Many thanks for such enthusiastic reviews. This is where I go and ruin it with a very silly and slightly out of character epilogue!
Ruth walked on to the Grid.
"Hi, stranger," said Beth.
"Hi, how's it been?" asked Ruth.
"Oh, quiet, thankfully. Harry took a few days off too, so if it hadn't have been we would have been in trouble."
"That's good," said Ruth.
"How was your holiday?"
"Lovely," said Ruth, "wish I was still there."
"You look really well."
At that moment the pod doors swished open and out stepped a rather bronzed Harry.
Beth looked at him and back to Ruth, "as does Harry, funnily enough," she said as a smile spread across her face.
"Evershed," called Dimitri as he walked in with a cup of coffee, "Nice tan!"
"You haven't seen the half of it," murmered Harry as he crossed to his office.
Dimitri looked at Ruth.
"Tanned nipples, very attractive," added Harry without stopping.
Dimitri dropped his coffee.
Beth spluttered.
Ruth laughed and then blushed.
Harry sat at his desk and sighed a contented sigh.