Lost In You: Epilogue

I'm nothing without you...

The white suit on Naruto looked perfect. Sasuke's black and red suit was very fitting as well. They sat side by side at the table for their wedding reception. Iruka and Kakashi was there, a cousin Sasuke hadn't known he'd had named Obito was there just to be polite and greet his family he'd never seen, and all of the blonde's coworkers who cheered him on.

Sasuke stared, breathless as the love of his life came closer, embarrassingly flushed and staring at his feet. He took Sasuke's hand as the priest began speaking. Suddenly, everything became still. Sasuke and Naruto's eyes were red, Kakashi's single eye was a swirling red color and surprisingly enough, Obito had two red eyes that were spinning.

"What a beautiful wedding!" Kyuubi's voice echoed through the halls. He sauntered down the isle, wearing a traditional kimono with a ceramic fox mask on the side of his head looking as though he just came from some festival. "honestly, I never thought the two of you would make it this far but congradulations! i'm very proud of you. I'll admit, I was enraged back by the plane incident, but I saw something wonderful. I tried to threaten you, to frighten you, and you defiantly rose to the challenge. And I was right to chose Naruto to recieve the Sharingan as well. I just knew he would put it to good use, good work in the emergency response and surgical procedures."

"What do you want, Kurama?" Obito growled through gritted teeth. That put a shock through everyone still able to move. His name wasn't Kyuubi?

"I actually have a request of the happy couple." The blonde who looked like Naruto strode forward until he was just two steps from the pair and he bowed very deeply. "I beg humbly of you, please take in this child I am about to bring you."

"A child?" Naruto tilted his head. He began to say he wasn't sure but Sasuke crossed his arms.

"Of course we will, but why?" The Uchiha demanded. He was well aware of how much his lover wanted a child so it needed no thought. Naruto's blue eyes watered in surprise and happiness.

"He is a poor soul lost between worlds. Upon his tragic death, he was unable to part from this place and I would like for him to have a good family. Using my power, I would restore his life and you could take him in to take care of him..." Kurama said.

"Certainly." Sasuke said. He cared not about what might happen with the child. He just wanted his love to be absolutely happy.

"You have my deepest gratitude, Sasuke. I apologize for my tenacity before." Kurama looked up to him with grateful eyes. A god of time and space was gracious of Sasuke, it made him feel humbled honestly.

"So who is the child? When can we see him?" Sasuke coughed and turned his head slightly.

"His name is Minato Namikaze. I will bring him to you once you've returned from your honeymoon. Enjoy it fully please, both the honeymoon and the child." Kurama said.

"We will!" Naruto was ecstatic. Finally, a child of his own! Someone to love and cherish and protect at all costs.

"You that excited about sex?" Sasuke questioned with a smirk as the fox disappeared in a small burst of flames. They turned back to the priest who continued to speak as if nothing happened.

The priest continued on until Naruto blushed and stammered out an interruption.

"Um.. I uh.. the vows... I did my own..." He whispered. "Well... sort of... I wanted to do my own but I couldn't think of what to write so i decided to just say what comes to mind..." The priest gave him a slight smile and nodded. "Um... Sasuke... ever since the first day we met... I knew you were special... you were different and um... well, I really liked that about you. You were honest and really cool so I like you alot but that's not all... I like how handsome you are.. and i like how strong you are... and I like how you are always doing the right thing to help anyone you can... I guess what I really want to say... more than just how much I love you... is how you are my hero. And you always will be." He smiled at his fiance, unshed tears glazing over his bright blue eyes. Sasuke was awestruck. He reached out his hand and cupped the scarred cheek, rubbing his thumb against the smoothness there.

"Naruto... when I first met you, all I could think of was how unfair everything was in this world and wishing I could do more to help you. When I realized I could... I became obssessed with protecting you. I think at first I was just trying to get rid of my insecurities and guilty conscience but after time, it became clearer and clearer that I loved you. It had to be only you. Itachi and my family was my past... but you are my future, Naruto." Sasuke promised and gently pressed his lips to the blonde's brow. "I swear it to you, from now and forever more. There can only be you."

"Oh Sasuke..."

"I suppose you may now kiss," The priest chuckled and they didn't need to be told twice. Sasuke first kissed the back of the hand he was holding before leaning in to capture the love of his life with a passionate and loving kiss. Iruka cheered and whistled as loudly as we could for the happy couple while others just clapped.

"Let's go to the plane," Sasuke urged the one he loved, pushing his blonde out the door playfully. A long white limo to them to a private airline where a small private jet was ready and waiting. Sasuke wasn't afraid because he had his Naruto with him. He would be fine.

The plane took them to a very pretty castle in a huge field of lush green grass and bright flowers of every color. A small unkempt stable was behind the castle near a beautiful steel fountain.

"Oh my god..." Naruto whispered in awe. Sasuke chuckled lowly.

