Wow, it's been a while. I though some people would like to check in on Meghan and Alex. I'm not sure how long this will be. Reviews make for a happy author, which means a longer story.

This is rated T, for references to sex and language later. But I won't go into details about Meghan and Alex's personal life.

DISCLAIMER- Yeah, most of this isn't mine. But Meghan is

Barefoot and shirtless, Twenty-two year old Alex Rider padded down the hall of the London loft, flipping through the letters that had been haphazardly tossed on the table next to the door. A bill, another bill, a flyer from the fish and chips place down the street… Alex turned into the kitchen and dining room, pulled a magnet off the fridge and stuck the cardstock over a drawing done by Cosy. It was either the monster that lived under his bed when he was four or the family dog. Alex was still undecided as to which it really was.

"Anything Interesting?" A twenty-one-year old woman with auburn hair walked into the kitchen. Alex was amazed that she could still distract him with just a glance. But with her hair pulled into a messy bun, and wearing his favorite old tee shirt, Alex found himself very distracted. He tossed the envelopes onto the countertop and pulled Meghan close to him. She giggled as he buried his face in her neck. She tangled her fingers in his sandy-blond hair, cut fairly short.

"It's interesting that you're wearing my shirt. Give it back." His lips grazed her neck with every word and his hot breath smelled of coffee. Meghan pulled away, and twisted the hem of the shirt in her fingers.

"Are you going to fight me for it?" She teased. He growled a warning.

"That's my Favorite shirt, Meghan Anne. Give. It. Back." When she giggled again and started to run, he quite willingly chased her. Right into the room they shared.

"We're late, we're late, we're late." Meghan chanted under her breath. She dug under the rumpled bed, trying to find the other black pump she had kicked off. Last time she wore it was Jack's Engagement party, with the green dress and after they come home, she and Alex had….

"Your other black shoe is behind the umbrella stand by the balcony." Alex called, as he knelt down and grabbed the missing shoe. He dusted off the knees of his black trousers as Meghan tottered in on one heel. Both spies were wearing white button-down shirts, but Meghan was attempting to straighten her twisted pencil skirt and black pantyhose.

"Thanks." She said. As she tried to balance on one foot, she fell, and would have hit the ground if Alex wasn't so quick. This was the third or fourth time that Meghan had nearly fallen this week, and both were a little worried. What was wrong with her balance? Neither mentioned it as the two slid into the black car Royal and General had sent around. Alex sat, staring out the window, rubbing his stomach and bouncing his knee. Finally, Meghan had enough.

"Alex." She rested her hand on his knee, stopping the bouncing. "Relax. This is a follow-up to our last mission. It was neat, tidy, finished in two days and nobody died. They won't send us away for Jack's wedding. They won't." as she finished the speech, the black car pulled up to the royal and general. To any passer-by, Alex and Meghan looked every bit the wealthy young couple, walking arm and arm, checking their bank account to pay for their last trip to Prague. Nobody would guess that while in Prague the two had posed as patients in a long-term care facility that had been stealing millions of pounds from the dying people living there.

The lobby of the Royal and General has a buzz, a kind of white noise when you enter it. Meghan's eyes and head hurt, from the noise and bright lights. She felt nauseous again. These unexpected waves of nausea would strike at the oddest times, but she assumed they were a side effect of everything she'd seen.

"We're here to see Mrs. Jones. Alex Rider and Meghan Blackstone." Alex told the receptionist. Meghan pressed a hand to her forehead, and took deep breaths, waiting for it to pass. Alex looked down at her. She was pale, except for her flushed cheeks, and seemed a little sweaty. "Are you okay?" He murmured as the receptionist called Mrs. Jones to inform her of the young visitors.

Meghan nodded. "I'm just a little green about the gills." She said quietly. "Too much excitement this morning." When she coyly winked at him Alex decided she must be fine.

Much too quietly for anyone's comfort, Mrs. Jones arrived next to the spies.

"Hello Alex, Meghan. This way please." The words were punctuated by the pungent smell of peppermints. Meghan's pale face turned green. She swallowed several times, and took slow breaths. Alex tried not to notice, but had already started rubbing her back as they stepped into the elevator. With a whoosh, the elevator quickly passed the standard floor and deposited them onto the top floor.

"Alex, Mr. Blunt will see you now. Meghan, come and sit with me in my office." Alex hesitated and opened his mouth to protest, but Meghan was quicker.

"Go deal with Blunt. I just need to sit down for a moment." She said, resting her hand on his chest. He didn't move. "Go." She repeated and lightly pushed him. "The last thing we need is me puking on Blunt. He might send Ninjas after us or something."

Alex grinned as he hurried down the hall. Mrs. Jones ushered Meghan into her office and offered her a cold bottle of water and a package of crackers. As Meghan took a long drink of the cold liquid and nibbled at the dry crackers, Mrs. Jones watched her carefully. After about Five Minutes, the feeling had passed and Meghan stood.

"I should go give my report to Blunt and-"

"Sit down, Meghan. I need to talk to you about something, before Alex and Blunt join us." Meghan sat down again. Mrs. Jones perched on the front of her desk and folded her hands in her lap.

"Just how serious are you and Alex? Have you discussed marriage? Your careers? A family? Because if I know Alex as well I as think I do, he would be desperate to have a family, after losing his. He also does not want to stay in our employment. Blunt will offer to release him at the start of next year or sooner if proper reasoning is given. But you love this. You work for both us and CIA; will you walk away if Alex wants you to?" Mrs. Jones's dark eyes bore into Meghan's green ones.

"Mrs. Jones, I don't think that my relationship with Alex is the government's business. But, since you asked, Yes, Alex and I have spoken about Marriage at least. I don't want to get married. Ever. I'll just enjoy my life of sin. As for the rest, no. not in depth. But why are discussing this now? I'm twenty-one and don't plan on retiring just yet."

Just then, Blunt knocked on the door, opened it and ushered Alex to the seat next to Meghan. Blunt then stood awkwardly next to Mrs. Jones, as if this meeting was one that had never happened before. Blunt was the first to speak.

"Alex. We would like to terminate your contract, come January first of the New Year. However, we received some information could move that date up." Alex grinned, wider than Meghan had ever seen. But something still felt off to Meghan. Why had Mrs. Jones asked questions about her relationship with Alex?

"When am I released then?" Alex asked. Blunt and Mrs. Jones were not smiling.

"Medical testing was done on both of you at the care facility and the results were sent to us." Blunt stated. Alex and Meghan exchanged a look. Was Alex sick?

"Mrs. Jones, when am I released?" Alex repeated, his voice faltering.

"In April." Blunt said. "Right before Meghan's due date."

And then everything went black and silent for Meghan.