
Peleus saw quite a bundle of sights, sitting under that tree of his. Some sights that he didn't understand fully, but he never skipped a beat. He lay, curled under that old pine and rested and dozed off, watching those things that he shouldn't have seen.

Peleus had his own secrets to be kept. Yes, he was only a dragon, but no one fully understood the secrets a dragon kept. How could an animal so large lift off the ground? They were hollow on the insides, silly humans.

He kept the things he witnessed as his own toys and when boredom came along, he shared them with the trees. Those quiet, gentle trees that loved to cuddle up next to him and watch the leaves bustle against each other, having private conversations. Animals scurried past him and kept each other quite distracted, no one noticed a dragon.

He had watched that Percy Jackson fellow go to and fro off that hill, the girl following behind, on occasion with her Yankees cap tucked over her head. Peleus never understood that hat. What was its purpose? Surely not invisibility; he could see her just fine. Speed? No, she was quite slow in comparison.

A sight Peleus loved to hold was the sight of Thalia, daughter of Zeus, gazing up at the branches wistfully and blinking her eyes like a memory was coming into existence. She didn't visit anymore, which brought a pain to Peleus' heart, but he understood perfectly where she was. A huntress, now, no doubt. It was sad to watch her leave for the last time, though he didn't realize it at that moment; he felt a connection as he guarded a part of her.

Peleus had never thought much of what he was doing. If a person came too close to him, then they were doing something wrong. No one was allowed to touch his home. No one but the girl and the centaur.

No, Peleus enjoyed the days he spent resting under that tree. He had seen the satyr cross the border many times, more often alone than not, but it was still a lovely sight to see.

A girl wandered up the hill and stood amongst the trees, staring up at the sky, pondering. Peleus laid his head down and watched. She had that fiery red hair with the brightest green eyes, but she was not a nature spirit, no, something better: a mortal with the sight. A rare and wondrous thought.

She held another postcard as she often did, a red glob drying intently onto the fold. A seal. A golden drachma was in her hand and she whispered to the trees, with a rare talent picked up from listening. This girl often sat up by Peleus, at a reasonable distance, and listened. A respectable mortal.

As she whispered to the trees, their leaves shook faster, more violently. A cool mist trickled down from the leaves and swirled around the red-head. Light peaked through the tops and a flash of vibrant colors appeared, swirling around her, dancing at her will. The smoky image of a goddess formed, a long silk dress, pure white hung on her shoulders. As she moved, light colors of the rainbow danced through her gown.

The girl handed the goddess, Iris, the golden coin and bowed, asking for acceptance. Iris studied the drachma, tried to bend it, and smiled gratefully. The girl glanced over her shoulder.

She kissed the envelope and held it out. The goddess studied it, took it into her own hands, and played with it, mesmerized. The goddess did not deliver mail; she sent messages via live chat. But the gentle, sorrowful look on the Oracle's face made her oblige. She nodded her head, still playing with the envelope, and was whisked away by the wind.

The red-head was quick to sit in the grass and think, an uncontrollable smile gracing her features. She nearly giggled; Peleus had never seen such an aura hand to the girl, it was odd.

Oh the fun he would have with the secrets he would tell.

A/N: this is the very first story about Peleus. I feel complete.