Bella woke up screaming for the next several weeks, which drove Charlie to madness and to the drink.

"Bella, you need to get over him. I know you loved him, but you're young and you will love again." He shook her one night after one of her night terrors.

"No dad, I can never love anyone like him. He is my soul mate." She buried her face in a pillow and began sobbing.

"I guess it's another night for the earplugs." He walked into his room and tried to salvage the night, only to be woken up an hour later by her incessant screaming and tantrums.

At school, she became more distant than usual, sitting alone staring at the Cullen's table. They moved a week before to send Edward to a proper treatment center being supported by his family and Tanya and her sisters. Bella wore Emo clothes and cut herself. She pushed her friends away as she spiraled deeper and deeper into a depression. After school, she would avoid her homework and sit in a chair for months on end, using it for sleeping, eating, and the bathroom. She would sometimes bring her computer over and write emails to Alice, who cut her off from all contact, but Bella didn't get the message. Charlie was close to sending her back to her mom, but at this point her mom was too happy with Phil and had no more interest in her estranged daughter. Charlie was stuck.

Soon word got out that about her episode at the convention, thanks to Rosalie and life got worse for Bella.

"How was being married to a vampire?" Jessica snickered as she passed by Bella's rusty old table.

"I can't believe she actually thought he was a vampire." A girl whispered to her friend at a nearby table.

"Like such a thing exists," the friend giggled back.

"Hey Bella! If I sparkle, will you touch my junk?" Mike guffawed and threw an apple at her head.

Bella tried to ignore them and her thoughts went to Edward and their time staring into each other's eyes in the meadow where kids went to have sex. She barely noticed all the moaning and groaning when he was around.

She sat in the bathroom and cut herself, which seemingly brought her closer to Edward by slowly killing herself. She didn't care if it killed every part of her; she needed to see him, which she did when the hallucinogens kicked in.

"Bella, I can't stand to see you like this, sitting in your room all day. Go out and hang out with friends. Please. Go hang out with Jacob. He called a few weeks ago looking for you. He sounded worried." Charlie sat with her by her window chair and looked at her concerned.

Then Bella realized, Jacob; the perfect solution to her problems. She needed another guy in her life to make her feel special and alive. She would displace her feelings for Edward and toy with Jacob's emotions so he thinks she cares about him just as much. Then when Edward returns, they can pick up where they left off, but keep Jacob in her back pocket just in case. She loved that guys were nothing more than accessories to her. She got up and hugged Charlie running to her truck to see her new soul mate, the guy that she will give her life for and that she cannot live without. She went up to his house and banged on the door.

Leah Clearwater answered it. "Can I help you?" She gave Bella a jealous glare.

"I'm here to see Jacob." Bella stood her ground. I mean why wouldn't Jacob want to see her?

"He's busy."

"I don't care. I want to see him."

"Baby, you ready for round two?" Jacob laughed and came up behind Leah kissing her cheek and wrapping his arms around her. "Oh Bella, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Jacob, you're with Leah? I thought you loved me. I mean we spent all that time together. You taught me how to ride a motorcycle." Bella cried.

"Charlie called my dad and he made me hang out with you. It was sort of a pity thing. Plus I got someone to test drive my new motorcycle. I'm sorry, Bella, but I don't feel the same way. I'm in love with Leah."

"Yea, why don't you go have sex with your vampire boyfriend?" Leah laughed and Jacob joined in as they both slammed the door and continued with their activities.

At that moment, something snapped in Bella's very core. She had never felt such rejection before, being turned down by the only two guys in the world for her. She rejected any idea of her happiness in the near future. She felt old and alone and now her life was empty and endless. She needed to do something. She ran through the woods sobbing remembering her family and friends, but nothing was important without Edward or Jacob in her life. She couldn't live without them. She used whatever strength she had to climb to the top of the highest cliff in La Push and looked down at the crashing waves and pointy rocks below. She took off her sweatshirt, shoes, and jewelry. She looked beside her and saw an image of Edward shaking his head at her actions. The only way she could be with him was to live dangerously to the point of causing her own death. She always wanted to live life vicariously but could never muster the strength to do so until now, until she realized her life was over.

She put one foot over the edge and took a deep breath and jumped. Between the point where she jumped and hit the water, she had a moment of clarity. Maybe her life didn't revolve around having a perfect guy in her life. Maybe instead of ending her life, she could find a way to better it and help humanity. Maybe she didn't need to kill herself to feel loved. Maybe… it was too late; the merciless current and her own self-pity had already swallowed her.

Isabella Swan. Born September 13, 1987 in Forks, Washington. Died March 26, 2005 by reasons of suicide. Her body was found below the La push sea. She will be remembered by her father, Charlie Swan, mother, Renee Dwyer, and stepfather, Phil Dwyer. No funeral processions will take place.

"And I couldn't stop the gloom that engulfed me as I realized I didn't know how long I would have to wait before I saw him again." –Bella Swan Twilight

Can someone be that pathetic? Yes they can!