Before I Fall

Summary- It's 6 years before the day Emma, Cleo, and Rikki found themselves stranded on Mako Island and things are very different for the way they are now. So how does everyone become the way they are the day they came ashore on their magical island? How does Bella become the way she is the day she sees Cleo and Rikki on the beach? What happened in 6 years that brought all the girls to where they were before their lives fell apart?

Chapter 1

Bella's Journal:

I am 9 and life has not been going as I was hoping it would. My parents have dragged us to some secluded part of Ireland and there is absolutely nothing to do. Ian and I are the only kids on the sight, other than Mallory, the cooks teenage daughter. Our choices of things to do is hang around the hotel with my father or go out into nature with my mother. What do you thing I chose.

The place my mother was working in that day was on the cliffs not far from the hotel. They looked over the ocean and there were many places to explore. So I started off as soon as my mother wasn't looking at me. The climb down the cliffs was fun. There were different sounds coming from everywhere.

When it started to get dark, I didn't feel like coming up. In fact, I felt I had to keep climbing down. I didn't stop until I found a cave with water coming up like a beach, but it wasn't a beach because the water stopped at a rock wall. In side this cave, I felt happy, not scared as I should've. Everything was peaceful.

When it was really dark, I decided to get into the water, wearing my dress and everything. I watched as the full moon came over the hole in the roof. It was so pretty I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I don't remember much after that, except the fact that I went back to my mom and Ian, who had been looking for me and that we went back to the hotel and went to bed.

The next morning, daddy had let me go swimming by myself in the hotel's pool. Not even the lifeguards were there. The pool was not that deep, I could touch almost everywhere, but it still made me feel older.

Without thinking, I went to the side of the pool and jumped in. Not 10 secants after I had entered the water the strangest thing happened, I had grown a mermaid's tail. I was so scared I didn't know what to do.

Emma's Journal:

First place, it is the biggest accomplishment of mine up to this moment. I made first place at the meet the other day, and I knew from that moment that I would be swimming forever. That night I told my mother I wanted to sign up for the bigger team that swims all year and that I wanted to be the best swimmer in the world. My mother laughed and told me she would sign me up for the team, but that we would see where that took us.

"I want to be on the team too," My little brother Elliot cried. "I want to be like Emma."

Elliot was 5 and wanted to do everything I wanted to do. He was also swimming, but he could barely get across the lane, let alone fast. But I let him follow me around and do everything I did as long as it made him happy. I knew eventually he would stop wanting to be with me all the time and leave me alone, like Cleo's sister Kim.

Cleo was daddy's friend's daughter, and my friend, but she didn't swim or go to my school or even come over a lot. Zane, on the other hand, was over here all the time. He had been in my class since we were in Kindergarten, and he was on the swim team with me. Then Cleo had this friend, Kate, but I have never met Kate at all. I just here a lot about her from Cleo when she does come over. I don't think I would like Kate that much.

So yesterday, my mother and I went and signed me up for the big swim team, and we got things like bathing suits, swim caps, goggles, and a bag to put it all in. I couldn't wait till I got to go to my first practice.

Cleo's Journal:

I'm still a little confused. I know what death means, and what happens when someone dies, but I don't know why Kate died, I don't know why my class died and my teachers died but I didn't. Even the police said they don't know why I lived and Kate and everyone else didn't. I mean, I was in the water. I could breath or find the surface or swim like I was taught. I felt like I had died, but then I woke up and saw mommy and daddy and I knew I didn't. But they told me Kate did.

It's almost a week since that day, and my parents keep wanting me to talk to the police. But I don't know what to say. All I remember is the nice field trip, then the water, the evil water that didn't want to let me go. All I had said since that day was, "I'm not going near the water again, ever, ever."

My parents also say that they want me to go back to school, but they are afraid I'm not ready. I don't want to go back to school. I want to stay home with mommy and daddy. I don't want to go to go to school where I would be all alone. I want to stay home where I'm never alone or near the water.

The nice woman with the clipboard also said I should go back to school. She said that it would be better for me if I go back to school and talk to kids my age. But all my friends are gone, so who would I talk to? I would have no one to talk to, or play with on the play ground. I was not going back to school even if I never talked to anyone except Emma ever again.

Rikki's journal:

I could hear their screams that morning all the way up in my room on the third floor. They had been fight like that for weeks, and I couldn't stand it anymore. Mom kept saying things like, "When are you getting a new job?" and "I am the only one bring money into this house." Then Dad would yell something along the lines of, "I can't believe you brought that up again," and "I make money as well." I just couldn't listen any more.

I spent my usual hour in the shower, letting the sound of the water wash away their words, as the water running down my cheek washed away my tears. I didn't want anyone at school to know I was crying. At school I was the best student. The only one with both parents, and a house, and nice things, and being the donator not the recipient.

My mom was a big donator to the small schools and small villages of South Africa. Because of that, she always wanted to send me to those small schools and have me talk with the under privileged kids. I didn't care, much. I like some of the kids I went to school with, even if they had no idea what I had and could give. And I liked giving things to them. It made me feel good that I could give to people who had less than me.

I spent that day at school like a zombie. There was no penetrating me. Then that night I saw what I never wanted to see. My dad had three bags as he drove away from the house.

A/N: So tell me what you think of this. Each chapter will usually just be one persons journal entry. I know things aren't were they should be when the show started. That's the point. They will get to that point by the end of the story.