The first time you laid eyes on her, you noticed she was different from the other Holts. She wasn't just rough 'n tough - she was soft and nice. But you couldn't have her because she didn't want you.
She wanted your brother.
When he lost his able to see, she was there. She drew out his blueprints and guided him around like a lost puppy. She acted as his eyes, but there was one thing he couldn't see, even with her help -
That didn't stop him though. Constantly he would praise her, because she was the only thing on his mind. Reagan Holt, Reagan Holt, Reagan Holt. If he could still see, you bet he'd write it everywhere in his notebook.
But you're not blind, and you feel ashamed to feel happy that he can't. If he wasn't, he'd see her name all over your notebook instead.
You wouldn't want that, would you? After all, you're his best friend. His brother, his sole companion, his twin. Stealing his girlfriend - if they're even dating, that is - is the number one no-no rule in the book.
So why'd you kiss her?
Right in front of him.
It didn't matter that he couldn't see. It didn't matter that he'd never know. Did it even count as cheating if it wasn't 'behind his back'? Did it even count if she wanted it just as much as you did?
"Ned, I love you," he told you one night. "You're always going to be there for me, aren't you?"
Your throat was dry and you were speechless. You cleared your throat after a moment of silence and tiredly replied, "Yeah... love you, too. Good night, Ted." Without even waiting for his reply, you turned off the light and smothered yourself under your blanket. You slept on your pillow with your guilty thoughts in your guilty head. You touched your guilty lips and thought about that guilty kiss.
What's even worse is that you wanted more. Every time you saw her, your eyes flew to her lips. The pain you felt, that lingered from the accident, seemed to fade away.
Then you looked at your brother and a new pain arose.
The worst part was the look on his face, though, when he found out. The pained look that mirrored yours, but his with betrayal and yours with want. Those words that flew from your lips without thinking led to your own demise.
He was hurt and betrayed by his best friend, his brother.
She tried to comfort him, but he shut her out. He shut you out, too, behind a door, behind everything. You were nothing to him anymore, nothing to her anymore, nothing to anyone anymore. No one important, at least.
And now you are bitter brothers for nothing but a memory of the past that has already faded.
A/N: This is going to be a two-shot from both of their point-of-views. So, I was rereading the tenth book (my favorite book, because of the character development) and I see now what led people to ship Ted/Reagan. But I still kind of like Ned/Reagan... so this was created. Love drives people to do some cruel things.