Birthmark: The sequel

Clems POV

I woke up slowly, and then remembered the night before.


Sam was at Miles' place and I was climbing down the stairs slowly and gloomily. I had been staying at the Witwicky's for a week and now I was going to tell Mr and Mrs Witwicky I wouldbe leaving tommorow to stay with a distant aunt, whom I didnt particulalry like, but I couldnt stay with the Witwicky's forever.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs Ron was sitting at the table with some papers in front of him and Judy was cooking.

"Hey there kiddo." Ron greeted me.

"Hey Mr Wit- uh Hey Ron." I still wasnt quite comfortable calling him that.

"Sam's at Miles' place. " Judy said.

I pause. "Yeah i know."

"Then whats the matter honey?" Judy's brow crinkled with concern.

"Um- well you guys have been really really nice to me, but I have to go stay with my aunt tommorow." I said quickly.

"You dont have to" Ron said, a smile creeping its way across his face.

"What do you mean?" I was confused now.

"Well" Judy sounded a little excited "Ron and I have decided- if its what you want- we'd like to adopt you!"

My mouth fell open with shock. "Really?"

"Of course" Ron's smile grew bigger " You did all Sam's chores."

I laughed, I had wanted to help so I did them.

"These are the papers here. We've already signed them, now you do."

I hurried to the table and Ron pushed the paper and a pen toward me.

End flashback.

I smiled at the memory, and my grin became wider when I remembered Sam's shocked but happy face when he was told.

I then tumbled out of bed and crossed the room to find my clothes.

AN: yeah I know it was short but I had to get this out of the way. Any ideas for the plot would be greatly apreciated as I'm having a little trouble.

AND AS ALWAYS Pleeeeease reviewwwwwwwwwww I NEED THEM