Choose your soul mate?
Eli's P.O.V
Today was the day Julia and I were moving to Toronto. When I had found out I was moving and told Julia she convinced her parents to move also.
After much convincing they decided to transfer. I was happy that she was able to move also.
If she didn't moving would be terrible. Mostly because she was my only friend and girlfriend I've had.
"Eli, time to go!" I snapped out of my thoughts by my mother yelling up the stairs.
"Coming," I replied back.
I took one last glance at the room I've had my entire life. Instead of multiple band posters and pictures of Julia and I that were always on the walls their just blank gray walls now.
I walked outside and got into the moving van where my parents were waiting.
"Ready to go sweetie?" My mom asked.
"Yeah," I said.
As we started going I got a text from Julia.
Did you leave yet? - Julia
Yeah we just left - Eli
Great we just left also - Julia
Ok, I'll see you when we get to the house - Eli
Ok, love you - Julia
After we finished texting and said our goodbyes I asked my parents how much longer.
"About 20 more minutes," my dad answered.
I didn't notice how time passed. I listened to my ipod for the remainder of time until said we arrived.
It was a small white two story house. It looked almost identical to our old house.
We got out of the moving van and went inside.
"What room is mine?" I asked.
"The first door on the right," my dad replied.
I went upstairs to my new room. It was painted gray like my old room.
I went to the moving van and started bringing stuff to my room and putting stuff up.
As I was putting my clothes away there was a knock at the door.
"Eli, can you get it," my mom asked.
I went downstairs and got the door. When I got the door there was a girl with a batch of cookies.
"Hi, I'm Clare. I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." She said smiling brightly.
"Thanks, I'm Eli." I said taking the cookies when she handed them to me.
"Are going to go to Degrassi," she asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Okay, well I'll see you around." She said it sounding more like a question.
"Guess you will," I replied as she left.
I shut the door and thought she was beautiful. Then Julia came to my mind. Well this will be an interesting year I thought.