Daisy had sent out the mass text the day before. All the interns were to meet at the Royal Diner at eight the next night. She would reveal the reason when they were all there. Curious, all of them came, even Clark. Well, he had been seen by Wendell and had been dragged in.
"You all may be curious as to why I called you all here," Daisy said when their food came.
"What do you want?" Clark asked.
"It's about Dr. Brennan," Daisy ignored his rudeness. "Ever since Agent Booth moved in with that woman, she has been moody, irrational, even downright mean.
"So you believe her mood is tied to Agent Booth's relationship?" Arastoo asked.
"Yes. So we have to do something about it," Daisy said.
"Agent Booth is happy. I do not think it would be a wise idea to 'mess with him'," Vincent piped up.
"But he isn't!" Daisy glared at Vincent. "He belongs with Dr. Brennan."
"So what are you suggesting?" Arastoo asked.
"That we get rid of her," Daisy stated simply.
The men stared at her, except for Fisher, who had fallen asleep on his plate. His snort jolted the rest of them back to reality.
"You want us to kill her?" Wendell was amazed.
"I'm getting out of here," Clark muttered.
"Stay," Daisy hissed. Clark sat right back down. "I am not suggesting murder. I am merely saying we get rid of her. Combined, we have an IQ of nearly 800. We can figure out a way to make sure she never darkens our doorways again."
"Why?" Arastoo asked.
"Because, we are Dr. Brennan's interns. And her mood effects her work, which means it will effect ours. A happy Dr. Brennan equals awards, praise, top assignments, and excellent references."
Fisher began to snore.
"Only 6000 people get away with murder per year and only 37 percent of murders are unsolved. The odds are not in our favor," Vincent rambled.
"We are brilliant. We could get away with it," Daisy said.
"I want no part in this," Clark muttered.
"You don't have to do anything. Just agree to not rat us out."
"So, what's the plan?" Wendell asked.
"You're in?" Daisy grinned.
"Happy Brennan equals happy us," he shrugged.
"I'm in as well," Arastoo said.
"I guess I have no choice," Vincent mumbled.
Fisher snored.