(enter Sarah and Damian are walking down a trail in the hinderlands twards the circle of trees that lead to other worlds)
Sarah turned back to check on her brother and sure enough Damian was tugging on a branch that got hooked on his grey jacket. Sarah simply chuckled slightly and with a filck of her wrist the branch broke
Sarah-"Just, a little further Daimaon. and we'll be in the hinderlands soon."
Damian-"But Sarah we're in the hinderlands"
Sarah-"i mean the circle of tree's that lead to the other worlds, we'll got to the valentines world, and get cupid to help with your shock problum."
Daimean-"how do you know this stuff is out here, anyway?"
Sarah-" I found it in Dad's old books. and after we're done we can go back to town"
in walks a mysterious women oddly elegently dressed for the landscape and looks like she'd been walking for days. She was a skelliton but had long elegant wispy black hair like Damian's but without the red fringes
Mystrious women-"I'm sorry but what town are you returning to?"
Sarah-"Halloween town."
the mysterious womens "eyes" light up -"can you take me there I need to see the Pumkin King as soon as possible."
Damian-"sure, the pumkin king is our dad we'll take you to him."
the mysterious womens eyes changed drasticky while Damian was talking. when he saild they were Jack's children the womens "eyes" got brighter still then sunk into a depresed state.
Sarah-"sorry Damian, we can go to Vallintine town tomarow morning"
as the three walked back to town
Sarah-"so, what's your name Ms..."
"Alexandra, I used to live in haloween town long ago but it will be good to be back."
(at their home)
Jack-"my god Sarah you have your mother's lungs on you." rubbing the side of his head as he and Sally walk into the deading room(living room)
Jack suddnenly putts on an coldly disipointed face when he sees Alexandra
Alexandra-"Jackson." breathing hevily
Jack-"Alexandra." replaing coldly
Sally-"Dad, you know her?"
Jack-"I shold know my sister"