She walked up to his huge mansion; inwardly questioning her reasons for actually accepting his invitation. All he ever did now a days was try to show her how 'cool' he was or how 'good' he was at playing Slayers, which in her opinion stood against everything she stood for. Hey Kelsey did you see that? She wasn't even looking. Wow, how much of a bad ass am I? I mean seriously? She, seriously, had another word for it and it isn't bad ass but if that is what you would like to call it. Then, yes, Simon you are the biggest bad ass I have ever met!

But Kelsey cared about Simon too much to actually hurt him like that, so her replies were, well, not even replies at all. She just laughed and smiled, then sometimes acted like a giddy fan girl. He seemed to like it enough, even though Kelsey hated every minute of it. She did it for Simon. For the jackass who she'd lived next door to, since she could remember. For the man her parents were trying to set her up with. For the boy she used to thought she might have loved or what she used to think was love when she was little, but that was back in younger years when they still played Wii and X-box Kinetic.

Hell, back when he preferred to play old school Game Boy; what ever made her smile-whatever made them smile. She used to think that he might have liked her back, but now she highly considered the fact that his mother kept setting up these play dates eager to get him married and out of the house when he turns eighteen, and he only went along with it to get another girl in his pants. Although Kelsey wasn't quite sure that he had actually gotten one girl in his pants. . . Kelsey preferred neither, she currently had one thing on her mind these days and it had nothing to do with who was playing the game, rather who was being played.

Kelsey's train of thought was abruptly disturbed when the Silverton's maid opened the door. She bowed as she gestured for Kelsey to come in. The lines on her face showed her age, she was old and tired out. Kesley was surprised Simon hadn't fired her and requested for a younger-hotter-maid. She was thankful he hadn't. She knew Mrs. Rieds' whole story, two grown kids-one still at home with a kid of her own-and an alcoholic husband. "Hello Miss. Bertram-"

"-Please Mrs. Rieds, you've knew me back when I still carried around a stuffed animal dog. Call me Kelsey."

She cleared her throat and smiled kindly at the young girl, "Miss. Bertram, Mr. Silverton is currently in his room-"

"Playing Slayers or whatever. . . yeah I know." Kelsey rolled her eyes and gazed around the Silverton's mansion. It was as simple and mundane as her own. Everything-that wasn't technology-was in the classic colors: white, black, and the occasional red. To no one's surprise, at least that lived in this neck of the woods, the decor would be completely changed within the next month. All in order to keep up with the latest trends.

"Miss. Bertram, did you hear a word I said ma'am?"

"Huh? Oh no. Sorry I was spacing off."

"Oh please, no need to apologize to me miss."

"I am not over eighteen yet, please do not call me miss."

"Sorry ma'am."

"Kelsey, my name is Kelsey."

She smiled weakly, it wasn't hard for anyone to see that she was absolutely worn out. " You never seemed to mind it before Miss. Bertram."

"Well, I guess I've grown up."

"Well, if I'm not to bold to say, I wish you wouldn't grow up so fast. Before you know it, Mrs. Bertram and Mrs. Silverton will be playing your wedding with the young Mr. Bertram." She said warmly, apparently as they got older the adults spoke more and more of this 'ideal' wedding.

"Not looking too likely at this point. . ."Kelsey muttered under her breath, at this point the sound of a wedding made her want to vomit. How could her parents talk about a wedding with all that is going on right now? Seriously. . . They probably don't care, since it really isn't a part of their world. That's all that seems to matter.

"I have seemed to have held you up long enough, Mr. Silverton must be getting anxious for your arrival. If you promise not to tell young Mr. Silverton, he has been subtly mentioning of your coming for the past couple of days, like he always does before your arrivals." Mrs. Rieds winked. She motioned for Kelsey to follow her up the stairs, but she politely shook her head 'no'.

"I doubt that."Kelsey mumbled, Mrs. Rieds appeared to have thought that she said something worth while because she was attempting to ponder what she had said, "Oh it was nothing, . Um, if you wouldn't mind I would like to wait here." If she was lucky maybe she could put off watching the young play Slayers.

"Are you sure miss? I was not suppose to say anything, but Mr. Silverton has got a surprise for you and I am quite sure that you will enjoy it."

Surprise? For me? . . . Kelsey pondered these words. Last time Simon had said he had a surprise for her was when he wanted to first show her how to play her Slayers. He hadn't bought her an actual gift since junior high. . . Kelsey chose not to buy it, anyway if it was an actual present he probably didn't get it on his own accord.

Mrs. Rieds seemed almost disappointed. "Miss. Bertram, would you like me to go inform Mr. Silverton of your arrival. I really think he would like to know that you're here. "

"No, Mrs. Rieds, I am fine here." Kelsey sat down on the Silverton's expensive couch and made herself comfortable. Mrs. Rieds motioned if she could still beside her, and Kelsey nodded in agreement.

