A/N: See this as an apologize for being so lat and lazy with Night Of Revenge. I am really busy and I am in the middle of a writer's block. And BTW Winter Sucks!


Everybody says that if something is bad, it's dark. I mean 'oh this story is so dark'. But why is black and dark bad? Is it because it tends to blind you and scare you? Like in the middle of the night when you walk home from a friend. You are scared because in the dark you can't see. You can't see if someone (or something) is going to attack you. But does it never hit you that if you can't see, why would someone else be able to. Of course an animal can but why would a animal just decide to attack you? They live by the same rules as me. Kill or be killed. What does they gain on attacking a human. I know that it doesn't exist any animals near my home that would attack me. The only animal that is even close to be able to attack me is a bear. And how many times does a bear show up anywhere close to society? So animals and humans are excluded. So what does scare us with the dark. I think we are scared for the unknown. That's why we discriminate and attack people that are different. Because it's like with the dark, if we don't understand something it have to be eliminated. We just can't handle the not knowing. But if we get damaged enough our priorities and fears will change. And that's what have happened with me.

When I walk home on the night, it is not the dark that scares me. It is the light. I always try to stay away from the street lights. Because I am scared of what I know and I welcome the unknown because it can't be worse than the known. I'm afraid that someone will see me, I mean really See Me, when I walk under those lights. I want to be invisible. I want to disappear.

The dark keeps you safe. It hides you. Nothing can take you if it can't see you.

I'm scared of the light. Because you can't hide and it represents the known. And I am scared of the monsters that hide in plain sight.

The blinding light that burns your eyes, that chills you, that kills you. Since Svalbard, I have decided that the darkness together with the unknown is nothing against those light, white, steppes. The night and darkness protects me and those days when I walked through the never ending fields of snow was the worst days in my life. Nothing that could take my eyes of the blinding white. Even myself was white because of my camouflage clothes. Stupid I told them. What if no one saw me? What if I couldn't be saved? But their answer was 'duh then the evil men could see you too'. Of course the mission would come before my life.

After a while I lost my eyesight. I became snow blind. I don't remember what happened then but I know that it was almost to late... The dark has never tried to kill me. It protects me.

The same with the mental hospital. White walls. White floors. White personal. I became even more crazy. I got thousands of flashbacks from my time in Svalbard. The dark didn't exist in that place. So I decided that I had to get out of there, I had to get back home so I could hide in the darkness again. I started to act. That's what I had been trained to: manipulate and deceive. The staff was not trained to see through true manipulation. When I left that place, I was even more off the rocker than when I came. But I had to get home to my beloved darkness. The dark keeps you safe. In the darkness you can pretend that the unknown can come and save you. The light reveals the truth. It's in the dark you can create a lie that will keep you safe.

A/N This is my writer's block therapy so this chapter sucks(really sorry for making you read this shit). And don't except any regular updates. And does anyone know how to get through a writer's block?