Imperial Entanglements

Disclaimer: I do not own SkipBeat! or any of the characters from the Manga. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to cast aspersions on the true Japanese Imperial Family in any way. None of the names, personalities, or events in this story reflect true events in any way. The true Japanese Imperial Court is intricate and complicated beyond the easy understanding of a foreign commoner such as me. Nevertheless, I'm confident that someone will still be offended by my characterization of this fictional family. For that I can only apologize.

Chapter 27 – The Prince of Thieves

Princess Noriko reached out impulsively and placed her hands on either side of Kyoko's flushed cheeks. "Would you just relax, Kyoko-chan? He doesn't hate you and he isn't going to eat you! In fact, he specifically asked me if you were going to be here this year." History was repeating itself and Kyoko had been asked to co-host the Imperial Ball once again.

Kyoko inhaled deeply, held it, and then expelled the air in her lungs and stomach in one long, drawn out effort. It seemed to work. Her heart rate slowed, her shoulders un-tensed and her nervousness dissipated… okay, that wasn't true: she was still nervous, but now she knew that she could handle it.

She looked affectionately at the princess who had become her fast-friend over the past two years. Kyoko had fully expected to be ignored or perhaps even hated when she chose Kuon over Takahiro, but that had never happened. She still shared the occasional tea with the Empress, and sometimes her husband, the Emperor of Japan, would join them. They talked of both light and weighty manners with apparent unconcern, and Kyoko never left the Palace without feeling that she had learned something. The Empress had even invited Kuon twice, but mostly she and the Empress visited alone.

"Mo! I can't believe that you talked me into wearing this thing!" Kotonami Kanae blustered as she stepped out of the private dressing area. Her words suggested annoyance, but her flushed face communicated her real pleasure at her appearance. And she had the right to be pleased. She was dressed in an off-the shoulder, pearl beaded gown that hugged her chest and waist to perfection and then flared out into a hoop skirt that looked like something straight out of one of Kyoko's faerie tale fantasies.

Both Kyoko and Princess Noriko gasped, and Kyoko stepped forward with glowing golden eyes, "Ohhhh! Moko-san…, you look…" She couldn't find the right words, but her eyes told Kanae everything that she needed to know.

The Empress glided gracefully into the room and said, "We should be going, ladies. Our carriages await. Kyoko, you need to save your husband before every princess in my family glomps onto him. You should see them out there."

Kyoko blushed and then excused herself. The words "your husband" were still very fresh, and the very thought of Kuon made her heart race. She didn't feel any jealousy or concern, not due to any feelings of superiority to any other woman, but because two years had proven Kuon's absolute, unflinching devotion to her. Even though she had kept him at-arms-length for eighteen months as she got to know the true man, he had never wavered. The truth was that she had never doubted him, but she had doubted her own worthiness to be with him. Finally, only four months ago, she had accepted his proposal. Two months and a whirlwind of wedding preparations later, she was Mrs. Kuon Hizuri.

Kyoko stepped out of the Empress' private chamber and saw her man, standing tall and handsome, surrounded by five princesses ranging from the ages of twenty-three to ten. He was talking casually to the ladies until he saw her. All else was forgotten as he gazed at the vision of loveliness approaching.

Kuon was still amazed each time that he thought about the idea that Kyoko was finally his. There had been moments, as he revealed his true impetuous and sometimes volatile self, when he worried that he might frighten her away. Kyoko had never pulled away and she had always accepted him, even when she learned of his violent teen years. She told him once that she had already learned that part of him when he was acting as BJ Striker almost three years before. It made him marvel that such a sweet, gentle, and caring person could accept even his ugly side.

As she approached, the princesses stepped aside. Although they enjoyed talking to this devilishly handsome and famous man, none of them were the type to covet what didn't belong to them. In the past two years several of them had met Kyoko, and two of them had participated in one of Princess Noriko's charity events with Kyoko. They liked her and often regretted that she hadn't joined the family.

The repeated news-media storms surrounding Kyoko's life had caused no negative effects on her life or career. In fact, Kyoko had returned to Tokyo to find that Sawara's desk was piled with offers for her. Operating on advice from Sawara and Lory… and Ren, of course, she very carefully selected five offers that would work with her already-busy schedule. Unrelenting had been a smash-hit, propelling her into the world of action-films. But what about sons? was now in its third season, but Kyoko had bowed out after the first two seasons and now she only made the occasional guest appearance. Her character, however, had become so beloved that it resulted in a flood of offers for her to play a quirky, out-of-the-mainstream young lady; thus ending her stint of being pigeon-holed into bad-girl bully roles. In the past two years she had walked away with at least one major award from each of Japan's several entertainment award shows.

The highlight of her career, thus far, at least as far as Kyoko was concerned, was when she had been cast alongside Tsuruga Ren (he still retained that name for his Japanese films) in a historical drama about the clash of powers in the sixteenth century. Kyoko played the only living survivor of her Samurai family. Instead of killing herself or submitting to any number of powerful men, she became a warrior and led her people against all attackers. Ren played her would-be enemy turned secret lover. The story ended tragically, but the drama was a huge success. Most importantly for her was that she had enjoyed the opportunity to play as Ren's equal. Because of that film, there were already several more project offers pairing the famous couple together.

