This is my new story, guys. I won't continue highschool love. There is a small chance i will continue flowerly love. For some reason, I think the story has already a happy end. so I find it not necesarry to make it more beautiful. So here is a brand new story. It is inspired by the beauty and the beast. I'm sure you will find many elements of it.^^

"Once upon a time, there lived a king He was very handsome, very talented and could easily find himself a suitable wife. However he was never interested in others and could only love himsef. Moreover he was very greedy and arrogant. Due to his bad behaviour, he got enchanted by the rose witch. He was turned into an animal and had to stay as an animal, until he could finally find true love. No one knows what he was turned into .This was the king's fate."

Carly shook her head. "Such a terrible story, and it has even no happy end!" Carly clapped afterwards the book shut. Carly searched for other books in the library. Apparently, there were not so many new books and she almost read everything. * Sigh..* Carly leaned her head on the library's table, so she could do a little nap. "I' am so sleepy..."Slowly her eyelids closed.

Around now, some other living being was awake. This animal had always been living in the libray and had never been outiside of the library. The library was his place. And would always be...or is it not quite true? The animal opened his eyes. Somehow, his inner instincts told him to wake up. The animal didn't know why, but it felt apparently something. The animal slowly left his hole and made his way to explore the library. The animal run around the libary, only to find a human sleeping.

It was very risky for the animal to go outiside far from the hole, because compared to human, the animal was enormous weak. But he had to go. Something about the human girl seemed to attract him.

When the girl brought a yawn, the animal quickly escaped to his hole. The girl was awake. The girl stretched her arms and brought another yawn. "Huh? It's already that late? I better go home. Carly took her rucksack and left the library as soon as possible. The animal watched from his little hole, the girl leaving the library. Now he was alone... again.

Can you guess, what's kind of animal it is? ^^ I think you already found out. Another thing. I really want to study the Englisch language, so I can write better stories. Please can you recommend me some study books for learning the Englisch language?