In A Gotham Minute

Life changes in a flash, and no one knew that better than Olivia Scott. There were times when she read the newspapers and found stories that would sickened her stomach, but she knew there would always be something in her life that would top them all. How many women could say that they went from rags to riches and are part owner of the wealthiest empire in the country, all thanks to a man that couldn't share his true feelings? Olivia's life was now shrouded in secrets and lies, but walking away meant leaving everything that promised to keep her safe. She only hoped that in another flash everything would fall back into place.

Olivia pulled the thin strap over her heel, securing the four inch stiletto on her delicate foot. Once again she was numbly running through the ritual of making up the all powerful Mrs. Wayne, the face of Wayne Enterprise. Something inside broke every time she took that final glance in the mirror to make sure it was all there; the perfectly applied make-up, blonde hair neatly pulled back in a bun, and unwrinkled material for her designer suit. Smoothing over her black Gucci pencil skirt with manicured fingers, Olivia clicked her way through the mansion halls.

"It's cold out Ms. Olivia, wouldn't want you to get ill." Alfred held out her long winter coat as she moved into the foyer. She slid her arms in carefully, finally wrapping it securely around her torso.

"Thank you, Alfred. The last thing I want is to be held up in bed with a head cold. What would the company do without me?" Olivia flicked a sad look as she waited for him to walk out the door and bring the car around. Glancing at the mirror behind her quickly, she licked her ruby red lips before placing the fakest smile on her face, the only smile she'd used in seven years.

The city rolled by in a blur, and Olivia couldn't help the sadness she felt with the loss of awe the city gave her. It only lasted a few years, and soon she had just become another one of Gotham's privileged, no matter how hard she tried to stay out of the spotlight. She was the future Mrs. Wayne and for a short while it was simply Mrs. Wayne, legally she was still plain Olivia Scott, only now she was the face of a multi-billion dollar company.

"I'm having dinner with Rachel tonight. Don't wait up, Alfred. I'll take a cab home." Olivia told Alfred absently before sliding out of the car and entering the illustrious Wayne building.

She spent most of the day hiding in paper work, but now that she was forced out in these weekly dinner's with Rachel, she had to put on her brave face. Olivia hated the way she had to walk into a room, everyone's eyes on her watching for any hint of sorrow or guilt. The restaurant was new, only a few weeks old, and Olivia had insisted on getting reservations. It had become part of the ritual, Rachel picked the date, and Olivia picked the place and paid.

"How's work?" Olivia asked, already knowing the answer. Rachel sipped her wine, eyeing her friend suspiciously.

"Probably no better than yours," the women laughed, smiling appreciatively as the waiter arrived to refill their glasses. "But on a brighter note, you made the front page." Rachel said pulling out the paper from her bag.

"I don't want to see it." Rachel placed the paper in front of her anyway. "Gotham's Most Eligible Bachelorette, this is just sad." She pushed the paper to the side and finished her newly filled wine glass.

"Slow down there we haven't even gotten our appetizer yet." Rachel warned with a concerned look across her face. Olivia nodded as she waved the waiter back over.

They continued through their meal with mindless chatter. Rachel talked about work more than Olivia did, mostly due to the fact that Rachel's job was helping people. Throughout their conversation, Rachel noticed Olivia's considerable drinking and wavering attention.

"What are you thinking about?" Olivia smiled softly, realizing she'd been caught and would now have to listen to Rachel's line of questioning or give up her answer quickly. "Liv, I can tell it's been eating at you all night. You know you can tell me anything, remember I'm your best friend."

"Believe me, Rachel, I know that." Olivia said, swirling the remaining contents of her glass as she thought of what to say next. "It would have been our fifth anniversary today."

"Liv," Rachel began but was cut off as her best friend subtly raised her naked left hand.

"I just want to know why he left. I can't help but wonder what I did wrong." She ran her fingers under her eyes, catching any stray tears that might have fallen.

"It had nothing to do with you, Liv." Rachel said, trying to not say anything further. She'd never told her friend what had happened the day Bruce disappeared mostly because she felt guilty.

"How do you know? I should have been with him, all for a stupid midterm." Liv felt the tears fall down her face.

"He didn't come to the trial for his parents, Liv, he came to kill Chill." Rachel finished off her glass of wine, trying not to face her friend. "Falcone's people got to him first."

Liv took a cab home after dinner, tipping the driver better than she meant to. Her mind was on overdrive after listening to what Rachel had told her about the events after the trial. The house was dark and quiet, Alfred nowhere to be found. Finally she found a note taped to the hall vanity mirror, 'Had business to attend to out of town. Will be home shortly. -Alfred'. She ripped it off and headed up the marble staircase, pulling off her shoes as she went.

By the time she reached her room she was only in her underwear. Her silk robe was pulled on, hanging at her elbows and flowing out as she moved through the hall into the bathroom. The only room in the entire manor that made her feel at home was this little bathroom. The tub was large, surrounded by candles that made the white tiles sparkle from the flames. She brought in a bottle of wine and turned on an opera record that had been tucked away with everything else in the house. As soon as her skin hit the alarmingly warm water, her mind was wondering off to the last time she saw the man she loved.

Olivia folded another shirt placing it into Bruce's small suitcase. He watched her from where he finished making the last arrangements for his weekend in Gotham. As he hung up the phone, she flopped down on the bed next to him.

"Are you sure you want to go without me?" She asked, letting him hold her tightly against his chest.

"I won't be alone, Liv. You shouldn't worry about me, and I'll be back before you know it." He kissed her forehead.

"I'm going to miss you like crazy." Olivia sighed, rolling so that half her body was on top of his. "Going with you won't put me too far behind in classes."

"Business midterm is on Wednesday," Bruce reminded her, brushing her silky pale hair behind her ear.

"I called the church," she said keeping her eyes focused out the window in front of them. "They have an opening next spring, April. It's nearly two years away, but at least we'll be out of school."

"April huh," he laid his chin on the top of her head. "I love the city in the spring."

"Bruce, we're really doing this, right?" She asked apprehensively. He tilted her chin up and kissed her lips lightly.

"Of course we are."

Alfred sat across from Bruce as the private jet flew over the vast ocean. He was amazed the little boy he'd raised was still alive and well. Listening to everything that had happened in the last seven years, the older man tried to find the perfect moment to bring up Olivia. A part of him wondered if Bruce knew she was still waiting for him.

"It's a good thing I left everything to you then," Bruce said as he listened to Alfred's account of everything that had happened while he was away.

"Quiet so, sir. Ms. Olivia, as well," Alfred said smiling at the man across from him.

"Olivia's still in Gotham?" Bruce asked a little shocked.

"Of course, sir, you left her the money and company shares. Mr. Earle was very generous and offered her a position at the company. It also seems like her and Ms. Dawes have bonded." Alfred continued, all too glad to recount what Olivia has been up to while he was gone. Bruce could only imagine what would come of his oldest friend and girlfriend bonding.