Thanks to everyone who stuck with me through this story; I appreciate the reviews and love reading them. This could have easily become more chapters as Sam and Andy start their life together, but it is simply an epilogue…a summary to get us to happily ever after. Short and Sweet. You'll have to fill in your own details. Enjoy!

Sam sat patiently while the doctor checked Andy out. The doctor had originally asked him to step out, but Andy insisted that he be able to stay. When the doctor was finished, Sam asked. "Well, when can I take my girl home?" Andy grinned at Sam; she loved the sound of that.

The doctor wanted Andy to stay for one more night just to be safe; she would be released the following afternoon. After a couple more days rest at home, she would be able to go back on desk. Then, after a week on desk, she was to come back in for a check up to see how she was healing. If everything looked good, she could go back out on patrol with Sam. They were both wondering about her ability to do other things, but neither was brave enough to ask.

The 7 days Andy spent on desk, turned out to be a long week for both of them. They had gotten used to being with each other all day and they missed that. Still it was a comfort to know that they now had their evenings together.

True to his word, Sam spent those first couple of nights at home with Andy before she insisted that he go to the Penny for a drink with Oliver after her first shift back. Sam convinced her to come too so she could celebrate her return to work with her friends.

Andy came for one drink, but found that she tired quickly. She didn't want Sam to feel obligated to leave with her so she told him she was walking home. That wasn't going to work for Sam and he started to stand immediately. The last thing Andy wanted to do was pull him away from his friends; he had already been so good to her. Thank goodness Traci solved the dilemma, offering to take Andy home.

Sam asked her if she was positive she didn't want him to come. She smiled; first teasing him that she definitely wanted him to come home with her, before confirming that she would be fine. He flashed her a full dimpled grin before kissing her goodbye. He promised he wouldn't be long.

After that first week, Andy was cleared to go back to the streets and the two settled into a new routine, easily getting accustomed to spending all day with each other and then going out or home together at night as well. As soon as Andy got that OK from the doctor, Sam took it as an OK for him too and Andy was more than happy to agree. On what was to be their first night together, they rushed home from work with no interest in heading to the Penny. They had waited long enough.

Everything just clicked for the two of them; it was easy. Nothing was faked or forced; it just worked. And it wasn't long before they both knew this was it for them. There was no thought about the next step, and when it should happen or if it should happen. It just did.

It was barely over a month when they realized that they were already living together. So there was no question when Sam suggested Andy give up her apartment and 'officially' move in.

The next thing they knew, six months had passed and living together wasn't enough anymore. Sam wanted it all with Andy…the house, the yard, the dog, the kids…everything. He didn't plan anything elaborate, that wasn't his style; but romantic – without a doubt. And Andy of course said yes.

For some it may have seemed like a quick engagement, but not to them. It felt like they had been together forever and they were more than ready; it was what they both wanted. After they told their family and closest friends, Andy made sure to tell Luke next. She didn't want him to hear via the grapevine. Things were still awkward, but he did appreciate her consideration. And he couldn't help but admit that she was definitely happier. It was hard to begrudge her that.

Sam and Andy immediately started looking at houses, and it didn't take them long to find one they both loved that was close enough to the station and that had room for what they hoped would be an expanding family. They made the offer and then waited patiently for it to go through.

The day they found out the house was theirs Sam didn't even have to say the words. The smile on his face said it all; their future was about to start. She didn't need him to tell her it went through; she simply grinned and said, "So…um…when do we get our keys?"

Mamaverd – I promised you that she wouldn't say it to Luke. This time she finally says it to the right guy!