Reviews for Naruto the Ghost Stalker
Garbage Man chapter 25 . 7/19
Yet another drawn out Naruto fic that doesn't go past the Wave Arc, or even gets there! That is NOT a complete story dip-shit! I don't see any romance either. No harem, no smut, power levels are not consistent or skewed and YOUR SELF INSERT is way too OP. This is not worth finishing. God(Kami) is overused way too much in this fic and is clearly biased as f*ck. Way to make the story boring right from the get go. Plus this story is high TEEN at best. Hardly any swearing, no sex whatsoever, no vulgarity and only one person died directly. Ever since sexual content was banned on this site, it has been flooded by a bunch of pussy authors who can't even write an inspiring male character. Emotions are just dead and not genuine in a lot of fictions I've read these past 5 years. Everyone's a burnt out husk with no soul.
p13600d chapter 32 . 10/25/2019
where's the "romance" part of the story? 32 out 41 chapters and no romance!
Monster King chapter 41 . 7/16/2019
Great job
AcidESP chapter 41 . 5/22/2019
good story, I hope you continue, greetings, see you. bye!
SappySoulTaker chapter 8 . 3/28/2019
actually, in dog years, a 10 year old Kiba is 64... sooo wrong way.
RelevantX chapter 1 . 3/13/2019
For guest 9-15-2018
About people torturing a child they are evil but if they have a somewhat a reason and blaming a child for it they are mentally unstable I think that is what the author tries to say
Guest chapter 2 . 9/14/2018
What I understand from this chapter is that torturing little children is bad but if you have "some reason for it" then it's ok and forgivable... Well that's an interesting point of view.
thegameingbeast23 chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
Do you believe in the big bang, biggest orgy known to mankind?
marquis.shax chapter 33 . 12/6/2017
I really don't understand how everyone can simply forget that Ino would be the last of the people to go if they went in alphabetical order (at least out of the "main" cast since we don't know the last names of the cannon fodder). Naruto's last name is Uzumaki but Ino is YAMANAKI meaning Ino's last name is after his in the alphabet as U-v-w-x-Y-z lol
Thallion chapter 34 . 10/27/2017
dude if he can't get proper control, he is tokubetsu by your words.
hennessyswagg83 chapter 1 . 7/17/2017
where did y'all crazy authors get the notion that Tokubetsu can be applied to any rank and that it's a promotion of some sorts...a Tokubetsu Jōnin is a Jōnin of specialized skills and doesn't have the complete skill set to be a full Jōnin so aayinh aomeone is a Tokubetsu Genin is saying they don't have the skills to a full Genin wish wouldn't exist they'd be sent back to the Academy hence why there's a Graduation Exam to determine Genin just like you can't have a Tokubetsu Chūnin because there's an exam to determine Chūnin
hennessyswagg83 chapter 32 . 7/16/2017
this story is old so this comment would seen irrelevant but you totally screwed this chapter up with trying to set up the whole Mizuki Incident but still make Naruto look good that you didn't process the idiocy of what you said max sxore for exam was 400 points and 325 points of that was the max from the Obstacle Course which would mean that each jutsu was a max of 25 points so HOW IN THE HELL does Naruto loses 160 points for incorrectly doing the bunshin wrong in fact why the hell are you even writing the bunshin like its something superior to the kage bunshin cause Naruto should have never even attempted it and Naruto wouldn't be able to make any mumber of bunshin rather 3 or 300 cause the reason he couldn't do it was because a bunshin required too little chakra for him to make them even when he used the smallest amount of chakra he possibly could while the kage bunshin was easier because of the splitting of chakra in half to make a single one
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
I've just read the first chap and the story sounds promising... I just hope that the style used for writing was specifically chosen for the chapter... if not, please look up the concept showing vs telling.
Raven J. Haile chapter 41 . 9/4/2016
I liked this very much. Though I am a pagan and have a hard time with semi-religious fics, I liked the use of Kami speaking to Naruto. I cannot wait to read the rest. :3
TinkaPrime chapter 41 . 6/5/2016
LOVE the story looking forward to reading more I actually stayed up all weekend just to read this. Now it's time for bed before I read more...and since this is in a older time line the next part is more then likely just as long by now.
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