The Eyes of a Brother
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and I only write for my enjoyment
First three chapters some scenes were borrowed from Sharingan warrior due to me being very bad about writing the scenes that occur before the chunnin exams in chapter four is where it is completely branched off. im giving credit to where credit is due. Sorry about me being late with the crediting.
Here it is-
Naruto was crying looking over his best friend, he still couldn't believe he hurt his best friend because he was not powerful enough to defend himself. He was smart but not as smart a Sasuke, they were rivals. He tried to heal Sasuke with the limited medic jutsu he learned from scrolls he stole from the library but it was hopeless he only really learned how to transplant eyes because he thought that it was cool to learn just incase.. "Sasuke," He said. "Sasuke!" the young Uchiha's eyes slowly opened his newly discovered Sharingan shining bright.
"Naruto," he said "I'm going to die aren't I?" Naruto shook his head violently.
"No, you can't die," He said pulling Sasuke's head into his arms and lap. "don't die you have to avenge your brother and your clan."
"It's too late Naruto," Stammered Sasuke "I can't feel my body I can hardly breath, he hit my lung. It's full of blood. Naruto, I'm so sorry. I was so cruel. I was threatened by your quick growth but some good came of that. We made each other better. We were good for one another. But now I must leave you. I'm sorry I can't help you anymore. We could have been great friends. "Sasuke's Sharingan Eyes came into focus again.
"Maybe I can help you one last time." he said. "Naruto, don't give up on your dream become Hokage. Take my Sharingan Let my eyes show you the path you must take. Naruto we'll always be together. We'll always be friends. He said in gasps If you ever need to.. light the darkness replace my.. eyes with my.. brothers. His eyes are.. held in my house.. hidden in the.. hidden room in the…. basement. With that he passed and Naruto sadly transplanted his eyes with the knowledge he learned from the medical scrolls, he looked at Sasuke's limp body, he felt hatred he could never forgive Haku for this. He was so filled with hate he wanted his enemies blood so bad he could taste it. He couldn't see him but he felt power from the rage. Haku let Naruto transplant the eyes because he truly didn't want the kid to die, he had missed killing the kid in the process. Haku said calmly "is that the first time you saw a comrade die in battle?" "SHUT THE FUCK UP, IM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THAT" with that Naruto's eyes activated showing the Mangekyou Sharingan, he let out a ki that was far more sinister than even the Kyuubi and a entity rose from the ground surrounding Naruto it gave an unholy roar making Haku freeze. It punched Haku through the ice mirror breaking the porcelain mask then grabbed Haku from the ground and started squeezing him until his body started convulsing and then it exploded. The entity threw haku's body at Zabuza. Then Naruto felt the anger recede and he passed out from exhaustion.
The Chakra pulsed in his hand the Lightning Blade. Named as such when he used it to cut a bolt of lightning in half. He glared at Zabuza, who was in the jaws of several of his ninja hounds.
"I won't let you kill Tazuna, he's a good man with a good purpose." Kakashi said. "Your purpose however, ends here." that said he rushed at Zabuza, the Chidori sparkling in his hand all of th sudden stopping. His eyes widened because of the sight he saw from where his students were It was nothing he has ever seen before. He saw Zabuza's apprentice in the hands of an entity being squeezed to death before the poor kid burst like a melon. The kid was thrown at Zabuza hitting him with the remants. The dogs poofed away and then Zabuza was about to attack when he heard a small chuckle. Kakashi looked to his left as Zabuza looked to his right. There stood Gato. Surrounded be fifty men.
"Well this isn't going as planned" Said Gato. "the idea was for you two to kill each other off. But you're both alive. Zabuza sorry but I can't have you on the payroll any more you're too expensive." Zabuza let out a small chuckle.
"Well Kakashi," he said "Our battle seems to be over, now that I'm no long in Gato's employment we have no quarrel."
"Guess you're right," said Kakashi.
"However, the hounds of your have rendered my arms completely useless." He said " and I have to make Gato pay for betraying me. Mind if I borrow your Kunai?" he asked as he torn his mask off with his teeth.
"Sure," said Kakashi and tossed one of his Kunai to the Demon of the Mist. Zabuza caught the knife in his mouth and took of racing after Gato his limp arms trailing behind him. Gato let out a small gasp before turning and fleeing into the ranks of his men. Zabuza followed him cutting his way through them until he reached the other end. There he drove the Kunai into Gato's chest, yanked it out and the slashed him acrossed the throat. Gato's body flew of the bridge and into the Sea. As soon as Gato's body hit the water a countless number of blades sunk into Zabuza's back. Zabuza turned and stumbled out of the mob where he fell next to Haku. And died staring the boy he loved like a son, in the eyes.
