A/N- Thanks for the monumentally great feedback on the last chapter! I haven't been uploading recently due to:

A glitch on FanFiction so it wouldn't let me upload anything.

I have been in China on holidays with my family for the past 3 weeks.

If you'll me my star, I'll be your sky

Chapter 9

Oh written in the stars, a million miles away, a message to the main, seasons come and go, but I will never change, and I'm on my way...

Kim's P.O.V

An annoying beeping noise dragged me out of a dreamless sleep, I felt even more tired than when sleep had first consumed me, all I wanted to do was curl up under my duvet and read a good book.

But I knew I had to get up, sighing, I pulled the covers off myself and quickly got ready.

As I brushed my teeth I thought about what David had said last night

Was I silly to trust Jared?


Did I love Jared?


Would he break my heart?


Jared's P.O.V

I was practically bouncing with excitement all morning, I would get to drive my angel, my imprint, my Kim, to school today, this was truly a gift.

I bounded down stairs, giving my mom a chaste kiss on the cheek before helping myself to food and sitting down at the dining table

"Your cheerful this morning Jarry" she said whilst pouring me a glass of juice, she was the only person allowed to call me Jarry, an unfortunate pet-name from my childhood that she had never quite let go of

I shrugged, unable to contain my beam

"Jared Kenneth Thail" she said, waving a spatula at me, I made a face at the use of my middle name

"Is it something to do with the pack?" she asked, she had known about the whole wolf thing since I started to show signs of phasing for the first time

"Kinda..." I said slowly, putting down my fork.

She raised an eyebrow, her green eyes, so very much like my own

I hadn't told her about my imprinting on Kim yet, unsure of her reaction, what if she didn't approve? Not that anything could keep me away from my angel, but it would sure complicate things.

Evelyn Nelia Thail was a plump woman with green eyes and my smile, her typical black Quileute hair shot through with strands of silver, she had taught Emily everything she knows about cooking and had a soft spot for Sam's scarred fiancé. Being an imprintee herself, Evelyn was well versed in the legends of the tribe and was also well aware of the dangers of being married to a shape shifter who faced vampires, as my father Kuruk, had been killed protecting La Push from a rouge coven.

"Jared" she said in a quieter voice, sitting down opposite me at the table "What is it darling?"

"I imprinted mom" I tensed waiting for her reaction, but the one I got, I was not expecting

She burst into tears.

Kim's P.O.V

I was greeted by the twins as I walked down stairs that morning; they bounded up to me, faces covered in jam from their recent breakfast

"Good morning Kimmie!" they yelled in unison while gripping on to my legs, I ruffled each of their hair in turn

"Morning Harry, morning Bee, let's go get you guys cleaned up"

David greeted me from over his coffee cup as I entered the kitchen; I set to work scrubbing the faces of the two little ones

Mom came trundling down stairs at that moment; David intercepted her before she could leave

"I still need to talk to you mom" he sighed, he had been pestering that he needed to talk to us about something for a few days now, ever since he had arrived

"I know sweetie, tonight I promise" she yelled before dashing out the door, briefcase in hand

He threw up his hands before going upstairs to get dressed.

Jared's P.O.V

She was...crying?

"Mom, Im sorry?" I tried, her head shot up suddenly

"Don't be sorry!" she spluttered, "Im so, so proud Jarry" she said clasping my hand in hers

"Who is she? Is she pretty? Is she smart? Is she Quileute? I want to know everything"

I was more than happy to talk about my angel and all her excellent qualities

"Her names Kim, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, she's really smart and yeah she's from the Rez. She's incredible mom..." I trailed off, wistfully thinking of my gorgeous imprint.

"She sounds amazing sweetie, I can't wait to meet her" my mom smiled through her tears of happiness, joy clearly painted across her face

"In fact, I'm gonna drive her to school today, so I'd better get going, I don't wanna be late" I said, checking my watch before hurriedly getting up and grabbing a jacket, more for appearances sake then because I actually needed one

I left my mother grinning as I walked out the front door.

Kim's P.O.V

I was gnawing on my lip as I waited by the window, peering around the curtain, for Jared's truck to pull up.

When it did I quickly went outside and waited for him on the porch, he jumped out of the truck and strolled up to me, a huge grin on his angelic face.

"Good-morning Kim" he said, gazing at me intently

I was still gnawing on my lip, a nervous trait "Morning Jared" I responded quickly

"What's wrong?" he asked tentatively

"You know..." I started "You really don't have to drive me; I can walk, or get a lift with my brother"

His brow creased "But, you don't understand, I want to drive you, unless" his smile dropped "You don't want me to..." he said it as a statement, not a question, he knew

"Jared this makes no sense!" I threw up my hands, cracking, finally

"I really don't understand, I am utterly befuddled as to why you're doing this, I don't know how much clearer I can say this. I-am-a-nobody-you-on-the-other-hand-are-practically-a-god" I flamed red, not meaning to let that last bit, about his godliness, slip out.

You are so pathetic Kim, he's gonna think you some strange creeper now.

Nice going.