Finally! Here's the last chapter. Thanks so much for hanging in there for the entire fic.


Chapter 18

As the iris closed behind SG-1, Jack took two steps down the ramp before his knees buckled. Sam and Teal'c both grabbed for him, preventing him from taking a nosedive. Daniel had been right; once Jack had gotten his team home safely, the adrenaline he'd been running on evaporated. Seeing this, Janet left Ankhu, who was lying on a gurney, and hurried over to Jack, who was now sitting on the ramp.

"Colonel, let me take a look at that arm."

"Staff weapon, Janet," Sam informed her.

"Let's get Colonel O'Neill on a gurney," she said to one of the medics.

"I can walk," he protested.

"Like you were just now?" she countered. "I don't think so."

Jack didn't argue any more. He really did feel like crap.

General Hammond approached as Jack was being helped onto a gurney. "It's good to have you back, Doctor Jackson," he said, taking in Daniel's attire without comment.

"It's good to be back, General."

Noticing the young woman and child staying close to Daniel's side, he asked, "Who do you have with you?"

"General, this is Makare. She helped me while I was on Thoth's world. And this is Dan'e, my daughter."

"Excuse me?"

"Long story, sir. One we're all waiting to hear," Jack's raised voice trailed off as they wheeled him out of the 'gateroom.

"One that will have to wait a little longer to be told," Hammond said, looking back at Daniel. "We'll put off the debriefing until everyone's up to it. All of you report to the infirmary and get checked out. Then I'm sure you'd all appreciate a chance to clean up and get something to eat. Not to mention a good night's sleep."

"Thank you, sir," Daniel replied.

The group made their way to the infirmary, Dan'e holding Daniel's hand tightly and Makare gripping his arm as they took in their surroundings. Upon entering the infirmary they were each directed to a bed. Daniel took one next to Jack, and Dan'e climbed up and sat with him. Makare took the bed on the other side of Daniel. Janet was busy checking Jack over; his BDU shirt and t-shirt had already been removed and a nurse was cleaning around the wound. Several other nurses came in and began checking the rest of them. Janet finished with Jack and moved to Daniel's bed.

"Who've you got here, Daniel?" she asked.

"This is my daughter, Dan'e."

"Really?" she said smiling at the young girl. "Nice to meet you, Dan'e. I'm Janet."

Daniel said something to her in another language, then Dan'e looked at Janet and said, "Janet makes well."

"I try." Then to Daniel, "I assume I'll get the whole story later?"

"Sure, Janet."

"So, do you have any injuries I need to know about, Daniel?" Janet asked as she began examining him.

"No, I'm fine."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jack interrupted. "I saw that Mal'rac guy use something on you. You were in so much pain you couldn't move."

Daniel glared at him and growled a warning, "Jack."

"Daniel?" Janet asked, waiting for an explanation.

Daniel was quiet for a few moments, deciding what to tell her. Dan'e had understood enough to know they were talking about what Mal'rac had done to Daniel. She reached over and touched the brand.

"Mark of Thoth hurt Danyel."

"Out of the mouths of babes," Jack said with a smirk.

"Daniel? Care to explain?" Janet pressed again, impatience creeping into her voice.

"Yeah, care to explain?" Jack added, enjoying Daniel's discomfort.

Daniel sighed. He was outnumbered and knew he'd have to tell them sooner or later. He moved his finger, touching the brand on his chest. "It's more than a brand. Thoth implanted some sort of chip. It can be used to track someone."

"Really?" Sam asked, her curiosity piqued.

"And?" Janet and Jack said simultaneously.

"And it can be used to inflict pain," Daniel finished, keeping his eyes lowered.

"I knew it!" Jack said. "That bastard!"

Giving Jack a look that said 'stay out of this', Janet continued to question Daniel.

"This was used on you recently?"

"Janet, I'm okay, really. The pain never lasts." He closed his eyes, realizing the mistake he'd just made.

"Sooo, it's been used multiple times?" Janet asked, moving to take a closer look at the brand.

"Really, I'm fine," he said again, his eyes pleading as they met hers.

"Well, your stats do appear normal." Her only other concern had been the whip marks on his back, but she had decided that they had healed well. "I suppose there's no reason to keep you."

"Thank you, Janet."

"I don't believe this," Jack muttered. How did Daniel always manage to talk himself out of an infirmary stay?

She continued to examine the brand. "It shouldn't be a problem to remove this, Daniel."

"Janet, could you hold off on that for a while?" Jack asked.

"Why, Colonel?" Janet asked, surprised.

"Jack?" Daniel queried, also confused.

"Well, if I can get my hands on whatever controls it, I might be able to find a use for it."

Daniel rolled his eyes disgustedly. "Ha, ha."

Janet hid a smile as she moved to finish her exams.

After all their exams were finished, everyone but Jack, who was confined to the infirmary, had gone to shower and eat. The briefing had been scheduled for late the next afternoon, giving everyone a chance to rest and allowing Jack to recuperate some so he could attend. Makare had bunked with Sam and Dan'e was allowed to sleep on a cot in Daniel's quarters.


