DISCLAIMER: I'm back! I'm bold! Maybe even beautiful! But I still don't own Kuroshitsuji! ¬¬

Chapter 13: Getting things straight

Darkness surrounded the room with the dim light of the candles illuminating it. She could smell the fragrance of Vanilla and jasmine and could hear a sweet voice singing in the background and there that she knew she was in a peaceful place. Carolina raised head and sighed as she rubbed her temples.

"Ugh I feel dizzy! Angeles please stop singing"

"I'm sorry, I've grown quite used to singing to calm me down" the angel smiled and went to the bedside to help her mistress "You shouldn't be up so fast. You are too weak to be getting up. After all you have been asleep for three days."

"I'm fine. I can't stay in this bed any longer or I'll become old and faggy. Now bring me clothes and dress me" Carolina said firmly.

"As you wish my mistress" Angeles said as she bowed and fetched the young girl some clothes and dressed her in her crimson Victorian dress in her usual crimson and black colors "is there anything else you need my lady?"

"Where in bloody hell are we? I know we aren't in Ravenhust Manner"

"I know you might not like it but we are in Phantomhive mansion" Angeles said sighing looking at how her mistress looked at her with a death glare "It was my only option since it was closest and you are being protected by Abby, Candy and Mimi so no one is allowed to go pass that door but me. Until you are better you are not going to see anyone, no even your dear Ciel"

"HE'S NOT MY DEAR CIEL!" Carolina whined bur as she moved her head started spinning and

"Yes, yes, I heard you" Angeles chuckled as she finished dressing her completely, "Do you wish to use a wheelchair to go on? I don't think you have enough strength to be up and walking"

"I said I was fine, now bring me a cane and let's go see what we can do"

"Yes, my lady"

The day was cloudy but in the garden seemed to be this aura of brightness surrounding it. Young Finny was doing the same chores he did every day. He was in charge of cutting the trees, taking Pluto for walks and watering the plants in the garden. And today was no exception. He was always with that happy-go-lucky smile of his singing a tune as he walked to the garden. But just as he was getting closer he heard a strange noise. Something he had never heard before in his garden.

He heard a beautiful singing voice. For a moment he thought it would be Lady Serena or Angeles like her mistress called her, but the voice was too high pitched to be hers. He slowly walked to the garden and his eyes shot open as he gazed at the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A beautiful lady kneeling down in front of the flower bed and singing a tune while she was gardening and touching the flowers with her hands.

She had tan skin, huge brown eyes and a petit figure that made her look like a fairy. Finny suddenly felt his heart pound hard and couldn't stop looking at the garden fairy in front of him. She was too perfect to be true! Suddenly he felt someone kick him hard in his back, so hard he went flying and landed in front of that beautiful fairy. He got up and saw her directly at her eyes. Even closer she seems like a dream, a very beautiful dream. But before he could speak a word he felt someone grab him and place a knife close to his throat.

"spy?" said the person who was grabbing him. It seemed like a woman as well.

"Spy? No! I'm Finny! I work here in the Phantomhive mansion!"

"Silly Candy! Let the young man go! He seems too cute to be a spy" the fairy rose up from the ground. He could feel as he was let go and got up as well, "We're sorry young man. Candy is a bit cautious and is not so good with strangers"

"It's no big deal I guess" Finny scratched his head and blushed so hard, "well now you know who I am, I would love to hear your name"

"Oh silly me! Pardon my manners. My name is Abigail Addams but please call me Abby, and this is my sister Candy" Abby pointed to her sister who was behind finny and like magic suddenly appeared by her sister's side.

"Yoroshiku" Candy said bowing formally.

"Yoro….chiku?" Finny looked confused.

"It means "it's a pleasure to meet you" or "take care of me" in Japanese. My sisters and I were raised in Japan as priestesses of a grand temple that was visited by many English people. That's why we know how to speak English."

"It's incredi.."

"Oi! Finny! Are you finished…." The tall blonde chef entered the garden and was soon taken down on the floor by Candy.

"Spy!" said Candy holding the knife close to Bard's neck.

"Let me go you lunatic! I'm not a Spy! I'm Bard Roy, the chef of the phantomhives!"

"Darn it Candy! You did it again! Let the poor man go!" Abigail ordered with her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry" Candy said silently as she bowed at the chef who was just getting up.

"Yeah well you should be, you…." But before he could finish the sentence he looked for the first time at his attacker and stood stunned at the sight that was right in front of him. A petit girl with a skinny body and short hair, but despite her small delicate body she holds a brutal force and a pair of eyes that can kill you in an instant. Beautiful and dangerous, the perfect combination that made Bard feel like his heart detonate like a firework.

"We are very sorry for all of this. We work for Lady Carolina Ravenhurst" Abigail began explaining "I just wanted to get a glimpse of this beautiful garden for myself."

"You can come any time Ms. Addams" finny smiled.

"Please, I told you to call me abby. At least call me Abigail." Abby smiled with her tender sweet lips and her cheeks were blushing so softly.

"You can come any time….Abby" Finny said nervous and blushing as hard as he could.

"Thank you Finny" Abigail bowed gratefully and looked at her sister "come along Candy, we must see our mistress. It was nice meeting you two!"

"On the contrary, miss. The pleasure was ours" Bard smiled as he looked directly at Candy, who only ignored him.

"We'll be seeing you then. Good afternoon" Abby curtsied as she was leaving along side her sister.

Both men only stood there with their mouths open gazing at the two ladies. Abigail and Candy Addams. No that was a true spectacle to see.

Ciel looked outside the window of his office gazing seriously at the cloudy sky. It seemed like the perfect storm was about to brew, but it wasn't just outside. Inside his mind there was a huge storm of thoughts that just seemed to flood his brain. He was thinking of that night in the castle. Who was the puppeteer that was behind all this? How did he know him and most importantly how did he know about Carolina? Was there a conection with all of this?