Kuon stepped up to her and allowed his admiring eyes to take her in. He had only seen the photographs from two years before, making this the first time that he had seen her in such an elegant ball gown in person. "You look absolutely amazing." He took her hands and lifted them. Then his eyes took note of the delicate ring with the large diamond on her left hand, "Just make sure that every man sees that ring, my love. After they see you, half the men in the room will forget that they came with a date. The other half, the husbands, will hopefully behave better."

Kyoko blushed at his praise. She knew he exaggerated, but she also knew that he was entirely sincere in his admiration and praise. Kuon had the gift for making her feel beautiful, even though she still struggled with self-doubt in that area. She tilted her head up and said, "You look quite handsome yourself, Corn. I'll have to stay close to you all night long just to keep the princesses from stealing you."

"I just spoke with His Imperial Majesty," Kuon said seriously, "Prince Takahiro will be arriving late to the Ball… and he's bringing someone with him."

Kyoko gazed up at her handsome husband inquiringly, "Someone? Did he find a girl he likes?"

Kuon smiled as he silently replied, I sincerely hope so, though he only said, "It seems like it." He would never doubt Kyoko's faithfulness, but Kuon was well aware that he had come very close to losing her to the Prince. It had been the Prince who had succeeded in breaking Kyoko out of her fear of relationship. It had been this man who had even helped Kyoko to be comfortable under the public spotlight. Imperial Prince Takahiro was formidable and Kuon would be very pleased, and relieved, to see the man happily attached.


As the car pulled away from the curb, Kyoko's phone rang. She looked at the screen and gave it a tender smile. Kuon's eyebrows rose and she answered his unspoked question, "Father."

Their meeting had been tentative and strained at first, but over the past two years Kyoko had slowly begun to build a relationship with her father. Maeda had never surrendered his bid for the Prime Minister position, though the scandal had been a blow to his reputation. He had, however, scaled back on his criticism of the Imperial Family after a scalding session with Kyoko, where she talked about the Family and their kindness to her. She had told him in no uncertain terms that he and she would never have any type of relationship while he continued with his unfounded slander. He had given in.

While the relationship between father and daughter remained tenuous, the relationship between Kyoko and her new stepmother had grown quite close. Perhaps Kyoko had sensed the loneliness and longing in the older woman, or perhaps they were just similar; for whatever reason, the two ladies had liked each other immediately and had bonded... making it much easier for Maeda to also get to know his daughter. Perhaps someday they would even be comfortable around each other.

"Hello Father, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, Kyoko... I just wanted to wish you good luck hosting the gala. Mikato and I are flying down to Osaka for a rally, but we want you and Kuon to come over for dinner next Saturday, if you are free?" Kyoko had been holding to phone so that Kuon could here. She looked at him and he nodded.

"We'll be glad to, Father. Have a safe trip and I hope that your rally is successful." Kuon pulled Kyoko gently against his shoulder after she hung up. He marvelled once again at her forgiving nature. She could have spurned the man who rejected her as a child, but instead she had opened her heart. Truly there was no better woman. For a fleeting moment he thought about Kyoko's mother, but he couldn't help but be glad that Saena had chosen to reject any overtures of reconciliation. Kuon didn't think that he could forgive the woman who had treated his bride so cruelly. He was not as forgiving as the open-hearted girl by his side.


They arrived in front of the Tokyo Imperial Hotel thirty minutes later. The news media had received a copy of the guest-list and there was a feeding frenzy. Those that hadn't been able to secure a press-pass were crowded along the hotel drive. Not only was most of the Imperial Family attending this year, but the famous Hizuri couples as well... along with Imperial Prince Takahiro. It had only been two months since the wedding and this would be the first opportunity for most people to get a glimpse of the two generations of Japan's most famous entertainment family.

The cameras flashed blindingly, but Kyoko had been forced to get used to it, so she only nodded and smiled. It took effort, but she managed to climb out of the car gracefully and without flopping down on her face, though she was wearing a hoop-skirt. The famous couple smiled and waved for the cameras, though they walked into the hotel without answering any questions. .

Kuu and Julie had arrived earlier. They had spent the day visiting with their old friends, the Takaradas, and they chose to relax in the famous sky lounge. This was a special occasion for many reasons, not the least of which was that Maria was now twelve and would be attending a gala ball for the first time. They were all gathered near the entrance when Kuon and Kyoko walked in

"Onee-sama!" Maria exclaimed. She started to rush forward, then quickly stopped, composing herself into the young lady she was growing into. Standing there in her own gorgeous ball dress, she bowed in her most-dignified manner, "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hizuri."

Ren bowed formally, but Kyoko had to stifle a giggle as she stepped forward and embraced the girl who was growing more beautiful every day. Even though not quite thirteen, Maria was already almost as tall as Kyoko and still growing. Her doting grandfather speculated that she would be just as tall and perhaps even more beautiful than her famous mother. "You look wonderful, Maria-chan; like a real princess come to life."

