Hello again! Thank you all very much for all the wonderful feedback that I'm getting for this fic. ^.^ I LOVE YOU! YES, YOU! Anywho~

I know this sucks, but Arthur is not in this chapter. (NOOOOOOO) He is mentioned, though... rather frequently. Anyway, I figured that it may have took Aridane and Cobb some time (a good bit of time perhaps) to get to Mal in Limbo, so they start a conversation. DELETED SCENE FUN~

And since a lot of you loved Eames so much, he's going to be showing up again in another chapter. Yay for fan service lol.


This place freaked her out. How could anyone spend fifty years here and still be sane?

Oh, that's right. They didn't. Mal ended up committing suicide to 'escape the dream' and Cobb's projection of her seemed to foil every job he had been on since then, according to Arthur.

Ariadne rubbed her arm again. If she had to spend another hour in this damn place, she would start to go insane, too.

The buildings that lined the street were incredibly close to real as real could get, showing just how good an architect Dom was. The streets themselves were clean, no trash flying around or anything. The horizon was simply incredible against the stark white sky.

These things weren't what was bothering her though. It was the silence. A deafening silence commanded the area. There wasn't even any wind. No people. No projections. It was pretty damn creepy.

She wanted to talk, to pierce the silence, but the fear made her keep quiet. It seemed as if there was a wall to keep her from making any sounds herself and, if she did make a sound, Mal would come out from around the next corner and tap one off in her head.

Her eyes looked again to the man in front of her. His strides were strong and purposeful. He knew exactly where he was going and he knew exactly what he was going to do. Somehow, there was no fear in his steps.

Arthur was right. Dom was a master at hiding things.

Her thoughts then traveled to the dreams that she had left. Like they told her would happen, her memories of them were a bit hazy. She could remember that Saito had been shot and was dieing and was about to be trapped in Limbo. She could remember that little kiss Arthur called a 'distraction' and the bombs he placed under their room, in 491. That last dream though, the fortress, she could remember most of it.

She also remembered that avalanche. The kick they had missed. Yusuf was falling off a bridge, Arthur was suspended in zero gravity, and Eames was fighting off a highly trained army by himself, with what little help Saito could offer. To top all that off, her and Dom were currently in Limbo, with no sure way that they'll ever get back out.

Ariadne looked up at the white sky again.

"You alright?" Her eyes snapped down to see Dom in front of her, still walking but half turned to face her.

"Y-Yeah," she answered, cursing herself out for that falter in her voice, "It's just-... Do you think the others are ok?"

He looked away, turning back to face the front like he was originally doing. "That's a pretty good question," he answered in a lowered voice, then his voice rose back to a normal level, "Yusuf's obviously fine. He made it to the kick, to falling off the bridge, so he had to be doing pretty good at least five seconds ago. He'll be fine." Dom licked his lip, thinking again before continuing. "Eames-," he said, and the fact that he skipped Arthur did not go unnoticed, "Eames'll probably be fine, too. He's well trained, used to be in the military himself. All he has to do is buy us a few minutes, so I think he'll be okay."

The silence lowered on them again.

Ariadne swallowed. "What about Arthur?"

That silence was deafening.

After another beat of the stillness, Cobb continued. "Arthur's the best at what he does and I've worked with him for years. If anyone can make it out of there, he can."

She didn't want to. She really didn't want to, but she did. "... If?"

The fact that there was zero wind registered with her again. It was starting to get harder to breathe.

Cobb's voice was low, but with the silence around them, it seemed to echo off the city. "He's fighting a lot of projections, suspended in no gravity, in a labyrinth, while trying to figure out how to still give us a kick." He stopped walking suddenly, Ariadne coming up short and stopping beside him, while he turned to look at her. "Don't count Arthur out," he said, "It'd be pretty difficult for any of us to do all that, but he's one of the best. He'll do his part and we'll get the kick."

She blinked for a second, realizing that she already knew that and... that wasn't her problem. After a second to compose herself, so she wouldn't falter again, she told him, "I do trust Arthur and I know he'll give the kick at the right time, but... Do you think that he'llbe ok?"

Dom looked to the ground. "That's hard to say." He took a minute to breathe in the humid, still air, thinking her problem over. Suddenly, he glanced back to her. "I seen those looks Eames gives you."

Her mind derailed. "Eh... Excuse me?"

He gave back a light smile, "And I know Arthur has seen them, too."

She still didn't know what was going on, but she just stayed quiet that time.

Dom's smile grew a little and he started walking again. "There's no way that Arthur's going to leave you behind with Eames around."

Ariadne darted her head to watch Cobb continue walking. After a second, she smiled too, and followed after him.


I know they've been getting shorter and shorter, but this one's extremely short lol. Sorry about that. Hopefully, we'll have some longer ones in the future. I've just been so busy lately ..

Anyway, you may have noticed the little triangle XD. I think it makes everything much more fun.

Ok, see you guys soon and, again, thanks for the ton of feedback.

Read and Review :)