Reviews for He Must Live
unicornfarts chapter 3 . 9/28/2012
It's a fantastic story! Finnick's a little too harsh though. Can't wait to read his opinion on Katniss's feelings for Peeta.
jaufanfic chapter 3 . 1/26/2012
AAAHHHHHHH! Can't wait for more!
Samy58787667757 chapter 3 . 3/12/2011
I love it keel on uploading please
deschanel10 chapter 2 . 2/7/2011
This fic is pretty amazing (:

The Cecilia and Woof thing was kind of hard to believe, but it was an interesting idea.

I can't wait until the next chap!
ForeverUndyingFlame chapter 2 . 2/7/2011
Oo, I can't wait for the next chapter, I really like this so far!Please update!
ForeverUndyingFlame chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
I can't wait to read about the games, great chapter!

Please update!