If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky

Kim's P.O.V

"Kimber ley Sarah Connweller if you don't get down here right now..." my mother called from the bottom of the stairs

I sighed putting my bookmark between the pages of Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen was my favourite author.

I slowly trudged down stairs to be jumped on by my little brother "Kimmie! Bee's being mean to me!" he pointed towards his twin, who poked her tongue out at him and ran off

"What's she doing Harry?" I said pinching his cheek, he giggled, then abruptly turned serious again, well as serious as you can get at age 4

"She stole my Elmo toy" he whined, I smiled down at him setting him down in front of the TV

Marching outside I looked for my little sister "Bee? Beatrice?, where are you?"

She poked her head out of a window in her cubby house "Hi Kimmie! Wanna make a tea party with me?"

"Not right now, sorry Bee, do you have Harry's Elmo toy?"

"Its mine too!" she pouted

I sighed, I guess you could say Bee and Harry were a handful, my parents had a messy divorce when I was eight, I had stayed with my mum to look after the little ones, my older brother David had moved to collage a year ago.

Jared's P.O.V

I stretched getting out of bed and dragging a hand through my now short hair, after patrol I must have fallen asleep still dressed

Sighing I made my way downstairs to hear my mother listening to Howlin' Wolf (her personal favourite for more reasons than one) while cooking up a big breakfast, mostly for my benefit

"You excited for your first day back?" she asked while plating a mound of bacon and scrambled eggs onto a plate putting it in front of me.

"Yeah, I guess" I said through mouthfuls

"Do you want me to drive you honey?"

"Nah" I'm ok, Paul's picking me up, I placed my plate in the sink as a horn honked outside "That 'll be him now, see ya mom"

"Bye honey, see you tonight"

I picked up my bag and jogged outside, it was a crisp morning, but with my werewolf temperature I didn't notice.

"Sup man?" asked Paul as I jumped into the car "Nothing much, I'm so tired from patrol"

"I know same" he speed down the main road of town, slamming on the breaks for an elderly pedestrian.

We arrived at school and jumped out of the truck, immediately all the girls stared at us, I noticed Jacob Black and his friends were glaring at us, I rolled my eyes and kept on walking

"What do you have first?" asked Paul, leaning against the locker next to mine

"Uhh Science, History then Italian"

"Haha sucked, I got double music then a free" he smirked

The bell rang, I made my way to Science, sighing

Kim's P.O.V

The bell rang after forty minutes of painful Maths ( The only subject I was bad at, aside from sport)

I eagerly walked into History, hoping he would be here

I sat down in my seat, my eyes were trained on the doorway, where was he?

It was him

But he was...different

He had to be at least a foot taller, and his muscles were way more pronounced, bulging through his white button up uniform shirt, his tie hung loosely around his neck, his chin length hair had been chopped short

None of that changed the way I felt about him

None of that changed how much I like him

How much I love him

Jared Thail