Disclaimer:*Tanaka comes in* HO….HO….HO….*Usangie comes in* What Tanaka said was, "Usangie doesn't own Kuroshitsugi in any way"

(A.N. My first Kuroshitsuji FF! Wow! I guess I'm just going to center on the first season soooo no one say anything if I don't include anything from the second. XD ONEGAI be nice to me and my Fanfic!)

Chapter 1: The lost lady (part one)

"Where am I?" she though "One moment I was at school and the next…."

Walking through the forest she felt defenseless and alone. Soon the night would come and she would not find her way back from where she started. To think that earlier she was safe and sound in her home.

That day she had gotten up and went to see her friend as she always did in the afternoon as they would both go to a place called school, wearing her usual white dress that went all the way to her knees and black flat shoes. That school was so old it could hold the mysteries of the world. That's where it all happened.


She went to the library and suddenly saw a light in one of the dark parts of the corner, where they held the thesis of the leaders before them in books. One thesis seemed to glow more bright than any other. She and her friend got a look at the book and suddenly everything went blank.

-Sakura!- she screamed to her friend.

-Usa!- her friend screamed.

- Hold on to me!

- I….cant hold on…..much longer…..

- Carolina…..hold on- she called her by her real name that meant that she was serious.

- Angeles- Carolina called her by her real name in sign of fear- USAAAAA!

She let go and the rest grew blank as she felt she fell in a huge hole to abyss.

*******Ends Flashback******

"Where am I?" Angeles thought as she kept walking through the deep woods. Her head was still spinning when she felt the first raindrop hit her head. And soon enough came the revolution of water that threatened to leave her completely soaked. She began to run to the nearest shield, anything would be good right now. "Well at least this is better than being in classes" she shrugged. She didn't take track of time, but it seemed like an eternity. She had been running from the rain for a while now.

She saw an old house up front. It looked like one of those antique English houses that she adored so much. "It must be abandoned" she thought as saw the door closed and nobody around. She went to the main entrance, knocked slowly for precaution and since no one answered immediately she opened the door on her own. Amazingly, the door was open.

Breathless, she walked slowly to the center of the receiving area. An aura of loneliness and sadness filled the room. She was soaking wet, she was tired, but most importantly, she was afraid. Suddenly she saw someone walk through the shadows of the abandoned house. She opened her eyes widely but it was in vain, she was too tired. She saw a pair of demon eyes though the shadows and she started to shake.

- I'm sorry….- she said breathlessly- I…shelter…rain….

And with that she fainted.

- She is awaking!- she heard a female voice shout excited.

- Yeah! Look!- said the voice of a boy who was also excited.

- Give her space to breathe- said a deeper and scarier voice- She has been in bed for a while and she may not have much force in her movements.

Angeles opened her eyes and looked at all the people standing there. There was a maid, a boy in country clothing, a chef and a butler standing right beside the bed she was laying in a bed that was unknown to her. She slowly opened her eyes and touched her head.

- Where…where am I?- Angeles asked.

- You are in the Phantomhive mansion- the butler said serious- you entered the house without even knocking and fell on the floor that I had just mopped.

- I'm terribly sorry- She rubbed her head- I was running away from the rain and I found this place. I thought it was abandoned and I just….all I wanted was some shelter from the rain.

- Its alright- said the maid- after all, the more you would have been stuck in the rain, the more sick you would have been afterwards.

- Sick? I was sick?- She tried to get up but was very weak as she was sitting up she noticed she was in a nightgown that obviously wasn't hers and she felt odd. Her long wavy brown hair flowed like a cascade in the pillows as the moved while she was getting up. Her small brown eyes opened widely and she looked like a small princess awaking from a long slumber.

- You have been in bed for two days with a very high fever- said the boy with country clothes with a huge and tender smile on his face- Thank god you are fine now. What's your name by the way?

- Finny! Don't be so straight forward. Don't you see the lady is just awaking from the fever- said the chef.

- Its ok- Angeles giggled- my name is…..

She thought for a second. She didn't even know where she was, she didn't even know who these people were. Why trust them? Should she really give them her real name? It wasn't the fact that they were total strangers, on the contrary, they seemed nice. It was the butler that seemed to give her the heebe jeebes! She could use the name that her best friend always referred to as…

- Serena- She continued- Serena Shields, but my friends call me Usa.

