Disclaimer: This is fanfiction dot net, if that doesn't tell you that anything here is based on others' work for non-profit entertainment then I'm sorry for you.

AN: This is a story which will have content about God (in a different name) and M-rated material, but before we get to the story I want to make it clear to anyone who might take offense that I don't believe God would make alternate universes. Even if He did I don't think they would be that different from ours. That said I think it is fun to theorize and come up with what ifs, but these are entirely from my imagination and anything depicted in this story is not to be taken as something God would do etc.

Naruto The Ghost Stalker


At some point in time, in another universe, there was a planet much like Earth. There are many differences as you can imagine, one of the most visible is the fact the continents and countries are shaped in an entirely different way. The continents on our planet were once a big one that later broke apart to form Earth as we have it today, that's basically what it is here. There are some large island clusters scattered across the planet which in some areas are dense enough to form mini-nations, mostly of the republic government type.

However, the distinguishing feature of this world is not just geographical. While it has human beings, the ones here have are born with the potential to use something unique to them. The ability to use super-human strength and supernatural powers. This is all thanks to something called Chakra, which is something of a mix of spiritual and willpower energy in our own terms. Chakra exists in their bodies as if it was a parallel bloodstream and is equally important as the red fluid in their veins in order to live. By tapping into this Chakra network, as they call it, they can vastly augment their physical strength and perform feats that defy and distorts physics as we know it in our world.

This was not discovered by the inhabitants until almost 3000 years into their existence as a technology wielding species (note: technology can be anything from the wheel to modern radios and so on, just to be clear).

Since this discovery, those living on this world have researched and practiced this new ability and made good use of it in their building and improving their way of life. However, such a discovery is not without its downsides. An increase of warfare efficiency and frequency of conflicts, not to mention the brutality. After many years of both arms and Chakra technique race, the continent has been divided into many nations, large and small.

The biggest countries are named after one of the elements.

The elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning. The smaller countries mostly use branch-offs titles from any of the bigger ones, for example Land of Waves or Wave Country, both work to indicate the same country. While others use original names non-affiliated with the bigger ones, for example Land of Rice or Rice Country.

During the chaotic formation of these nations, when wars were as brutal as they were common, one nation was caught in the struggle involuntarily. The people of that nation not wanting any part of the war despite they being proud warriors. Unlike the other nations, they were practitioners of not only the martial arts (henceforth referred to as Taijutsu), ninja arts and elemental styles commonly used by other nations, but also of something unique to them. This style or art they called, Spirit Art.

Spirit Art or Spirit Style has two sides to its use. One being the benevolent style which is used for the betterment of the self in some form or your fellow human while the other side, labeled as Ghost Style is for offensive purposes. These techniques focuses on stealth and sneak attacks.

These techniques and their origin have always been a mystery but since that war it's been all but forgotten.

The reason these people weren't more successful and more widely known is because they weren't a major nation. As a result they were vastly outnumbered when two big nations clashed, with them in the middle.

It was during this awful war that a decision was made, a decision which still has effects in their counterpart to a modern era.

Seeing no way to win this war which was forced upon them, the KamiKage (meaning Spirit Shadow, a Kage is the leader of the military of a country as well as a good portion of the civilians) had a meeting with his council.

"KamiKage-sama," One of the ninja generals spoke. "the armies of Lightning and Earth are pushing our forces back on all fronts. It is only a matter of time before they reach our village."

Another councilman, from the civilian branch, then spoke, fear evident in his voice.

"KamiKage-sama, we must surrender! Our women and children should not have to suffer because of our enemies' blood lust and power hunger!"

"But a surrender will only mean that we'll be included on one of the attacker's nations and we all know that isn't an option with our way of life. Besides, that's only the best scenario. Worst case is we are totally annihilated and our techniques bastardized for more killing and suffering, that is unacceptable." Said another of the ninja generals. His composure was calm, but he was worried as well inside.

Another civilian councilman then said, "That may be, but The Book of The One Spirit clearly states that human life is sacred and our choices must always reflect that."

"True, it also states that two of our utmost responsibilities is our use of our techniques and our efforts to keep them within our clans alone. We cannot allow any other clan outside of our village, let alone a nation, get their hands on our techniques as they are sacred and used only for justice and honor. If they were to fall into enemy hands, they'd be used for merciless killing and other horrible causes. We cannot fail The One Spirit in this." The first general spoke, calm yet firmly.

"KamiKage-sama, what should we do?"

All faces turned toward the white and dark gray robed man. His face obscured by his white and purple Kage hat. He sat there in silence for a minute, his subjects allowing him to think in peace.

"My fellow ninja, esteemed councilmen." The Kage began. Everyone already felt the severity in the decision that was to follow. "It is with a heavy heart that I must order you all to abandon the village."

Everyone gathered began to either whisper or talk worriedly with one another.

"Silence!" The Kage said firmly. The desired result was immediate.

"The civilian council is correct that lives are sacred and that our women and children shouldn't have to suffer. However, they are part of our clans and thus they too cannot fall into enemy hands. That is unless all scrolls and other things pertaining our techniques and way of life is destroyed and their minds wiped of the same. Then they, along with their male family members are free to choose to go where they please in this world."


"I am not done!" The Kage shouted, his sorrow evident. "But our way of life must be preserved at all costs. Therefore, we have to have some ninja clans escape with their scrolls and other belongings and continue our way of life, as a shattered nation across the world. A nation that is unified only through our faith, our techniques and through our clans."