"Just Sasuke is fine." He teased making his new husband punch his shoulder. The inside of the castle was huge and marble and ornately decorated. "This was my uncle Madara's place. He left it to me but you know how I am with planes." Sasuke took their bags and started heading up the staircase to the master bedroom. "Come on, dobe, you can explore later. I want to show you the bath and bedroom first." his voice held a promise that made Naruto's head spin and his blood boil. He ran after the older male excitedly and marvelled at the large king sized bed. Their bags were left at the end of the bed and Sasuke headed to the private bathroom, stripping as he went. Naruto quickly did the same and ran in after Sasuke.

The uchiha was filling up the large bathtub with warm water and some bath salts. Naruto stood by him nervously and reached out beginning to just lightly curl his fingers through the silky hair.

"how many times have we made love before? And you're acting like this now?" Sasuke chuckled softly, turning to hug Naruto's waist.

"We've never been married before..." Naruto whispered. He smiled and kept petting the midnight locks. "I mean, look at you. Your hands are shaking really bad." He leaned down and kissed the top of his lover's head.

Sasuke hummed slightly and started pressing small open mouthed kisses across the tanned belly before looking up into blue eyes. "I'm nervous because I love you so much." He admitted quietly. "This finally happened and we are both here and well."

"Yeah... You better get me in that tub soon." Naruto cooed. "I'm about ready to burst." Sasuke groaned in response and pulled his blonde to the large tub.

"Just looking at you does that to me. I've been waiting so long for this day, far too long for me." Sasuke started to press soft gentle kisses across the tanned neck. Naruto hummed, rolling his head to the side as he relaxed into the warm water. This day was truly a dream come true.

"Sasuke..." He purred softly. He got another gentle nip in response and then a warm tongue sliding up the side of his neck to his ear. He shuddered in pleasure and grasped his lover's shoulders. The Uchiha was only just getting started it seemed.

"I'm going to drive you wild." Sasuke husked as he moved back down the tanned flesh and to a dusky nipple. "You're so sensitive here, look at how they're already perking up." He chuckled.

"St-haaaop talking about my nipples, you jerk." Naruto groaned. His body felt so good, to good. He kissed the crown of his lover's head as Sasuke licked and nipped at his nipples.

"Don't be such a tease, let me hear you." Sasuke whispered. He made his blonde lover stand up in the water and lean against the tiled wall as he kissed his way down the tense flesh of Naruto's abdomen. Sasuke purposefully avoided touching Naruto's already raging hard-on, moving instead to lap at the blonde's sensitive inner thighs. Naruto moaned in a soft keening sound that made his lover smirk and nip his skin. "Turn around, I'm going to prepare you. If I have to wait much longer, I'll die."

"EH?! Fuckin' dick!" Naruto snapped but turned around and braced his hands against the wall. He was expecting a finger, maybe two if Sasuke was feeling impatient. He wasn't expecting to feel his ass cheeks parted like the red sea by Sasuke's cold hands and the Uchiha's hot breath at his opening. "Uh.. Hey -HAA!" Naruto started to protest nervously but Sasuke didn't want to hear it. Naruto jerked and moaned as the tongue brushed against his opening twice then dug it's way inside. It felt good but it wasn't enough to satisfy. "Now who's the tease?" Naruto huffed, pushing back against Sasuke's face.

"Hmm, you're so slutty here." Sasuke managed to mumbled against the twitching flesh. He pulled his mouth away and wet his fingers in his mouth for lubrication before slipping his pointer and middle finger inside.

"Han... fucking finally..." Naruto's fists clenched tightly at the sensation. Sasuke was very good at Making the pain pass quickly, so after a few short thrusts and scissoring, Naruto was feeling good again. He moaned as Sasuke leisurely brushed against his sensitive inner organs. He couldn't wait much longer either.

"Are you ready?" Sasuke stood and Naruto turned to face him. He leaned against the wall and gripped his lover's broad shoulders.

"If I was any more ready, I'd be done already." Naruto teased, lifting a leg to try to wrap around a pale sturdy thigh. Sasuke lifted Naruto so the task would be easier and guided himself to his lover's opening.

"I love you." He purred before pushing himself in.

"Love you too.." Naruto said with a breathless moan. When Sasuke was settled all the way inside, he rested his forehead against his blonde's and smiled. He clasped his hands with his lover's, trapping Naruto against the shower wall and laced their fingers together. They could feel the cold metal of their wedding rings.

"Forever..." Sasuke husked. His cheeks were tinted the faintest bit. Naruto looked at him and a blush spread deeply across his face as he realized how special this moment truly was. He nodded and pressed feather-light kisses to his love's lips.

"And ever..." He promised.

- Scene break - this is the line - that splits your page -

The time spent at the summer home was marked mostly by alot of nakedness and bodies constantly intertwined but they didn't mind. Before they realized it, their two weeks were over and it was time to return house was as immaculately clean as they left it but the living room light was on. Sasuke entered first and breathed a sigh of relief to see it was just Kurama, flipping through the channels on the television without touching the remote. He just waved his hand and the channel changed.

