth related is most definitely not mine. The original song "King Herod's Song" (from the great musical, "Jesus Christ, Superstar") is by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

DENETHOR: Aragorn, I am overjoyed

To meet you face to face.

You've been causing quite a stir

All around the place.

Healing shieldmaidens, walking 'mongst the dead!

And now I understand you're King –

At least that's what you've said.

So, you are the Heir, you're Isildur's Heir!

Prove to me that you're divine; if you're not gold how can you shine?

That's all you need do, and I'll know it's all true!

Come on, Isildur's Heir!

Arrers, you just won't believe the hit you've made 'round here!

You are all we talk about, our very own monarch dear.

Oh, what a pity, if it's all a dream.

Still I'm sure by Narsil's shards that you're not what you seem.

So, you are the Heir, you're Isildur's Heir!

Prove to me that you're no fool,

Turn my fever down to cool.

If you do that for me, then I'll let you walk free!

Come on, Isildur's Heir!

I only ask things I'd ask any superstar.

What is it that you have got that puts you where you are?

I am waiting! Yes I'm a captive fan.

I'm dying to be shown that you are not just any Man.

So, if you're the Heir, yes the great Isildur's Heir,

Let me look at your sword before I delcare you my overlord.

Or has something gone wrong? Why do you take so long?

Come on, Isildur's Heir!

Hey! Aren't you scared of me, Heir? Mr. Wonderful Heir?

You're a joke, you're not our King! You are nothing but a fling!

Take him away – he's got nothing to say!

Get out you Isildur's –

Get out!

Get out you Isildur's Heir!

Get out you Isildur's Heir!

Get out of my life!