Kakashi turned to the mob and watched as they came to terms with what had just happened. He knew the as soon as the realized the just lost their meal ticket they would resort to more drastic measures, like raiding the village. They turn grumbling amongst themselves and started to advance on Kakashi. Just as they came close, an arrow sunk into the bridge. Kakashi turned and saw that the entire village had come to defend their home and leading the pack was Irani. Kakashi smiled under his mask.
"Naruto. You've done it." He turned and faced the Mobsters with the villager at his back. Seeing that they were outnumbered the thugs quickly turned and left. Letting out a sigh Kakashi pulled his head band over his left eye. It was over. He didn't know how right he was.
"SASUKE! NARUTO!" came Sakura's distraught voice echo in he's ears. Kakashi turned and ran to his students.
"Sakura," he said and she turned and latched onto the front of his vest, Kakashi checked Sasuke first. Needles covered his body including some in his left lung. He check for a pulse. The last of the Uchiha was dead. Then he turned to Naruto, He was covered in needles as well but when he checked for a pulse, he found one. It was faint but defiantly there. It was then he noticed Naruto's eyes had blood coming from them. Fearing the worst Kakashi slowing opened the boy's eyelids. What he found caused his breath to catch in his throat. He had charcoal black pupils that of Sasuke's.
Naruto sat with his knees drawn up to his chest as he stared at a small stone head stone. He'd been here every day since the day he got back from the land of Waves a month and a half ago. It was Sasuke's headstone.
Here lies Sasuke Uchiha
Last of the Uchiha
A friend forever.
He'd read the inscription thousands of times. Sasuke had given him the Sharingan, but he had yet to show it off. Kakashi had Naruto see a medic who was under genjutsu to secretly change his eye color back to its normal. Kakashi wondered why naruto's Sharingan turned off in the first place but concluded that it was because of the nine tails and his Senju DNA. The only people who knew the real truth were Sakura and Kakashi, not even the third knew. This of course brought more grief to Naruto as many villagers saw the death of the last of the Uchiha his fault. He hadn't expected this, he had been getting treated better since making Genin. But now he was back to square one. Of course Iruka-sensei and Kakashi-sensei supported him as much they could and Ayame and the Old man at Ichiraku's helped a bit. Even Old man Hokage visited him from time to time and even came to the head stone once and hugged him as he cried over his inability to protect a comrade. However his biggest supporter surprisingly enough was Sakura. Yes she had been upset and cried for a couple days. But she was nothing compared to Naruto. Naruto had been with Sasuke almost every day when they were in the Land of Waves training together and even though neither of them had really wanted it, the root for a strong friendship had been planted. However just as it seemed like that tree had began to grow that root was ripped out.
Sakura visited Naruto every day. She'd spend hours searching the village until she found him. Sometimes he would be in his apartment, which she now had a key for despite his protest, sometimes he'd been on top of the Hokage monument on the Fourth's head, but most commonly he was here, at Sasuke's grave. Before Sasuke's death Sakura had never ever seen Naruto cry. After his death, Naruto cried two or three times a week.
After awhile Naruto stood and walked back toward the village. His hands tucked in the pockets of his black pants. After the funeral, Naruto had gotten rid of everything that reminded him of Sasuke. That included his orange jumpsuit, which Sasuke used to tease him about from time to time. Now he wore a simple pair of black pants, black Shinobi sandals and a deep blood red tee shirt with a black Uzumaki kanji. He wasn't wearing his headband; he hadn't worn it since he got back. He hadn't been a mission. He rubbed the bandage covering the right side of his face thinking back to when he'd woken up.
Naruto hurt all over as he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were covered in a thick bandages. He slowly sat up and reached for the bandages, intent on taking them off.
"Don't," came a familiar baritone voice. He turned to notice Kakashi sitting in a chair next to him reading his book. "Your eyes haven't completely taken root, and wont for the next two weeks. Leave the bandages on." Naruto let out a sad sigh and dropped his hands in his lap. A sad look on his face, "Sasuke is dead." said Kakashi.
"I know," said Naruto flatly, tears sprung up under his bandages. "I couldn't save him Kakashi-sensei, why couldn't I? I tried and tried. But everything I do I screw up. The graduation exam, your test that we only passed because of Sasuke, those stupid D-ranks where I kept letting my pride get in the way and now, I… I…. Ive been a fool, if I didn't let pride get in my way Sasuke would still be alive!" he sucked his knees to his chest put is arms on his knees and cried. He couldn't remember how long it was for but, he knew it was awhile. The whole time Kakashi stayed by him, he knew exactly what he was going through. Pride was the bane of many ninja, Kakashi included. Because of his foolishness and pride, Obito had died an unnecessary death. Now Naruto blamed himself for Sasuke's death he didn't realize he wasn't the one at fault.
