A drabble for the Biography challenge on xoxLewrahxox's forum.
Dedicated to the infamously sexy TuesdayNovember, who decided that in the forum's HP cast, I was to be Bellatrix. I doubt she meant it that well, but I don't care. I adore her for it ;P
Write a short biography for a character of choice - yes, biography. In 100 words. (Of course, you're free to make it a multiple of 100, but I'd be seriously i-m-p-r-e-s-s-e-d if anyone of you managed to do it in 100 words.)
She started off her Daddy's girl.
(she should have been a boy)
But then she became inadequate, unworthy.
(she should have been a lady)
She found a path truly her own.
She found a man she could worship.
She found a fight never ending.
(she should have been the best)
And so she fought – and the insecure little girl blossomed under Death's wing, became lethal.
She couldn't stop – step back – deny – and so she fought on and on, and lost herself.
(she should have been the one)
(the most faithful)
(and in the end, she was. But she fell anyway)