I have finally decided how I will play this. How I will keep her alive and ready to be the Mockingjay when the time comes. After all, it is she and not him who must survive. But, in order for her to make it out of the arena, he must also survive. And so that is what everyone must do.

I look around the table. They're here, those that actually matter. Those who will be a part. It isn't all of them; no one would trust 1 or 2. But these are the ones who will make a difference. These twelve can protect him and get the job done that needs doing. First, of course, they'll need to know why they're doing what they're doing. Because it might mean their lives. It will mean their lives.

"Go on, Haymitch. We're all waiting for you, old man." Chaff rests his stump of an arm on the table. Next to him sits the woman from 11, Seeder. They're both ready to go, ready to avenge the whistler who was shot and the children who've been killed. Seeder doesn't speak much but I know she wants to do this for Rue, at least.

"Right." I say gruffly. I have to choose my words carefully. This must look like nothing more than arranging alliances. But they'll know. Each of them will know. I turn first to look at Finnick and Mags. He will be the most help to Katniss.

"Finnick, Katniss and Peeta are willing to ally themselves with you and Mags but only if you reach them at the Cornucopia. Any later than that and they'll write you off as expendable. Understand?" I didn't think there was any way the Gamemakers could read that as I truly meant it – Finnick and Mags would be the first line of defense for the Mockingjay. It would be up to the handsome tribute from District 4 to protect her and by extension…him.

Finnick nods and Mags garbles something I don't understand. I look to Finnick for a translation and he grins quickly. "Mags says we'll be there. But who could resist the bloodbath, really?"

I don't grin or smile or make any reaction but instead turn to the two morphlings from District 6. Kezzian and Jymizzo. Lots of times it seems like they're clueless. But really, when it counts, they'll be there. That's why they'll have the most difficult task.

"Kezzian, Jymizzo, Katniss and Peeta don't want to ally themselves with you." I don't feel bad saying this so harshly because I know they know what's at stake. They know how guarded I have to make my words. "But if you just keep out of sight, follow but never let them see you, they will probably need you and then will make alliances with you. Understand?"

Kezzian, the female tribute from 6, nods. She got it and therefore, so did her partner. They'd follow my two tributes and be ready when things didn't go the right way. I know I can count on them, even if everyone else thinks they can't. Thinks they're worthless. You'd be surprised how much a drunk can do. Or a morphling.

Now I turn to Johanna Mason and Blight, who are both sitting next to the tributes from 3, Wiress and Beetee. Johanna must get this right; she is the key to the plan, or at least part of the plan. "Johanna, Blight, Katniss is willing to ally herself with you two but only if you can bring Beetee and Wiress to her. She won't be able to keep them safe herself but you can do it for her. That is the only way. You two must protect Beetee and Wiress at the Cornucopia, while they get whatever they want and then meet up with Katniss. Understand?" I look at all four of them. They shake their heads and a barely noticeable wink from Beetee lets me know he is fully in acknowledgement of his part of the plan.

There will be a spool of wire at the Cornucopia and without it and without Beetee, it will all fail. Johanna will keep him safe. She might know of the wire; I'm not sure what she does know. But I know she'll keep Nuts and Volts, as the two from 3 are known, safe. Not for Katniss but for the plan. So…for Katniss.

Woof and Cecilia are next and there's not really anything special for them to know. So I just nod and say, "Katniss can use you two watching her back. Anything you do for her will likely convince her to form an alliance with you."

Cecilia has tears on her face and I feel like maybe we should have left her out of the plan. Told her to keep herself safe for the duration and stay alive. She's got kids, you know. But it's too late now. And besides, she and Woof asked for the alliance.

"Same goes for you, Chaff. Seeder. Katniss will need to see some gesture of good faith before she joins up with you. Peeta, he'll do it, he likes you, Chaff, but not Katniss. You'll have to prove it to her." They know what I mean. Keep Peeta safe. That's the underlying goal of everyone in the room. And they all know it.

"And Cashmere? Gloss? Brutus and Enobaria? The tributes from 5, 9 and 10?" That's Chaff. He knows what the answer will mean. Death or life.

"The Careers don't want to ally themselves with anyone who isn't a Career, except maybe you, Finnick." I wait to see what Finnick will say. This is how I will know his true intentions.

"Ha." Finnick laughs. "I know who my real friends are and they sure ain't District 1 or 2. I won't get close to them."

That's what I thought. He's told me he's against the Capitol, just in those few words. He's on our side. I look around the table again. "As for 5, 9 and 10, I don't know. They haven't asked for any alliances and I don't think they're looking to get too attached. If they attack you, take them out. If not, steer clear. I don't think many of them will make it past the bloodbath anyway."

Nods all around the table. These people are born killers and born survivors. They'll know what to do. When they get into that arena, they'll do their jobs.

The alliance meeting is over. Everyone stands to leave and I position myself beside Beetee as we leave. He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. I nod once and then say, "How about that bread we had for lunch, Beetee? From every different district? It must take days for each district to make their own food." I can't afford to be any clearer than that. But he's smart; he'll figure it out. "And hours to package each roll or loaf. You make bread over in 3, Beetee?"

He knows he can't linger now. So he nods and heads out. I hope he got the message. It's out of my hands now. They'll be heading into the arena in the morning. All I can do now is watch and hope and wait for the opportunity and know that, whatever happens, if I don't save him, she'll hate me forever.

Author's Note: Okay, I know this was short but it was kind of just an introduction type thing. This will be a story from mostly Finnick's POV but maybe some of the other tributes, on how they're working to keep Peeta and Katniss alive. Should be interesting. So, please, read and review! Tell me what you think!