But there was also something that really had his mind in a twist. Every single waking moment all he could think about was Carolina Scarlet Ravenhurst! In his sleep, when he was working, whenever and wherever, all he could think about was her. When he saw her being carried by Angeles there was this sudden feeling in his chest that he felt like protecting her. Whatever was following them, he wanted to protect her at all costs.

"Wait. What am I thinking! This is Ravenhurst we're talking about! The girl that loves to annoy me! The girl whose eyes look like that of a snake!" Ciel said to himself aloud.

Soon enough the door was knocked and Sebastian came inside with a tray of pastries.

"My lord, it seems you have a visitor. Miss Elizabeth Middleford is waiting in the bottom of the stairs."

"Let her in. although I don't know what that girl may want but at least she will help me distract me"

"Distract?" the butler inquired.

"Never mind. Just let her in"

As he waited for Elizabeth to come he was still thinking of Carolina. "Is she still asleep or is she awake? Oh god, get it together Phantomhive! You have your fiancée, you don't need to think about anyone else." He thought to himself.

The doors open widely and the cute blond girl came inside. Normally she would run up to him and hug him tightly telling him that he was cute or that he needed to smile more. But this time Elizabeth was serious, which in her case it is something that never happens.

"What's wrong Lizzie?" Ciel asked looking at her concerned.

"Ciel, you do know that ever since birth we have been together and have been engaged to be married for such a long time. At first, I was always happy with this because you are the only one that ever knew me and treats me better than anyone else in this world. But now….there is something that I feel is different."

Ciel was serious as he looked at Lizzie and looked deeply concerned. Had she discovered his interest in Carolina? But he was always very careful around her.

"Ciel I don't believe that tying us down will ever make us happy. At fist I thought I could make you change and smile once again. But I know it's not my job to do so. Ciel, I'm breaking our relationship."

Everyone in the room was in shock. No one dared move.

"But….lizzie" Ciel tried to speak but was interrupted by her.

"Ciel, it's not you. You aren't the reason why I want to break up. You see… I met someone recently. And I know this seems rather selfish, but I feel so happy to be with him. I know I'm defying everything our parents desired but I wish to have my own happiness"

Ciel felt somehow relieved. Even when he knew she had not discovered about his feelings for Carolina he was still a bit down. Even when he didn't think of lizzie as his soul mate or even his lover he had always been fond of that girl which was always by his side and keeping a smile close and cheering him up.

"Who is this man whom you've fallen for?"

"Percius, his name is Percius"

THE DEMI GOD! How could they have forgotten about him? He was with lizzie all this time?

"but are you sure you can trust him?"

"I know I may be foolish but he makes me happy and I've been smiling truthfully all this time. Something I haven't done in a while"

"I'm still a little nervous for you. Lord Middleford won't be pleased"

"He is disguised as a butler in my house and I always keep him close to me. Oh Ciel I feel so happy to be with him! He treats me like a princess and is very respectful and kind and cheerful and…"

"Everything I never was with you" Ciel whispered.

"Huh? Did you say something Ciel?"

"I'm happy for you Lizzie. And you're right, I mustn't keep you in a relationship if you are to suffer of sorrow. Please, from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be happy"

"OH CIEL!" Lizzie cried joyfully and went to hug him tightly like she always did. And for once in his life Ciel hugged her back softly.

Suddenly Sebastian flinched. He could smell a sweet aroma coming closer and closer with each second but only kept quiet as he saw his master being hugged by his ex fiancée.

Carolina walked close by every room looking vagantly at each room she passed.

"this door is the office of ciel Phantomhive" Angeles pointed to a door which was made of dark wood and could hear noise inside. Slowly she went to look and couldn't notice hearing and seeing what was going on inside.

Inside that office was Ciel Phantomhive hugging his fiancée Elizabeth Middleford and she could see the happiness in their eyes.

"Oh, Ciel! I love you so much! I will always love you!" Elizabeth squealed as she kept hugging him and could see him hug her softly as well.

Ciel wasn't the type to give hugs. He wasn't the type to be happy. If that girl was the source of his happiness, she had no business being there. It would be best to keep her emotions in the most hidden part of her heart and never feel them ever again.

"Angeles, prepare the bags. We are leaving to Ravenhurst Manor" Carolina turned and headed right to her room She had enough of this suffering for Ciel Phantomhive. Things were much better when she didn't know about him.

Carolina is leaving the Phantomhive Mansion!? Who is the person who knows of Carolina and Ciel? Will finny ever pull it off with Abby? Will I ever stop making annoying questions? ((you know damn well I won't so don't ask))

hello fellow readers! Its I! Usangie! Bringing back this fanfic that I have had very forgotten and for that I am terribly sorry! I have had so many things going on in my life. I am now in my 5th semester of college and I have been progressing as far everything goes. I'm hooked on Tmblr xD which is also something that I've had. Oh and I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! Yes yes Usangie fell in love! So now she has even more things to worry about. But please be patient with me! I will try to update as soon as I can! Don't loose hope on me yet!

ALSO! I have wanted to do this for a long time….I'm starting a Q&A for my characters! So you guys can feel free to ask any question to any character ((OC or from the Kuro cast))! It can be about anything you want! If Angeles likes Ice cream? What makes Carolina smile! What makes abby mad? Can candy speak sentences with more than two words! The sky is the limit! You can also make questions to me if you want to know anything about me or the process of writing this fanfic! You can also ask me in my facebook, twitter, tmblr, formsprings accounts ((which are on my profile)) be sure to make good questions! The best will be answered in the next chapter!

Till then I gotta book it! Love Ya!

