Reviews for Lost In You
otakumi chapter 7 . 5/26/2014
ooh my. gues something wrong with the update?
Guest chapter 6 . 3/7/2014

The story that you are looking for that was mentioned in your profile (Sasuke is a politician's son who gets harassed by punks and ends up escaping from them at Naruto's mechanics shop) is "Strangers By Day, Lovers By Night" by: fuelled by ramen

The summary: "Teach me how to fight," Sasuke asked. And the only thing Naruto wanted to teach him was how to take it as he pounded him into the mattress. NARUSASU. One-Shot.

LOL. The only reason I remembered the fic was because I didn't like it very much. :/
jj chapter 6 . 7/2/2013
that was very very good unfortunately I don't get Kyuubi's role much but I really want an epilogue pouts
KOHANAISYOURMASTER chapter 6 . 1/28/2011
Ok,so,this whole story is erally really really great and all,but I have one simple THE FUCK WERE YOU ON AND WHERE CAN I GET SOME?XD...I have a major writer's block on my stories if you can't tell...
SairSeir chapter 6 . 1/17/2011
Omg! I loved this story! It gave me people bumps when I read it! This would have 2b one of my most favorite stories tht I have read so far! I five u 2thumbs up for this. I would give u more but alas I only have 2thumbs! Keep up the great writing!
Tamu chapter 6 . 1/2/2011
Hey there... I think kyuubi is not god, fate, destiny, watevs.

I think Kyuubi represents time, and you know how I imagine him? Naruto's hair like drawn by Yoshino Miri, an ANBU mask, and a short japanese kimono... As if kyuubi was a spirit.. he is the father of time and justice... and death. He represents the beggining and the end... and the sweet utopia of time... Call me crazy, I don't know how to express myself.

This reminded me in someway to Donnie Darko (movie) and Kyuubi to Frank... Also your way of writting is very mind-catching. Not following a sequence not only makes my imagination blow, but makes me get more and more drawn in. Congratulations :)
jj chapter 6 . 12/28/2010
you had kyuubi tell sasuke that he let itachi and his parents die because itachi didn't do what kyuubi wanted- sasuke loved itachi; why would kyuubi tell him that he killed itachi
jj chapter 2 . 12/28/2010
wow- this was awesome. especially the last couple of sentences. very climatic. exciting. well done.
Momoiro Murasaki chapter 6 . 12/21/2010
Omg, I really love your story! :D

Umm, I don't know the role of kyuubi but I really would like to read the sequel :D pretty please? *puppy eyes*

Hehe, good work and keep it up!

~ Momoiro Murasaki ~
kimi chapter 6 . 12/14/2010
wow that was good!

I really love all ur works!

it so unique n so much mysterious. i could never think a story like this ever. it is pure genius!

i'm thinking kyuubi is like a

. . .

. . .

(sasuke hit kimi's head)

a fairy-god-mother O.o

i dont know TT_TT can u please do the squel please!
Vladexx chapter 6 . 12/13/2010
aawwhhh so cute i was soo sure it was going to be a sad ending but you turned it around and i love how it all turned out.

Thanks for the adorable and awesome read!
Ponder chapter 6 . 12/12/2010
I really liked this:D it was nice and cute and had an awesome plot. Some of my crtics: there are a few grammar and spelling errors, but that happens to everyone. Also sometimes you repeated words, idk if that was for effect though. Other than that it was awesome! hmmm... was he like a guide? like a conciance(sp?) haha idk. I just really want the epilouge xP lol. Thank you for the nice read!. -Banana
wishmaker101 chapter 6 . 12/12/2010
First off I would just like to say that I loved the story :] It was so heart wrenching that I almost cried TT Although Naruto was a bit ooc, I think Sasuke stayed true to his character, and also! Kudos for you because this is actually a very original storyline..well that Ive read so far lol I've never read anything about the stopping of the time with the eyes. Very good lol! But over all, I really did love the story, it developed well with Sasuke and Naruto's relationship all the way through!

Lets get to the challenge though, because I would really LOVE to read a sequel to this. There are still some things that are left unsaid and unsolved so I am very curious lol

My thoughts is that Kyuubi represents miracles, and the test of the human will. He gives the power to certain people but through maybe careless mistakes, the power is misused. The gift that they are given is very powerful but it can always be used in different ways. I think that Naruto is truely the thing that holds Sasuke down to actually doing good things with his powers. Sasuke feels the pain of being alone and doesn't want anyone else to feel the pain. Kyuubi gets a little angry at the end though because Sasuke is being selfish with his powers. He could be saving lots of lives but yet he chooses to save only one and that is always Naruto. At the end though, Sasuke does end up saving everyone so kyuubi forgives him. Kyuubi himself could probably do all of these things but its different because he wants to give the gift to someone else and see how they fair with it. To show that humans are humans a way different. Kyuubi's role is the clockmaker, he makes the clock but after he is done, he sits back and watches how it fairs and whether or not he needs to intervene. lol I don't even know if my ramblings are right but I sure hope they work on you :]

Ja ne!

MyFantasyEdward77 chapter 6 . 12/11/2010
wahhh i duno.. :( but i really want the chapter with their wedding! oh please write it please please please please please please please pleassssssssssssssssse? btw I LOVE THIS STORY!5 enthusiastic thumbs up... tee hee hehehe
7thtreasure chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
Wait, this sounds dark...hmm...I guess it is the prologue...but you did tag this under humor and romance right?...yeah...okay...
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