"Prick, scared me." Sasuke grunted in annoyance. "I thought Kakashi was throwing us a welcome home party." Naruto laughed.

"I wanted to be here when you arrived." Kurama stood and pointed to some papers on the table. "These papers must be filed and he will legally be yours. I managed to draw these up from past records and tweak them a bit to suit the current times."

"Where is he?" Naruto whispered in excitement.

"Sleeping in a spare room. He was exhausted from the transition of dead to living." Kurama said. Naruto rushed off to look for their new son. "Are you certain of this, Sasuke? I know you yourself are not that fond of children."

Sasuke absently looked over the papers and shrugged. "Whatever makes him happy. And a child needs loving parents. Don't worry, Kurama. I am not my father. This child will feel all the love of both parents. There will be so much he will wish we loved him a little less." Sasuke said with a bemused smile.

"You've changed." Kurama said, noticing the smile ghosting across Sasuke's pale face.

"Sasuke, look at him!" Naruto yelled. He came rushing into the living room carrying a child with unruly blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He looked lost for words and stared at Kurama for help. Sasuke came over and took the boy's hand.

"Minato," He said softly. "I'm your father. Can you call me dad?" Minato only nodded just a bit. "Thank you. This guy is gonna be your mom but he'll be mad about that so how about-"

"Pa..." Minato whispered quietly. "Daddy and Papa?" But as he spoke, he pulled on Sasuke's hand when he said papa. The Uchiha smiled.

"I love it. You can call me Papa all you want." He said. Naruto's eyes were shining with tears.

"Can I... sleep in bed with you?" He asked them. He didn't notice Kurama disappear into the shadows with a proud smirk. Sasuke nodded. He was tired from the jet lag, it was 3 in the morning, and he needed sleep anyway. He held Minato's hand as Naruto carried him all the way to the bedroom. They set him in the middle of the bed then dressed in sleepwear themselves, climbing in on either side of him. Naruto bent his knees a little and grinned.

"It's the river!" He said, referring to the way they were laying and how it resembled the kanji for the word "river". Sasuke and Minato both stared at him expressionless and Naruto pouted. "Well I've always wanted to you know... in a family... I think it's cute."

"Daddy is..." Minato seemed unsure, so Sasuke finished for him.

"Simpleminded." He deadpanned.

"Ah, you guys are jerks!" Naruto closed his eyes and snugged closer to their new son. Sasuke just chuckled a bit in happiness.

- last time - i promise -


"PAPA NO!" Minato screamed with laughter as he rolled in the grass with Sasuke. Somehow, their judo lesson had turned into a tickle death match.

"You won't be getting away easily!" Sasuke roared as he glided his fingers around the ten-year-old's abdomen.

"Alright you little monsters, I've got lunch." Naruto said, bringing sandwhiches out of the house. He set them on the glass table on the patio.

"One second," Sasuke said casually, holding his son locked between powerful thighs.

"Aw man, c'mon, Papa, I'm hungry!" Minato wailed. "Besides, your sweat is stinking up my uniform!"

"Say what?" Sasuke held him tighter and he laughed. "Be grateful it's not pit stank you brat!"

"I give, I give! Please release me oh great one!" The boy was dying with laughter. Sasuke reluctantly let him go and he ran to the glass table. Naruto gave him a glass of lemonade and he said a quick thanks before digging in.

"Oi, mind your manners," Sasuke said coming to sit. Minato put the sandwhich down and clapped his hands together.

"Itadakimaaaaa-su!" He said with a mouthful before eating quickly.

"He gets it from you." Sasuke grunted, looking at his smiling husband.

"Ah, let a kid be a kid." Naruto chuckled.

"I am. I was talking about that stink comment. I do not smell." Sasuke looked pouty more than anything.

"Sometimes." Minato said. "But its usually just really really early in the morning before you've taken a shower." He mumbled. Naruto felt his face heat up darkly, knowing exactly why it was that his husband smelled strange in the morning.

"So sorry my morning odor is stinky," Sasuke huffed and his son laughed.

"I forgive you, Papa. What's wrong with Daddy? Does he have a fever?" Minato looked curiously at his mother.

"Nah, he's just over using his brain again. You know how hard that is for him." Sasuke shrugged. He received a slap to the back of the head but Minato nodded like he understood perfectly and took it as fact. "Hurry up, Kakashi's gonna take you to the competition for your weigh in. I'll be there in a little bit, I just need to finish my report."

Minato nodded and stuffed his face. As he finished, Kakashi and Iruka were there to take him to his competition and he ran off with them excitedly, his judo uniform looking bright in the sun. Sasuke stared after him with a far off look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Naruto nudged him.

"Nothing... just wondering how I managed to get lost in you." Sasuke finally answered as he stood up and pecked his love on the lips before going to his work.

~ The END ~

This was my third attempt at uploading...