"The Mrs.' hasn't spoke much to me, but I have overheard her on the phone with your mother-Mrs. Bertram-and I am slightly aware of your situation. . . with your brother-"

"Mrs. Rieds!" Kelsey blurted out; not intended to be so bluntly rude, but not wanting to go into this conversation-with anyone.

"I will just end it in saying, he was sick and not in his right mind. And his actions have nothing to do with you." Mrs. Rieds stood up and retreated. She paused, then turned back, "Miss. Bertram would you like something to eat. . . or drink."

"I'm not hungry at the moment but I could really go for something to drink?"

"Yes, of course ma'am. Would you like tea, or coffee, o..."

"-Can I have some of your famous Hot Chocolate?"

She turned and headed for the kitchen. "Yes, of course ma'-"

"-It's Kelsey, now. Please I would prefer if everyone just called me Kelsey."

"Yes, of course Miss. Kelsey."

"It's a start." She sighed, she looked back to face a giant, touch, flat screen. Awesome. It was just like her house, which was so not what she needed. Kelsey was kind of wishing that she would have brought a book or maybe her old Game Boy, something to do to pass the time while Simon played his little game and modified his i-con or whatever it is that people who play Slayers do. She recently grew to hate that game.

She waited impatiently for her hot chocolate, she needed something to do before she gathered the incentive to waltz up those stairs into Simon's room. Unfortunately, Kelsey didn't have the chance to waltz upstairs for him, because Simon was already waltzing down the stairs for her. Great.

Kelsey could talk up a storm about how much she had grown to dislike these constant visits to the Silverton mansion, but once she actually got to the part of having to see Simon. Well, she didn't hate it so much anymore. Who could ignore his puppy eyes, pleading and always excited about something, sadly enough they always seemed to be excited about Slayers nowadays. . .

"Kels, I had no idea that you here." Simon smiled brightly as he made his way to the bottom of the stairs. " I guess, Mrs. Rieds forgot to mention that my lovely house guest had arrived."

Kelsey half-smiled, back at him. "Um, no. We just got to talking and lost track of time. She was just about to come tell you, when I said it was quite alright and I asked her to make me a hot chocolate."

"Well then, I see."He smiled, unaffected by the subtle hint that she wasn't eager to come upstairs to see him. . . "Make it a double, Mrs. Rieds."

"Right away, sir."

Simon grinned and hopped over the couch and grabbed a seat extremely close to Kelsey. She smiled, politely, and slyly scooted away from his side. She wasn't in the touchy mood, especially not with Simon. Once again, playing it cool, he was seemingly unaffected by Kelsey's constant push to his pull. All he wanted was his friend, his Kelsey. "So, Miss. Bertram, what brings you to my couch? Couldn't resist not seeing me eh?"

"Not even Silverton." Kesley smirked; she hated the idea of Simon, not Simon. She adored him. "I believe your mother, set us up on a 'play date'. Otherwise, I would not be here. Simon."

"Ouch, Kels. You always know how to break a man's heart. "

"Oh suck it, Simon."

"Hey, a little feisty there aren't ya Kelsey." Simon winked as he scooted the distance closer to her, that she had moved away. "Come on is that any way for the future Mrs. Simon Silverton to act."

"Ew, I don't think either of us like the way that sounds." Kesley thought back. She hadn't said anything like that to Simon since the fifth grade. She playfully nudged him and turned back towards Mrs. Rieds. She could really use some hot chocolate, to change this subject.

"So after hot coco, do you wanna come help me make mods on Kable?" He asked, almost hopefully.

Kelsey shook her head, as she eagerly watched Mrs. Rieds carry in a tray of hot chocolate and appetizers. "Oh, look our hot chocolates ready."

"Yes, ma'am."Mrs. Rieds smiled as she placed the tray on the-pure glass-coffee table. "Peanut butter and grape jelly squares for Mr. Silverton. Chocolate chip cookies for Miss. Bertram."

"Thank you." Kesley grinned. She took a big gulp, it was delicious. She had to admit, the Silverton's always had good food. Even though Simon lived off peanut butter and grape jelly, it was cute.

"That will be all, as you were."

"Of course, Mr. Silverton." She bowed out. She was probably doing Simon's laundry, God knows no one would want his nasty clothes stinking up the place. Nothing smells worse than teenage boy.

"You could try being a bit nicer, Simon."

"I was just about to say exactly the same thing to you, Kelsey."

A/N: Eh, I just had to get this out of my system.

I can't do too much more because I have some fact checking to do. It's really hard because Gamer doesn't give you much to work off of. So it's probably going to have to be a little AU, but still following the events of the movie.

Like for example does anyone know what the Silverton's do for a living to be so rich?

And I know in the movie it shows Simon having a sister? What's her name? Is she older or younger? Does anybody know anything about her at all?

Anyhow, I am liking my character. In case any of you are wondering,SHE DOES NOT HATE SIMON. She's just going through the struggle of her life now and her life how it used to be. Anyway, review and just tell me what you think. :)