- Nice to finally make your acquaintance, my lady- the chef bowed- I'm Bard, the chef. If you need anything to eat I would be happy to make you anything you'd like.

- Thank you very much- Angeles smiled- But please call me Serena or Usa, I never liked formalities- Everyone smiled along with her. Even with her pale image and she looked skinnier, she had a warm and tender smile that seemed contagious and beautiful. She always had that effect on everyone, and these people weren't the exception.

- I'm Meirin!- the maid with dark pink hair and huge glasses smiled- If there is anything you need, Lady Serena, You can count on me!

- I'm Finnian but everyone calls me Finny- The country boys with blonde hair and large aquamarine eyes smiled- I'm the gardener, I can bring you fresh flowers so you can be happy.

Suddenly a small old man popped out of nowhere and only said- Ho, Ho, Ho!

- Oh this is Tanaka-san- Finny kept smiling- he doesn't speak much but when he does he has a lot to say. Right Tanaka-san?

- Ho, Ho, Ho- was all he said.

- Alright everyone, back to your jobs- said the serious butler- remember that we have guests tonight and everything has to be in top shape for our young lord.

- Young lord?- Angeles looked at the butler with curiosity. Who was the owner of such a big house? Or better yet, there was an owner? This place looks abandoned and sad. It was a shame since it was so beautiful.

- Yes, Sebastian-san- they all said and bowed in front of Angeles as they left.

- You seemed to have caused a great impression on them, even when they know you so little- Sebastian, the butler said as he was turning to open the curtains. The rain had stopped a long time a go and the sky was now bright and blue.

- I see that my presence here doesn't make you happy- Angeles looked down- I am terribly sorry if I did something wrong. I would like to offer my apologies to the owner of this house for letting me stay here even when I know I wasn't invited.

- It's the least you could do I suppose- Sebastian looked at her as she was still in bed only covered by the sheets and wearing the nightgown that suited her body perfectly- but of course you have to change clothes to do so. But I don't think that those ridiculous clothes you were wearing two days ago are be-suiting for that.

- My clothes?- Angeles looked at the chair in which her clothes were at and she looked down- I have nothing else but that.

- Luckily I have a spare dress I think can suit you perfectly for such a moment. But you are going to have to be quick when you talk to him. The young lord has a dinner with some clients and he wants no interruptions. The dress is in the bathroom and you have to be in a presentable shape for him.

- Yes, I will. I….- Angeles turned but there was no one around. The butler had disappeared and she was left with a shiver- Thank you?

Angeles got up and looked at the dress that was in the small bathroom next door. She didn't like some parts of it, but the color and the size were perfect. She had seen some scissors and she cut some parts of cloth from the front part of the dress and sleeves.

Since she had no clue where to go she luckily saw Meirin and asked her where the young lord was.

- Sure my….I mean, Serena! He is right this way- Meirin made her follow her to a small room crossing a big stairway. As she crossed, Angeles saw a beautiful picture of a young couple in the center. She looked at it almost hypnotized- Are you coming or not?

- Oh, sorry, it's just….I thought I had seen this before- Angeles shrugged. "Maybe in a dream" she thought as she continued to walk to a door that could be a study. She was going to say thanks but Meirin had left, leaving her all alone in front of that big door. That seemed darker and darker by the moment. Who could be the grand owner of all this? Would he be an old man who was wretched and evil that would ask her something in exchange? Or maybe the contrary, a kind man who would understand her situation. Whatever he or even she was, she only hoped for the best.

Before entering the room, Angeles heard a conversation between what seemed two people.

- I want something sweet to eat- said one voice, almost childish but still rough.

- You cant young lord, we have guests tonight, isn't that right?- said the other voice. Angeles recognized that voice from before. She guessed it was Sebastian the butler.

- Come on, do it. Something like a cake or any sweets- the other said.

- I cant- Sebastian repeated. The other one made a sound as if he were mad about this but then spoke normally:

- By the way, the portrait in the receiving area…

- Yes?

- Take it off- The other voice sounded. Angeles was a bit surprised that someone would want to take down such a beautiful picture- I'm the new head of the Phantomhive family, Ciel Phantomhive!

- Understood- Sebastian said as he was heading for the door and Angeles sprung away from it- Oh, Lady Serena, I see you are ready to see our young lord.