Five o'clock the next afternoon found SG-1 wrapping up a very long briefing with General Hammond. Daniel had described his experiences over the past few weeks with a minimal number of outbursts from Jack. He had cursed loudly when Daniel had told them about being whipped by Mal'rac, and again when he described the branding and subsequent use of the chip by Thoth. The room had been quiet as he described learning of Shar'e's pregnancy and the birth and banishment of his daughter. Sam had laid her hand over his at that point, offering her silent support. Teal'c's only comment came when Daniel described killing Mal'rac. "If he were not already dead, I would return and kill him myself." Daniel finished his report and sat looking at his folded hands.

General Hammond broke the silence. "I am truly sorry you had to go through that, son."

"Thank you, sir."

"We will be sending the former slaves to their home worlds as soon as we receive addresses from this Kresh'nar," Hammond continued. "Doctor Jackson, I would like for you to help Major Carter search for appropriate worlds where we can send any of those that we don't find addresses for."

"I'd be glad to help, sir," Daniel replied.

"I am pleased that you were at least united with your daughter. Have you thought about what you want to do now that she's here?" Hammond asked.

Jack looked up at Daniel, worried that he would say he wanted to quit the SGC, or at least leave SG-1. After all of his losses, Jack was glad Daniel had found some happiness. He wouldn't blame him if he wanted to devote all of his time to Dan'e. As much as he would hate to lose Daniel from his team, he knew he would support his friend no matter what he chose to do.

"I haven't decided, General. I need a little time to think it over."

"Take all the time you need. It's a big decision. I'll expect everyone's written reports by the end of the week. Dismissed."

The general left the room and returned to his office. SG-1 was silent until Jack asked, "Are you going to go talk to Makare and Dan'e?"

"Yeah, guess I'd better do that."

"Why don't we find them and all of us can get something to eat?" Sam suggested.

"Sure, that sounds good," Daniel agreed.

"T, are you coming?" Jack asked.

"I would be pleased to join you," he replied.

The group returned to Daniel's quarters where Makare and Dan'e were waiting. Dan'e jumped up and ran to Daniel.

"Danyel, can we go outside and see your world now?"

Daniel translated her request. "We were going to get something to eat."

"Oh," she said, sounding disappointed.

"Daniel, why don't we take some food up to the top of the mountain and have a picnic?" Sam said.

"Good idea, Carter. Whadaya say, Daniel?"

"That sounds nice, Sam."

"Pic – a – nic?" Dan'e said, trying out the new word.

"You'll like it," Daniel assured her.

The group proceeded to the commissary where they chose their picnic food. Sam stopped and got a blanket from her quarters and they all headed for the top of the mountain.

They emerged into the early evening sun and followed the path to a clearing overlooking the valley and on down to the city at the edge of the foothills. The surrounding mountains were purple in the light of the fading sun. The golden leaves of the changing aspens shimmered as a cool breeze ruffled them, bringing the scent of pine with it.

"Ohh . . .," Dan'e gasped, awestruck as she looked at the vista before her.

"It's so beautiful," Makare said, equally impressed.

"There is no sand!" Dan'e exclaimed.

"There are deserts on Earth, Dan'e, but not here," Daniel told her.

Sam spread the blanket and they all sat and enjoyed their meal. When they had finished, Daniel decided it was time to talk to Makare and Dan'e.

"Makare, do you know what you want to do now?" Daniel asked.

"It has been many years since I left my home. I do not believe I would have any family left there. Dan'e is my family now. I would like to stay and care for her, and you, if you will let me," she said.

Teal'c quietly translated her words for Jack and Sam.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Daniel asked.

"Yes," she replied, wondering if he would accept her offer.

"Then of course I want you to stay," he said, hugging her.

Daniel let go and moved to Dan'e who was listening to their conversation.

"Dan'e, I'm so happy you are here with me."

"I am happy, too, Danyel."

"I think that I should stop going through the Chappa'ai so that I can stay here and be with you."

"But I want you to go through the Chappa'ai," she said adamantly.


"If you hadn't gone through the Chappa'ai you never would have found me and all those people would still be slaves. You must continue to visit other worlds and free others who are slaves to the false gods," she pleaded.

Daniel closed his eyes briefly, hearing the echo of Shar'e's voice telling him he needed to continue to go through the Chappa'ai.

He opened his eyes. "It would mean I would have to leave you sometimes."

"Makare will look after me. Besides, I know you will keep your promise. No matter what happens, we will be together."

Daniel admitted to himself that he would miss going through the 'gate. He would give it up if he had to, though, to be with Dan'e. But her adamant words about freeing others were true. He knew he needed to continue to go through the 'gate. Her confidence in his promise was her blessing to do so.

Daniel smiled at her. "All right, you win," he said, bending down to hug her.

He straightened and she bounded off to join Sam in watching a ground squirrel scampering over the rocks.

Jack came to stand at Daniel's side. "Looks like you have a family now, Daniel."

Daniel glanced to Makare and Teal'c who were now deep in conversation, and then back to Jack.

"I already had a family, Jack. I've just added to it."

Jack patted him on the shoulder and then headed towards Sam and Dan'e, his voice carrying back to Daniel. "Dan'e, what stories has Daniel been telling about me?"

Daniel smiled as he watched his family—all five of them—feeling a comforting warmth envelope him.

And, for the first time in a very long time, he felt… complete.

The End