"Naruto," said Kakashi, Naruto looked up at him, his eyes red and puffy. "Sasuke's death, wasn't your fault. I know you; I've trained you for six months I know you did anything and everything you could to save him. It hurts; believe me when I tell you I know what you're going through. But crying about it won't bring him back, it's ok to feel sad about losing him in the way you did, but crying won't help." Kakashi said all this looking at the far wall finally he turned to Naruto. "However On the reverse side of things, don't bear this burden alone either. Sakura and you are going through the same thing. Talk to her, talk to me, talk to all your friends back at the village. Don't just endure the weight of a lost comrade alone, it'll weigh you down and you'll let it take over your entire life. Naruto, Sasuke has given a great gift don't let it go waste by blaming yourself. It'll tear you up. We'll help each other," Kakashi finished with a small one eye smile. Naruto's face fell back to look at his hands in his lap.
The door opened causing Naruto to look up and see the last person in the world he'd wanted to face, Sakura Haruno. He'd expected her to start yelling and screaming and insulting him, made him feel terrible. However as soon as she saw the broken and defeated look in his eyes, She crumbled.
"Oh Naruto," She whispered as she came to his bedside and knelt down on the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You did your best, I know you did it wasn't your fault, it was Haku's it's not your fault."
"I'm so sorry Sakura," Naruto choked out "I'm so so sorry." He cried into her shoulder as she gently stroked his back a whispered that it was going to be ok. Tears sprinkled at the edge of her eyes, but she forced them back. She'd cried over Sasuke's body for three days, now she needed to be strong for Naruto. The three days Naruto had been out had given her a lot of time to think. She hadn't been in love with Sasuke, she'd been in love with the idea of loving Sasuke. But when you boiled it all down, it was just a childhood crush. Sasuke was her friend first and now he was gone. But she'd watched at a distance as Sasuke and Naruto got closer and closer each day, despite how much they'd resisted. The teamwork they'd shown in their efforts to free Kakahsi from Zabuza's water prison jutsu was a beacon of that friendship. And now just as they both were finding their first true friend, Sasuke had been killed and it broke Naruto.
Sakura refused to be weak right now; there would be time for that later. Right now Naruto needed what little strength she had to offer. Naruto struggled to get his sobs under control with staggered ragged gasps.
"Shh, shh, shh," Sakura soothed trying to help him calm down. "It's alright Naruto," she rocked him side to side as if he were a three year old. Naruto finally got himself under control and went slack in Sakura's arms. She pulled back a little to look straight into his bandaged eyes. She could tell there was pain behind the bandages but also gratitude. She had been there for him, not yelled at him, when he needed her most.
"Thank you Sakura," he rasped. She gave him a soft smile and hugged him one more time before standing up and leaving the room. Kakashi, who'd watch Sakura grieve over Sasuke's body for three days, let a small smile grace his features. They had come together when they needed each other most.
"Naruto, stay in bed today and if you're strong enough tomorrow, we'll send word for an escort back. Naruto nodded his head; Kakashi squeezed his shoulder and left the room. Naruto laid back down and let sleep take him.
End Flashback
When Naruto came out of his thoughts he found himself on top on the Hokage monument. He pondered to himself just how long he'd been up here, the sun was going down now but there was no telling how long he'd wondered aimlessly through the village until coming here. Deciding he'd stay awhile and try to settle down, Naruto sat on the fourth's head and drew his knees to his chest. Resting his chin on his knees he gazed out across the village. It had changed since Sasuke's death, the villagers were down cast, disheartened. The greatest of their clans was now forever gone and with them, the Sharingan, he and Kakashi were the only one who still had it.
"I thought I might find you up here," came a familiar feminine voice. Naruto turned to see Sakura walking towards him. She wasn't dressed in her usual pink dress, instead she wore a white blouse with black pants and her sandals. Her long pink hair was drawn up in a high pony tail and she wore a kind smile on her face, one Naruto had been seeing more and more of everyday.
"Hey Sakura," he said turning back to face the village, Sakura's smile fell a bit. He'd been like this since they got back from the land of Waves. She couldn't really blame him, but she kind of missed the old Naruto, the Naruto who yelled and made outrageous promises, the Naruto who wouldn't take being out done by anyone, the Naruto whose face would light up when she walked into view. Now he just acknowledged her presence and went back to brooding. She slowly walked to his side and sat on her heels wrapping her arms around her knees.
"How long you been up here?" she asked him. He shrugged.
