Disclaimer: My new years resolution is to own Naruto! Because, in case no one realised, I don't just yet!

We Met At Midnight.


Sasuke fled back to the room he'd woken up in and closed the door firmly behind him. He heard Naruto call out but ignored him. He didn't want an explanation of what was going on out there. Naruto could fuck whomever he pleased, like Sasuke cared anyway! Running a hand through his greasy hair Sasuke tried to force the image of Naruto straddling the girl out of his mind. He needed to shower. Badly. Looking around the room Sasuke surveyed his new surroundings.

It had been a shock to wake up not in the cell. A pleasant shock but one none the less. This room was far larger than the last he'd been in. The bed he'd woken up on was a large king sized bed with a black quilt on top. It was flanked by two bedside tables and rested on a raised platform. There was a sitting area in the corner that was surrounded by full length windows and a large plasma TV adorned the wall across from it. An open doorway led into a walk in closest which was overflowing with all types of clothes. From suits to casual, Sasuke had casually flicked through them. Drawers stacked along the bottom of the closest. Back in the bedroom there were again a few bookshelves, like the last room, though these held more modern titles and magazines. The wall was the same thick, padded material and the carpet was a deep maroon. The roof was different, though. Above the bed it sat quite low then extended up, large windows kept the room feeling airy. It was night, stars littered the sky and Sasuke sighed sadly. He hadn't been outside in days. He just wanted to go breathe some fresh air and feel grass under his feet. Speaking of fresh, Sasuke moved his head to lightly sniff at himself. It was enough to make him gag.

He located the bathroom, grabbed the spare clothes on the bed that he assumed were for him and entered. There were fresh towels waiting as well as soap, shampoo, conditioner and other hygiene products. Locking the door behind him Sasuke ran the water and turned. Watching himself in the mirror he began to unbutton his shirt. He frowned and remembered waking up and finding it open. He must have done it while locked in the cellar. As he expected his body showed clearly the bruises he'd gained from Naruto throwing him around the last room. His skin had grown several shades of blue, black and green. Moving his gaze to meet his eyes Sasuke observed his discoloured skin and unsightly bags. He looked hideous, no wonder Naruto would try it with a woman if he was faced with this.

Shaking free the thought he pulled off his pants and stepped under the hot water. He could have cried with delight when the scalding water hit his skin. Grabbing some soap Sasuke began to scrub himself all over. Not until he was red and almost stinging did he stop and move on to his hair. He washed his hair at least three times before finally turning off the tap. He emerged into a room filled with steam. Grabbing his towel he dried himself off then slipped into the sweatpants and singlet. Grabbing a new towel he returned to the bedroom, one hand working the soft material through his bangs to rid them of the excess moisture. When he came out Naruto was sitting at the table, a bowl of something steaming sitting beside him. Sasuke stopped and gazed at him. He didn't realise how hungry he was until he saw the food.

"Hi," Naruto said awkwardly, giving a little wave. Sasuke returned the gesture just as awkward. "I bought something for you, I don't know if you'll eat it ... I sort of forget what you humans like to eat."

Sasuke nodded and continued to dry his hair though he moved closer. As soon as the smell wafted into his nose his stomach growled angrily. He was ravenous. Taking a seat across from Naruto Sasuke inspected what he'd been bought. Ramen. Wrinkling his nose lightly Sasuke picked up the chopsticks waiting beside the bowl and sniffed. The smell was enough to fill him up there and then. Poking around the noddles in the bowl Sasuke waited for it to cool down a bit.

"Is it okay?" Naruto asked, sounding apprehensive.

Sasuke looked up and was a little confused with the look he saw. It was one of genuine concern. Glancing away from Naruto's large blue eyes Sasuke nodded. "It's fine. Thank you."

He heard Naruto breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank heavens! I was worried you weren't going to like it."

"After a few days with no food and water you tend to forget about preferences for food," Sasuke retorted. He started to pick noodles up with his chopsticks.

"Water!" Naruto shouted, leaping to his feet and running from the room. He returned moments later with a glass in hand. "Sorry it's not cold, I don't have a plugged in fridge!"

Sasuke looked up from his mouthful of noodles to nod. Naruto took a seat again and sat in silence, Sasuke forcing himself to eat slowly and chew every bite. After a few bites he put down his chopstick and took a drink. When he put the glass down he confronted Naruto.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh? What? Sorry, I am fascinated at how you eat."

"How I eat?" Sasuke demanded. "What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing," Naruto assured him. "It's just that, you do it!"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "I do it?"

"Yeah, you eat! It is so weird!"

"You know what's weird?" Sasuke asked. "Kidnapping a person! That's weird! Locking someone in a cellar! That's weird! Drinking someone's blood! That's fucking weird!" He'd stood to his feet during his rant and Naruto was looking appropriately sheepish.