- I had a bit of trouble with finding you but I had some help from the maid, Meirin- Angeles smiled lightly, she was a bit scared of that man but it was nothing she couldn't get used to. After all, she had seen enough monsters in her life to even feel threatened by him.

- And the dress fits you perfectly as well- Sebastian inspected her with his eyes, almost making her feel naked to his sight.

- I did some adjustments, I still think its good- Angeles smiled as she looked at the Cerulean dress that she wore that had a beautiful texture, white ruffles in the front and the sleeves were all the way to her forearms. Her long burnet hair was in a low ponytail and some hairs were falling loose making her look delicate.

- I will announce you to our young lord- Sebastian said as Angeles followed him and she stayed behind him- Young lord, our recent guest, Lady Serena Shields, wishes to speak to you.

- Let her in- said the other voice. Sebastian moved away and that's when she saw him. He was not even a man! It was just a kid. A twelve year old with black almost blue hair and huge midnight blue eye since the other seemed to be covered by an eye patch, wearing a green suit and a blue bow. But why was he dressed that way? Like the old English times. She had asked herself that same question when she saw the dress- Serena Shields, so that is your name.

- Yes- Angeles nodded. For some strange reason, that boy seemed so sad and lonely. But more than that, he had a fierce look in his eye and a big spunk while he talked, as if he ruled over everything.

- My name is Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Why did you come here?

- I wanted to thank you for helping me out after the rain- Angeles looked at him and smiled lightly- I know I intruded in your lovely home and I….

- Hmm…its odd you consider this home lovely- Ciel said smirking- I don't consider it that way.

- I think it's a beautiful home- Angeles smiled a bit more- The architecture is impressive and the paintings are all beautiful, especially the one in the receiving area. Sure, the house looks a bit pale and….

- you like that image?

- It looks lovely and…- she didn't finish her sentence when Sebastian came inside to check on the young boy.

- Young lord, dinner is almost ready and the guest should be here anytime soon- Sebastian said calmly but looked at Angeles oddly.

- yes- Ciel said- now, what should I do with you lady Serena…that is….if you even are a lady.

- I myself don't even know- Angeles looked down- I…don't know where I am, it's all been crazy since yesterday and…..I must do something to pay for what I did.

Sebastian looked at Angeles up and down. There was just something about this girl that wasn't right. her long brown hair started to let loose a bit and get to her face as she was still looking down. She seemed so surreal and lovely….a type of lovely that just screamed abnormal. She was too lovely. Maybe it were her small eyes or the rosiness of her lips and cheeks but there was just something wrong here. Ever since she dared step into the mansion she had moved everything from its place and made it upside down, and he liked the way things had been ordered before. She wasn't someone normal, but what was she? She didn't look like a demoness. Her eyes would be deeper and the stench would be stronger, like smelling blood mixed with perish. But she on the other hand smelled sweet, of vanilla and lavender, plus her eyes seemed sweet and indulging.

- It was Sebastian who had trouble with this- Ciel said- if you lived or died I didn't care in the least. So I guess he is the one who can pick your punishment.

- Punishment?- Angeles looked up and opened her eyes. Oh god, and for a moment she had thought she was safe, now she was doomed if it had to be up to HIM! Somehow he made her nervous. He never seemed to like her and he was always looking at her like a bother. She could be making a prejudice about him, but his appearance did make her doubt too much.

- Quickly, Sebastian!- Ciel said impatient- I need to clean myself for the guest.

- We do need more help around the mansion- Sebastian said putting his hand on his chin- that would be grand, you shall become our new maid, that is, if our young lord would agree to this.

- Its settled- Ciel got up- you shall be my new maid, Lady Serena. Now get to work. Sebastian will tell you what to do while I go to my room. Sebastian, once you finished with her, come to my room.

- Yes, My Lord- Sebastian bowed putting his right hand above his chest.

Ciel left the room and Sebastian turned to Angeles. She looked at him with frightened eyes and was shivering a little.

- We seemed to have had a slight turn of events and we are now having dinner outside. I made a special garden and placed a table for the dinner. I need you to get to Meirin and help her get the plates….and this time, make sure she doesn't break them.

Angeles nodded slowly and looked down. It wasn't so hard. Being a maid was going to be easy, considering the fact that she had always loved cleaning. She followed Sebastian to where Meirin was in a small room filled with boxes trying to open each box.