"I dunno," he mumbled not looking away from village, Sakura's smile fell a bit more. It fell to a full blown frown when his stomach growled and he didn't do a thing about it. Anyone who knew him would have expected him to jump up and declare he was going to Ichiraku's for some ramen. Now he just stared out into space his stomach rumbling.
"Alright," said Sakura standing back up "Let's get something to eat my treat." Naruto shrugged again and let Sakura drag him to his feet. He followed her down the mountain his hand tucked in his pockets. They slowly made their way to the ramen stand ran by Old man Ichiraku and Ayame. She sat him down at his favorite stool before sitting down next to him."Well if it isn't Naruto and Sakura," said the Old man
"Hey Guys," said Ayame.
"Hey," said Sakura "One plain ramen and one miso ramen with pork." She'd been here enough with Naruto to know what he would want. Naruto had his arms crossed on the counter and his chin resting on his arms. Sakura frowned at him before turning to Ayame who was leaning across the counter.
"He's still down huh?" she whispered looking at Naruto's sulking form.
"Yeah, He just can't forgive himself for Sasuke's death," Sakura whispered "and to make things worse ninety percent of the village blames him too. Ayame I was there too but they don't blame me, so was Kakashi-sensei and they don't blame him. They blame Naruto solely because of what he is, and it's not fair." Sakura could fell tears threatening, and was only able to fight them off because the food was ready and placed in front of them. Naruto simply picked up a pair of chopsticks and started to eat. Sakura watched him emotionless slurp down his noodles. "Oh Naruto," she thought before turning to her own ramen and slowly started eating her own ramen. They ate in silence and as soon as he was done Naruto stood up and tossed a few bills on the table and left. Sakura picked them up and put them in her back pocket with the intention of returning it to him later. Then she quickly finished her own ramen and reached her wallet. Teuchi shook his head.
"It's on the house Sakura, I cant repay you for what your doing for him, he kinda feels like a son to me" he also said "You keep on looking after him, he needs you." Sakura smiled and nodded her head. Then she jumped down and ran after Naruto. When she caught up with him she laced an arm though his, an act that would have caused the boy to get very uncomfortable, now he didn't even look at her. Trying to find a good conversation topic, Sakura looked up at the sky. It was late, the moon was high in the sky and the stars were out.
"Hey," she said "I'll walk you home," the slightest nod of his head was her only answer. She tightened her grip on his arm and started leading him towards his apartment. Naruto didn't say anything. He was staring at the sky for a long time. She couldn't read his face; she used to be able to read him like a book. The new Naruto was so withdrawn and she didn't like it.
"Sakura, I'm alright," he said. They were at his apartment and she knew he was dismissing her. But she wasn't leaving him to brood, not this time.
"No you're not Naruto," she said without a moment's hesitation. "You sulk all the time, you let other people's words effect you like you never have before, Naruto you've given up on your nindo 'Never give up and always keep your word, no matter what' you've lost sight of that. Naruto that's ok, we all those sight of things, but it's time you found it again" He stepped into his apartment in an attempt to escape her, but she stopped the door and perused him.
She found him in standing in his living room, shoulders shaking, he was crying.
"I couldn't save him Sakura, it's my fault he's dead I killed him, I wasn't strong enough," he said "I should have done more, now Sasuke is dead because of it." He dropped to his knees burying his face in his hands. Sakura raced to his side taking him in her arms.
"It's not your fault Naruto," she soothed "It's not; Haku killed him, not you. Oh Naruto, Sasuke knew what being a ninja meant, he took that mission, and he fought because he had a goal. Naruto he wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over this, as hard and cold as Sasuke was he wouldn't want you to blame yourself." By this point Naruto had his arms around Sakura hugging her to him like she was his life line, the only thing anchoring him to the ground. Sakura pulled back and took his face in both her hands so she could look him right in the eyes.
"Naruto, let him go," she said "put Sasuke to rest, honor him by fulfilling your dream, and become Hokage, he wanted you to have his eyes so that you could show him the excellent Ninja you could become" Naruto's crying slowly reduced to sniffles then subsided all together. "Here lets get you to bed, "she helped him up and led him to his bedroom. Once they got there she sat him down on the bed and stood up.
"You get changed, I'm going to get you something to drink," she turned and left headed for his small kitchen and went through his cupboards looking for a glass, once she found one she filled it with water from the tap and carefully carried it back to his room. She found Naruto lying on his bed in his boxers. Averting her eyes Sakura pulled the covers over his body and got him to sit up and helped him drink half the glass and set the rest down on his bed side table.
"Get some sleep Naruto," she said "I'll see you in the morning." Naruto sagged back down under the covers and rolled onto his side.
"Good night Sakura, im going to be stronger for him that's what he would want" he said a hint of the old Naruto in his voice Sakura couldn't help but smile.
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