The Kage let it sink, the silence deafening, before finishing. "In order to keep our faith alive not to mention our bonds and techniques, we will have a meeting of the clans in one of the neutral nations, whichever that may be at the time. This meeting will be once every decade, with today as the day of gathering. Not only that but today will also be remembered each year, to keep us together and alive as a nation. Make no mistake ladies and gentlemen, we will always be a nation! We will not cease to exist just because we've lost our current homes. One day we will have a home once again, one day we will not be wandering ninjas and one day our way of life shall be spread until finally this world will know true peace."

Everyone gathered gave a somber nod in agreement, then the only female ninja general spoke up.

"How will we gather everyone for the decade meeting, KamiKage-sama?"

"I too will go and be a ninja without a land. I will always carry our insignia, The Shining Book, with me. My decree is that every clan head will carry this along with their clan insignia, with their clan members only carrying the clan insignia. This is how we will know each other. When the time for the meeting comes, then head for the capital of the neutral country, we will find one another there. If more than one neutral country exist, then we shall pray for guidance. As it is written, when you ask Him for guidance, it will be given. Finally, when the time comes for the next KamiKage, The One Spirit will call and gather all clan heads to my location. It will be decided then and there."

The KamiKage then rose to his feet, all of the council followed.

"Alright. Ninja generals, who among you will volunteer for be the wandering ninjas?"

All ninja generals, who are also all of the clan heads, came forth. The kage gave a big proud smile.

"I had no doubt my faith in you was well placed. It gives my heart great joy too see all of you confirm it in this way. Now your orders are clear, gather all your clan scrolls and other technique related objects and leave the village with your clans. But make sure that where ever you intend to go you are spread out and in civilian disguises. Don't travel in groups as they will attract attention. At the most travel in pairs and then regroup as a clan in the nearest neutral village of your choosing. From there you will plan your next move as you see fit, provided it follows our way of life."

"Who will you accompany, KamiKage-sama?" The first general spoke.

"I will travel alone. I will seal all that is mine in scrolls and I will keep them secret. When it's time, I will give those scrolls to the next KamiKage."

"Remember, wealth is not as important as the other things, but money is still important so make sure at least a portion of your wealth is sealed so you can manage your life on the road. You can make a living as hired workers, bounty hunters and traveling merchants or traveling craftsmen."

"Mercenaries is a forbidden practice. When you fight, remember should you work with other shinobi, refrain as much as possible from using clan or village specific jutsus (techniques). Should you need to, make sure to not agree to teach them. The only exception is if the ninja wishes to become one of us, but that has to be ascertained to be a genuine wish first, The One Spirit will guide you in this. Any questions?"

The female ninja spoke, "KamiKage-sama, if someone asks where we come from what to we answer?"

"We may have once been of the Spirit country and the village hidden in The Book, but we will from this day be a shattered nation, a splintered country. We were once a living village, we seem now like a ghost of our former selves. From this day forth until our reformation as a country, we will be the Village Hidden in the Shadows located in Ghost country. I will no longer be the KamiKage, I will now be called YokaiKage or Ghost Shadow and everyone after me until our reformation."

He then put his hands on a shoulder of his closest generals and looked at each an every one.

"This will be our greatest test of faith and our greatest strife. But if we stay the course, then as it is written, we shall reap the rewards accordingly." He said with a sad smile, which each returned.

"May The One Spirit stay with us!" He then shouted.

"May He steer us as we journey!" They responded.

"May He keep us strong!" He continued.

"May He bless us with growth!" They responded.

"And may His goals be achieved!" He finished.

"And we be part of his divine village!" They finished.

"Move out!"

And that's how the country known as Spirit Country became the people without one, the Ghost Country. When asked they answered that they hail from the village hidden in the shadows. Most of the time the people they dealt with accepted it as they aren't that well versed in other countries and villages in the first place. Sometimes when dealt with more knowledgeable people, they invoke their right as shinobi to not divulge more information, which also worked. But when dealing with neutral shinobi they had to be even more secretive and refuse altogether where they came from. Any conflicts resulted either in the enemy barely winning and not gaining their knowledge through post-mortem self-cremation (a unique technique to them) or no witnesses.

Right after the escape, the hostile countries thought they had utterly destroyed their 'little' foes which were mainly an obstacle to reach their true enemy, each other. It helped that the country became a desolate place with nothing but ruins and corpses of shinobi and kunoichi from each country. The dead shinobi that came from hidden the Book village had died giving their fellow clansmen and villagers time to prepare for and perform their escape. Their names and sacrifice had been added to the book of the fallen, which is about remembering and honoring the fallen's sacrifice and courage.

Now, centuries has come and gone and three major wars have erupted and ended. The world is rather peaceful and stable for the time being but tensions and grudges still linger between countries.

Since some time, titanic creatures of pure chakra emerged. They are referred to as tailed beasts or bijuu. Each beast has different amounts of tails as well as other characteristics. From one tailed to nine tails and each seem to adhere to a specific element or concept.

These powerful creatures, rumored to have been related in some way to a ten tailed beast of legend, have rampaged across each nation's lands. The Kage's of each nation came up with a solution, to seal away the beasts in human bodies to contain their otherwise unstoppable power. The only way this would work is if done with a newborn child whose chakra network hasn't developed yet.

One such child was Naruto Uzumaki. His life had just begun, and he was heading for an agonizing existence.