(A/N): I do not own either Mrs. Hudson nor Holmes (sadly! ): ) sir Arthur Conan Doyle does/did (?) I hope you'll enjoy my story (please feel free to review!)



Thea ~ Thursday 14th, October 2010

My best friend, Tania, held a party that night, at her enormous (in my standards, anyhow) Baker Street-flat, and I had succeeded in dragging Iain along for once. Though he usually made up excuses to avoid parties, I didn't give him the opportunity to say no. We went by subway, and when we arrived at Tania's front door a little past ten, I quickly kissed him. "Thank you for coming along, Iain. I've been dying to let you meet my friends. You'll love them. Especially Tania – She's a darling!" He smiles in his unique slightly-shy way, which make me smile. "If it's too much, we'll just leave," I say reassuringly. Tania slams the door open in front of us, and squeals as she see me: "Thea!" She hugs me tightly, but gets distracted as she sees Iain next to me. "Thea's boyfriend!" she squeaks. She hugs him too, and then takes a step back to examine him. She nods appreciatively at what she sees, and sends me an envious smile. "Tania, this is Iain. Iain, this is my best friend Tania," I say – very happy, that Tania approves of my boyfriend. Tania closes the door behind us, and I can see that her apartment is filled with people. The music is pounding through the speakers, but one can still hear each other. "Has the whole gang come yet?" I ask Tania. "Ally, JJ, Lor and Dee are here. Marie's late, but she'll pop by later. I'm so glad you could come, T! I've missed you! But, go and have fun with your hunk of a boyfriend," she says, winking. "She's very outgoing," I whisper apologetically to Iain. I grab his hand, and we walk closer to the music and begin to dance with the other couples. During the night I constantly bump into old friends that I have to speak with, and before I know it, Iain disappears in the crowd.

I find Iain again later in the evening, standing with my friend JJ. I guess he has gotten a little too much punch (Tania is known throughout London for her wicked punch-making skills!) because he and JJ argue. "I already have apologized to you!" shouts JJ fiercely to Iain, who looks condescendingly at him.
"What's going on here? JJ? Iain?" I ask confused. "That idiot," says Iain about JJ, "spilled punch on my new clothes, and then simply says: "sorry dude." It was an Armani! But I suppose someone like you wouldn't know what an Armani was, even if it flew past you, and hit you in your stupid face?" I stare open-mouthed at Iain. I've never seen him like this before! "Do you know that jerk, Thea?" JJ asks indignantly. "He has spent the last ten minutes calling me all sorts of names! (actually "idiot" is the nicest I've heard yet!)"

"Just go, JJ. I'll take it over from here. Sorry," I reply. Iain glares at JJ, as he leaves. "Yeah, just run away, you coward! Who's gonna pay for my suit now?"

"What's going on with you, Iain," I ask. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Just a couple of glasses... If you ask me, Blockhead over there had it coming," he says. ""Blockhead" happens to be a very good friend of mine! He said he was sorry!" I change the subject. "You know what? I really dislike this new side of you," I proclaim harshly and go out to the hallway and retrieves my coat. I march out of the front door, without bidding goodbye to anyone. Stupid Iain! I will not put up with anyone – particularly not my boyfriend – treating my friends like that! I had thought that Iain was kind and nice (maybe a little boring and meek), but he clearly has more than one side to him. I had no idea that he was so shallow! I run across the road outside Tania's apartment building without looking where I am going.

I hear the sound of halting tires that slides over the rough asphalt. And the honk of a nervous car horn from far away, that warns me of danger. I ought to move, but I feel glued to the spot! I cover my eyes, as the cars approaching headlights blinds me...


Holmes ~ Tuesday 14th, October 1890

I have hardly seated myself, before I hear a loud noise and rushes to the window that faces out toward the street. A young person of approximately 25 years lies on the middle of the road. Blood flows from the person's neck, face and leg. I quickly assess the gravity of the pending situation, but I also observe the irony of it all. Of course the patient shows up, just as the doctor has left. "Mrs. Hudson! MRS. HUDSON! Your help is required!" I yell to my housekeeper, while I trample down the stairs. She sticks her head out from behind the door that leads to the kitchen quarters, just as I'm at the ground floor of the apartment. "Good, you're ready. A young person lies splayed on the pavement just outside, who is about to bleed to death," I announce dramatically. "Take these money, hire a cab and drive to Dr. Watson's practice at once, and explain to him the importance of his hurried return. The poor person's life depend on you."

Mrs. Hudson seems completely flustered and runs out the door. I smile slowly. Maybe I exaggerated a little. My knowledge of medical science is not inconsiderable, so I should be able to hold up fairly well until Watson returns. I rush out of the door, and approach the wounded. A cab is heading towards the figure at a high speed, so I jump out in front of the cart, and wave with my arms. The cab turns sharply, and the driver utters an Anglo-Saxon oath worthy of a sailor.

I turn toward the young – lady, as it turns out – and delicately takes her in my arms, and carry her up the stairs to the living room.