The next level

Eli and Clare had been dating for exactly 5 years and today was their anniversary of when they started dating. Eli decided that today was the day that he's going to propose.


I had been deciding about this day for exactly 2 months I bought the ring a week ago and I decided where I was going to take Clare to propose.

Clare POV

Eli said he was taking me somewhere, but he won't tell me where (typical him). I heard the door open he's home. He had gone who knows where.

"Ready to go," He asked.


"But, before you have to wear a blindfold"

"Um, why?"

"Because it's a surprise," he said suspiciously.

"Fine," I said annoyed.

We got in Morty I can't believe after all these years It still works. Once we arrived he took my blindfold off. 'Where are we?' I thought. Then I remembered the place where he made me scream when we first met. But what would be doing here?

"Come here," he led me to a pole.

Then he got on his knee and pulled something out of his jacket.

"Clare Edwards, I have and always will love you. Will you do me the honor of me?" He asked hopeful

A million thoughts were going through my mind but one was screaming and that of course is my answer.

"Yes!" I yelled enthusiastically.

He put the ring on my finger. Then he got up and kissed me.

"I love you soon to be Mrs. Goldsworthy." He said happily

"I love you too Mr. Goldsworthy." I said while smiling.

This is perfect I'll be married to Elijah Goldsworthy the guy I've been in love with since he ran over my glasses over five years ago.

I can just imagine what it will be like when I break the news to Alli and my parents.

Hope you like it tell me if you want me to continue. Review please J
