You see this? This is a drabble I created on Deviant Art commenting on a picture of Jim someone did! It's basically a parody of TP regarding old Silver and it is to be like 101 Ways to Annoy Voldermort with out the romance factor… Enjoy!


Start a food fight over being whacked with a pillow!

Yuni: -is staring at a picture of Shino Aburame and drooling when she gets hit with a pillow- Who threw the pillow? -looks over to see Silver standing there whistling as if he's totally innocent- Figures... -glares at the old cyborg-

Silver: Hey, I was jus' tryin' to wake yeh up, lass.

Yuni: -scoffs- Yeah, suuure. -throws a pie outta no where while his back's turned-

Silver: What the-! -Looks around to see she's no where in sight- Ah, blast it!

Yuni: -notices Silver walking towards her hiding place looking pissed- Uh oh! -Throws a cake at him and finds a new hiding place-

Silver: -twitch- I t'ink I otta give up on this here chase. I mean what am I gonna do? 'Can't hurt the girl fer an innocent joke. -turns away from where she is-

Yuni: -jumps out from her hiding spot and pelts him with purps from a purp launcher- Bahahaha

Silver: -looks even more peeved- Dat's it! -Walks quickly down to the galley-

-Soon the whole ship is covered in splattered food and Captain Amelia comes out and tells her and Silver to clean it all up.-

Yuni: What?

Silver: -opens his mouth to say something then closes it-

Amelia: -walks back to her stateroom slams the door before either of them could get a word in-

Yuni: See what you got me into?

Silver: Me? if yeh hadn't continued to act like yeh did 'we' wouldn't be in dis mess!

Yuni: Yeah, right. -picks up a piece of food and chucks it at Silver's face-

Silver: -scowls-


I know it's a lame ending but trust me! It gets better! –Laughs evilly! - Please be light on the reviews…