Maria blushed and was prepared to speak, but just then the doorman formally demanded attention and announced the arrival of the Emperor and Empress of Japan. All eyes turned toward the door. Everyone bowed as the Imperial couple entered the ballroom. The couple began circulating the room and soon the conversations resumed.

Kotonami Kanae appeared several minutes later, on the arm of the former Imperial man-servant turned government official, Katsukawa Ichiro. It had been an almost-epic undertaking, but Ichiro had relentlessly pursued Kanae since the day he first met her. Now, two years later, they were finally "officially" dating. Kanae complained about him, but Kyoko knew the truth: Ichiro had succeeded where many others had failed; he had won Moko-san's heart. They made a handsome couple now as they circulated around the room. When Takahiro went to New York to finish his degree, Ichiro had remained behind and taken a position with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was the perfect fit for the job and was rising fast. That was good because Kotonami Kanae's star was finally rising as well; he would be hard-put to keep up.

Princess Noriko appeared and dragged Kyoko up to the stage. They formally welcomed the guests. They talked about the charity. They bantered comfortably back and forth, making the audience laugh. And then, finally, they asked the band to play.

Kyoko danced several dances with Kuon, with Kuu, and even with the Emperor. She had taken her seat to rest when the doorman finally announced Imperial Prince Takahiro. All eyes turned to see the handsome prince who had recently made the news in a positive way by graduating Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Agriculture from Cornell University… but now everyone's attention was on the exotic young lady who graced his arm. As usual, it was the reporter, Miyamoto Taki, who identified her first.

It was Princess Zumariah, the young princess from Singapore* who had made the news repeatedly by participating in disaster-relief projects throughout the world… and most recently in Japan. Not only was she beautiful, in an exotic and unique way, but she was kind-hearted. Japan had fallen for her instantly and she had been almost as popular as Japan's own Imperial Family during her time on the island. Now, as Kyoko watched the couple, she remembered that the young princess was also attending college in the United States. Perhaps they had met there?

It was another forty minutes before the new couple was finally able to get away from the throng and make their way over to the table where Kuon, Kyoko, their family and friends were seated. Takahiro made the introductions proudly and Princess Zumariah seemed genuinely pleased to meet everyone. She was especially pleased to meet Kuon and Kyoko, telling them that she had seen most of their work and stopping just short of turning into a fangurl. The introductions made, Takahiro asked Kuon if he could have Kyoko for one dance. Kuon, having watched the new couple, had no worries anymore. "I'm sure that Kyoko would be pleased to dance with an old friend, Your Grace… and may I request to dance with your lovely companion?"

Princess Zumariah almost choked at the request, but she consented and Kuon swept her out on the floor with his usual grace and charm. Meanwhile, Takahiro led Kyoko to the middle of the floor with a smile. "It's been a long time, Kyoko," he said, with none of his previous formal tone. "I'm sorry that I couldn't make it to your wedding."

Kyoko smiled with only the slightest blush. This man still had the power to make her feel slightly flustered, but she had long-since resolved any doubts concerning the love of her life. "That's all right, Old Friend." She decided to copy his informal manner, "You were busy getting perfect grades and graduating with high-honors…" she hesitated, and then said what she really wanted to say, "I'm very proud of you, Your Imperial Highness Oh Great and Mighty Exalted One… you did well."

Takahiro laughed, remembering the time when he had chided her for being so formal. Then he met her eyes with friendly affection, "Thank you, Kyoko; in so many ways. I may not have won your heart, but I hope that I can always count on your friendship?"

Kyoko mock-frowned, "That shouldn't even be a question, Takahiro," she grinned teasingly, "Now tell me about the girl."

For the remainder of the first dance and another long waltz, Takahiro talked animatedly about the princess. Kyoko felt only the slightest pang of jealousy. It was a fleeting thing and she was pleased to know that her second-favorite man had moved on. Kuon would never know how close she had been to choosing Takahiro until the moment of her press conference in the park. This was a good man who would perhaps someday be a great man. With the princess by his side, he might even change the world.

But as she looked over and met her handsome husband's adoring gaze, all such thoughts vanished. There was only one prince in her life; the one who had risen from the past and from her fantasies to become her greatest reality. He was the Prince of Thieves who had returned to steal her heart after long years of hurt and rejection from others.

She had her Corn, and he was all that any woman could ever ask for.

Notes: Thank you for reading Imperial Entanglements. It started as an idea with no clear direction. Unlike most of my other stories, I went from start to finish with no clear conclusion in-mind. I hope that it hasn't been too confused because of that.

* There is no royal family in Singapore... which is precisely why I chose to fictionalize this. Being a westerner, I have no clear idea on the political feelings between countries. I didn't want to align Takahiro with someone from a country where they would never consider marrying a Prince from Japan, so I chose a country w/o a royal family. I hope that this doesn't offend.

To everyone who read, reviewed, alerted and favorited, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