- Meirin, Lady Serena will help you with the chores- said Sebastian as Angeles stepped inside right behind him.

- But, she is a lady!- said Meirin as if it where the most scandalous thing she had ever heard.

- I have to pay my staying here so I offered myself to be a maid- Angeles said smiling lightly, knowing that she was lying- Besides, I have no problem with cleaning and doing chores.

- Alright, I must leave to help the young lord, so please do find those plates on time- Sebastian sighed and left the room making Angeles smile of relief. That man sure knew how to make you feel nervous!

- Come, let's start by these- Meirin said looking at boxes that where on the northern part of the room. Angeles looked around to look and she only had to look once to know where those plates where. She only opened the box and tapped Meirin's shoulder, as she turned stunned- Holy God! How did you do that?

- Luck I guess- Angeles shrugged and smiled at her- I have a keen eye for shapes and I only guessed that the plates would be in a small box, not in one of those gigantic boxes that may be full of clothes or other items.

Meirin laughed knowing that she had been wrong from the beginning. Angeles carried three boxes since Meirin insisted she should take the rest. She was carrying five boxes and it seemed she could barely see where she was going. As they walked Meirin couldn't help talking to her and asking her how she had gotten stuck in the rain.

- To be precise, I have absolutely no clue. I think I lost my memory since I don't even remember where I live or anything of my life, all I remember is that I am Serena Shields and that I have to find something.

- something?- Meirin asked as she kept on walking- what is it?

- Well it's more of a someone. She is my best friend and I lost her on the way here so now I have to find her although I don't know where she could be.

- Maybe you can ask the young lord to help you find her.

- Oh no, I have already made enough by barging inside his home the way I did. I think I'm going to have to find her on my own.

They picked up the pace since the dinner was almost about to be ready and they needed to put the plates. Merin began to run through the halls and Angeles just followed.

- SEBASTIAN-SAN! WE FOUND IT!-Meirin wailed.

She saw Sebastian turn around, but once he turned Meirin slipped and fell. Luckily Sebastian stopped her fall and was able to catch each box, four on one hand and another one on his foot.

- Oh, its you- Sebastian said carelessly- this is why I always tell you not to run in the mansion.

- YOURE RIGHT!- Meirin got away from Sebastian and got closer to the wall- I broke my glasses and now I can't see much.

- Meirin are you alright?-Angeles jogged as she left gently the three boxes on the floor and went to her- you seem red.

- i..iii….iiitsss…NOTHING!- Meirin tried to hide her face with her hands.

- Well now I don't have to worry about the main event- said Sebastian.

Angeles turned to Sebastian as he juggled the box on his foot and put it on the very top of the rest- You can give me some boxes so I can help you- she said calmly looking down. She didn't like to look in his eyes much. She felt fear when she did. Sebastian gave her a box as Meirin helped her put on the other three.

- Good job everyone, now you can just relax and leave the job to me- said Sebastian looking at Bard and Finny who where in the kitchen- Please try to stay calm. Stay calm for as long as possible.

- He said it two times- said Bard.

- He just said it two times- Finny said as well.

Meirin was still in her cloud of fantasies when Sebastian and Angeles left to get the plates and once they finished Angeles went to see how the meal was while Sebastian went to tell Ciel and his guest that dinner was almost done. Meirin told her that it would be best if she put on a maid uniform since it would be a disgrace to get that one dirty with all the chores. She was handed the same type of uniform Meirin had but she felt there was something missing in it. So she got some scissors and fixed the dress.

*dramatic pause* uuuuuuu Yet again she fixes her dress. I hope it will be able to surprise our young lord! Hello everyone! Wow! Im still surprised I did this. Normally this wouldn't be my type of genre to write but as an author I gotta expand my horizons XD well anyways I hope you guys like it! I really just had the idea and wrote it as best as I could so please don't hate me! Now you are probably wondering why I named her Angeles….but how bout I leave that for homework for you guys to find out. And you will see why I named her that way once the story starts to develop. As for why she has TWO names….I went crazy! I always loved the name Serena and since Angeles fears Sebastian it was best she change her name ((But her fear wont be for long….uupsss spoiler!)) I just hope you guys don't get confused. ^^u

If you like it please review, if not please help me make this even better! Hope to hear from you guys! Gotta book it!

