A/N: Okay, so I know I should be continuing at least one of my multiple WIPs, but this just popped into my head. I just watched the Superbowl episode and couldn't stop grinning all the way through. I loved all the tiny bits of information there as well - like how Kurt still lives at home (which makes me wonder, why didn't he talk to Finn in between the wedding and Sectionals? And why would Finn want to drive to Dalton so Karofsky could apologise to Kurt, if he's going to be home that night anyway?)...
Anyway, this is what I came up with, and hopefully you'll enjoy it! Please let me know your thoughts at the end :)
Disclaimer: No, I don't own Glee. I wish.
"No really, how do you do it?"
Kurt merely shrugged. "I really don't see the problem. As long as I can pay for the gas and keep up with my school work – what's the big deal?"
Warbler practice had just ended and Kurt was making his way to the Dalton parking lot, ready for another one-and-a-half to two hour drive back home. As always, Blaine accompanied him to the front doors.
"Don't you think it would be far less time consuming if you just boarded here?" he asked, and Kurt shrugged.
"It would," he admitted. "There's no denying that. But – I don't think I could, you know? I'd miss everyone far too much – my dad, and Carole, and Finn, and my friends, even though I don't even see them that often…"
Blaine offered him a small smile. "You could still see them in the weekends?"
Now, Kurt shook his head resolutely. "No. I mean, of course I could. But as long as the costs for boarding here are higher than the gas bills, I'm fine with driving here and back to Lima every day. It's not that bad, honestly. I have three or four hours a day, just to practise my singing."
"Like you'd need to," Blaine told him, grinning slightly.
"You're right," Kurt said airily. "And who would bring Finn his glass of warm milk every night and make sure my dad's food is healthy if I weren't there?"
"True," Blaine replied, now allowing himself to snort a little. "Where would they be without you?"
Kurt hit him playfully on the arm. "Oh, shut up, you." Then, in a slightly more serious voice, he added, "You're still coming along for the big game this weekend – you know, if they don't forfeit? Carole wanted to know if she should get some extra stuff from the grocery store."
Blaine pretended to be shocked for a second before answering. "Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it for the world – a football game and a free opportunity to spy on the competition? I can't wait to see it."
"I bet you can't," Kurt retorted. "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
"I don't see why not." With that, and a small wave, Blaine went back inside, and Kurt walked over to his car, humming to himself.
Later that night, after Kurt had almost finished his own nightly routine, he went to the kitchen to warm some milk for Finn and himself. He had, by now, given up his efforts to get his father and Carole to join them in their milk drinking routine, but that didn't mean that he didn't hope they would come around. Tonight, however, did not appear to be the time for that.
So he warmed the milk, poured it in two glasses and walked back upstairs. It had taken him some time getting used to, but after having lived in the new house for over two months, he didn't automatically walk down to the basement anymore. Knowing better than to expect what he'd dubbed a 'lady chat' with his stepbrother, Kurt briefly considered just knocking on Finn's door and leaving the milk there.
"Kurt, hey." Well, that plan wasn't going to make it, since Finn had actually left his door open this time and had already seen him coming.
"Hey, Finn," he replied. "I've got your milk." Contrary to what their parents, Rachel, Mercedes, and even Blaine might think, Finn seemed to honestly like his warm milk before bed, and Kurt was more than happy to get him some every evening. Even if Finn didn't want to talk about, well, anything to him, that didn't mean he didn't appreciate anything Kurt did. Or so he liked to think, at least.
"Thanks, bro," Finn said happily. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then he added, "Want to come in for a minute?"
Raising his eyebrows expectantly, Kurt didn't need to be told twice. "Sure, Finn. What's wrong?"
"Everything's pretty great, actually," Finn replied with a small smile. "We didn't think we'd be able to play the big game this weekend – I'll tell you that some other time – but now we can!"
"Don't worry," Kurt told him, sitting down on a stray chair in Finn's room, "the girls filled me in about it all a few days ago. You really need to tell me these things, Finn. You know I miss all the drama that goes on at McKinley."
Finn chuckled for a moment. "Of course they did. Uh – I'll try. But anyway, we can play."
"Yeah, why?" Kurt asked, curious. "How come? Last thing I heard, all the non-Glee guys quit the team…"
Finn grinned at him, looking a little too smug. "They did - and they're still not back. But… the girls joined the team, just so we'll have enough players on the field! Isn't that awesome?"
"The girls joined… so there would be enough players?" Kurt repeated slowly. Slowly, he allowed a grin to take over his face. He couldn't believe that Rachel and Mercedes had actually given Blaine's words a thought, and now this! "That's great, Finn! Won't they get hurt, though?"
"They're going to be on the field, but they won't be playing," Finn explained. "They're going to lie down – well, Lauren said she wouldn't, but I bet she could take on two football players on her own so I don't mind much – and we're going to play. I wonder where they got that idea, though."
Kurt wondered if he maybe shouldn't tell Finn, but then he figured it was only fair. Right? "Blaine's a football fan. He may have given Rachel and Mercedes some ideas when we went for coffee with them earlier this week."
At first, Finn just seemed confused. "But – " he stammered, "Blaine? Isn't he gay? I mean – "
"Not all gay guys are like me, Finn," Kurt reminded him, adding a much-practised eye roll for the effect. Just look at Karofsky, he mentally added, and shuddered. Luckily, Finn didn't notice.
"Right, of course. Sorry," Finn said hastily. "Okay, so I should really thank him when I see him next. He's coming to the game, right?" Kurt just nodded. "Man, I'm so glad we can play, even if half the team consists of girls who know next to nothing about football." He shrugged. "It's not much, but at least it's something."
Kurt nodded again. "At least you're not giving up."
"In true New Directions spirit," Finn added, and Kurt couldn't agree more.
A/N: So, what do you think? I know it was fairly random, but... hopefully you still liked it. If you have any comments or thoughts or anything else (good, or bad, or whatever), please leave me a review! :)