"I know," he sighed. "If it makes it better I never would have kidnapped you in the first place. I don't really need to get revenge on your brother; I just used it as an excuse to keep you locked away." Sasuke opened his mouth to retort but Naruto's answer froze the words on his tongue. "I lose my temper ... a lot. And quite badly. Sometimes I can keep it under wraps but other's I feel like I'm watching what I'm doing but I have no control what so ever. I would never in a sane state have locked you down there." He started to twiddle his fingers together. "You pushed me over the edge and I couldn't face you straight away." Sasuke slowly sunk into the chair, eyes trained on Naruto's downcast ones. "And the blood thing? I can't help it. The reason I am talking to you now is because I have other people's blood filling me. If I don't I become lifeless and will finally die." Naruto shook his head and stared out the window. It would be dawn soon. "It's tempting, to die. But there's always that one instinct that prevents me from falling over the edge. The instinct every person has. That every animal has." He moved his eyes to Sasuke's. "An instinct you seem to lack."

Sasuke looked away. "I don't lack it. But my death would help solve a lot of things."

Naruto made an interested noise in the back of his throat. "Do tell," the vampire urged.

Sasuke shrugged. "If I were dead it would mean my family could have lived."

"When did they die?"

Sasuke turned with an angry stare. "Itachi killed them when I was eleven."

"How would you dying now prevent their deaths?"

"Not prevent," Sasuke argued. "But make it easier for me. Itachi told me I –" Sasuke cut himself off. If he told Naruto Itachi left him alive then Naruto would have a good reason to keep him around, a very good reason. Sasuke didn't know if Itachi still wanted him alive, or where he even was. But he didn't want to give Naruto any reason to suspect any different than from what Sasuke had led him to believe.

"Told you what?" Naruto prodded.

"Nothing," Sasuke replied, scooping up another mouthful of ramen.

Naruto let him eat in silence before breaking it softly. "You can tell me."

Sasuke shook his head. "It's nothing. Really."

Naruto nodded. "Everyone seems to have secrets about Itachi."

Sasuke frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's nothing. Really," Naruto mimicked, a cheeky grin on his face.

Sasuke offered a small smile and sat back. "I'm full."

"You've not even finished it!" Naruto protested. "And it smelt so good! I can't stomach normal food but that shit smelt divine!"

"I couldn't have another spoonful," Sasuke told him. He looked over at the bed. "I'm pretty exhausted and it looks like it's almost day break. I think I might go back to sleep."

"Of course, make yourself at home," Naruto said. He quickly moved to the bed and pulled down the covers to reveal deep royal blue sheets. "Here you go."

Sasuke tipped his head to show his gratefulness and slipped into the cool satin covers. Getting himself comfortable he gazed around the room. "This is nice, where is the vampire who owns this?"

"It's my room," Naruto told him as he moved to the panels beside them bed. Sasuke hadn't noticed them before so he watched the blond in interest. Punching in some codes Sasuke was amazing to see blinds slide silently across the windows closing the room off from the outside world. "Neat, huh?"

"Yeah," Sasuke agreed. Turning to the lamp on the table he reached for the button. "I'll turn it off once you leave."

"You can do it now, my eyes see better in the dark."

"Of course," Sasuke commented. He smiled softly. "Thanks, Naruto."

Naruto smiled back. He waited for Sasuke to turn off the lights before breathing a quiet 'my pleasure' back.


Naruto returned to Jiraiya's old room and collapsed on the bed. Sasuke hadn't even lain on it when he was in here so Naruto couldn't bury himself into a pillow and surround himself with the brunet's scent. He couldn't talk to him again, it was getting too dangerous. He'd heard of it happening before, vampyr's falling for a human but he'd always assumed it was a scary story told to make sure when you took someone you killed them good and proper. He'd been around for two centuries and he'd never once come across anyone as captivating as Uchiha Sasuke.

It was the pale skin, Naruto decided firmly. The pale skin and the regal expanse of neck. And the way Sasuke carried himself as if he owned the place. Oh, and the tresses on his head that reminded Naruto of hunting at midnight. And the black of his eyes, colourless and like a deep pool of lust that threatened to consume you. Turning on his side Naruto sighed into the coverlet. He was pretty tired, it was as if the sun rising sapped him of energy. Well, of course it did. And Naruto was still recovering from his little escapade with the sunrise the other morning. He had hoped it would remind him of who he was and straighten out his act. Instead it only reminded him of the beauty Sasuke woke up to every morning and the fact that they couldn't share it together. Not without Naruto suffering the consequences the next few days.

It hadn't been a good week. Especially not with Sakura's little outburst earlier. The thought made Naruto's blood boil. He was going to have to punish her. Severely. The greatest punishment another vampyr could give another was to drain the offender of all the blood they had stored. It drove them to unbearable amounts of agony and would cut them off from being able to hunt. They would need to rely on others in the nest to bring them back food so they could regenerate their strength until they were strong enough to go out again themselves. It had happened to Naruto a few times, each he'd been completely alone with no one to help him regain his vigour. Sakura was lucky, she had fellow clan members who would help her. Unless Naruto forbade them. Yes, he would. He needed to prove he was in charge and not losing it. If Kiba and Sakura, two of the ones who knew him best, were chatting casually about him losing it then Naruto was in trouble. He relied on them to keep things together.

Mind made up Naruto kicked his way under the cover and prepared to rest. He hadn't bothered to turn on the light so he was able to fall asleep almost as soon as his eyes were closed.

Sorry it's such a short one!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year's! Nothing says Happy New Year like watching the fireworks in Red Square.

So, love me or leave me! I hope it's up to everyone's standards! Chapter 7 hasn't even been started yet so I'l try start and finish it as soon as I can so that the updates are regular!
