Tweek stared calmly at Cartman. Dressed in black yoga pants and a grey tank top he looked unthreatening compared to the 6'3 husky football player. "What you want, spaz?" Cartman asked gruffly, flanked by Kyle, Stan and Kenny.

"I'm here to fight you." Tweek said simply. "You beat up Clyde and now I'm going to beat you up."

Cartman laughed heartily, guffawing as he wiped the spit from his chin. The others back away slowly, not liking the look in Tweek's eye. Usually, he was spazzing out and couldn't look at someone for more than five seconds but now he stood calm and composed.

"Like you could," Cartman began before a fist connected with his nose. "Ow, fuck!" he screamed as a crowd gathered around them. Tweek's foot swung out, connecting with his knee. As Cartman collapsed, the blonde jumped on him, planting his fist deep in his chest.

"Holy crap, Tweek!" Token yelled as he, Clyde and Craig arrived.

The boy attacked like a snake, landing blow after blow on Cartman's body, screaming a battle cry to the sky. As the fatass stood, Tweek swung to his back, legs wrapping around his waist as he wrapped his arms around Cartman's neck. "God, Tweek, stop!" Stan screamed.

"Apologize to him!" Tweek screeched as he squeezed Cartman's fleshy neck.

"Like hell I will." Cartman gasped out.

Tweek squeezed harder and the color began to drain from his face. Bleeding from his nose, eyes black, bruises forming and quickly turning blue, Stan's gang began to worry for their friend's life. "God damnit, Cartman, you fat ass, apologize!" Kyle screamed.

Said boy dropped to his knees, clawing at the blonde boy who squeezed tighter. Tweek's eyes remained blank and uncaring as he clung to the boy's back. "Apologize and I'll let you live." He said calmly.

Clyde was staring at Tweek with large eyes, fingering the bandaged hand that Cartman had broken. Token seemed pleased with what was going on, holding Clyde to his chest and smirking. Craig didn't seem to care, leaning against a nearby tree. "Just apologize," he advised. "Tweek's not going to let go until you do, he has no problem with killing someone."

"I'm sorry," Cartman finally gasped.

Tweek's arms loosened slightly and he took in a large gulp of air. "Sorry to who?" the blonde questions threateningly.

"I'm sorry, Clyde!" he muttered.

Tweek's eye narrowed. "Say it like you mean it." He ordered.

Cartman growled. "No!"

Tweek shrugged and began to squeeze again. "Fine, fine, gods fucking damn it, I'm sorry Clyde, now get your psycho ass friend off me!"

Glancing at Clyde who nodded in acceptance, Tweek stood up dusting off his bloodstained shirt. "Good boy," he mocked. "Now don't make me do that again, I can't stand ruining my clothes." With those words, Tweek turned around and walked away, turning his head to glance over his shoulder. "Coming you guys?" he questioned.

With a nod, Craig, Token and Clyde followed Tweek silently, Token looking smug, Clyde looking dazed and Craig looking content. As an awkward silence filled the scene and people began to leave, Stan said what everyone was thinking. "Now that was some fucked up shit right there."