The annoying noise of her alarm clock punctured her dream like a sharp silver knife. BRRRRRRIIIIIINNGGGGG! Ugh. She rolled over, slamming her hand down on the snooze button.

Darn alarm.

It had been a good dream too...she crawled out of bed and promptly discovered that Crookshanks had cat-barfed a hairball all over her brand new uniform that she had laid out to wear for today.

She then kicked her wardrobe.


Ending in a VERY stubbed toe.

Soon after she had found another uniform (one that was a bit too short as well...), ran a brush through her frizz, all while screaming curses at thin air, she found Parvati smirking at her (in her utterly gorgeous uniform), leaning all too casually against the scarlet hangings draped around her bed.

"WHAT?" she demanded.

"Oh, nothing of importance," Parvati replied coolly, with a smirk worthy of a Slytherin gracing her elegant features.

"Fine, then." she spat back. "If you have nothing better to d- WIPE THAT STUPID GRIN OFF YOUR FACE!"

"Of course. I'll just go down to the Great Hall and leave you and Lav-Lav in peace," the Indian said airily, sauntering down the spiral staircase in her beautifully accessorized outfit.

Rolling her eyes, she looked over at 'Lav-Lav', who, at the moment, was posting another picture of her dearest Ronald(with lots of lipstick prints) up on the wall. Honestly. Lavender, with her perfect blondness and picturesque blue eyes, could be a bit obsessive. Maybe. Just a little.

"Merlin!" Lavender giggled girlishly. "Darling, we must do something with that bedhead of yours!" she said. "How on Earth do you expect to impress anyone with that getup?"

"I have other focuses in my life. Ones that don't involve GUYS, for your information."

Fleeing Gryffindor Tower, she crashed into the Slytherin Prince himself, with his ridiculous little followers behind him. Her books were thrown up into the air, and her papers floated silently down onto the stone floor.

Hermione Granger's day was not starting out well.

"Hello, Granger," drawled Draco Malfoy, leaning against the wall in an imitation of Parvati's earlier pose, looking extremely bored.

Malfoy. How she wanted to smack him. Again. Like that time in third year. Prick. Trying to be as quick as possible, she bent down to retrieve her schoolwork.

"Gryffindor's angel, kneeling before me," he sniffed. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"Shut up, ferret," Hermione nearly screamed, flying to her feet, and throwing her books at his head as hard as she could.

His quick Seeker skills aided him here, as he plucked them out of the air and waved them at her. "Naughty, naughty, mudblood," he said coolly, "You should really learn to control that temper of yours, Granger." He tossed the books to Goyle, who shoved them into his bags. "I'd hold them myself, you know, but I already need to wash my hands and robes. I don't want to have to burn my bag too," Malfoy said, his silver eyes piercing hers.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione peered over Malfoy's shoulder. "Hello, Professor McGonagall!" she called.

"That worked on me once before, Granger, remember? Fourth year, Professor Mood-"

"Mr. Malfoy, what are you doing?" The severe voice of Minerva McGonagall punctured his cold drawl.

"Nothing, professor."

McGonagall replied nonchalantly with, "Ten points from Slytherin. Now, Mr. Malfoy, the truth?"

"We were just joking..." He stammered, almost whispering.

Her harsh tone cut across his, "Then give Miss Granger back her books and go down to the Great Hall."

"Yes, professor."

A very Slytherin-like smirk curled around Hermione's lips. Snatching her books from Crabbe, who was holding them out to her sheepishly, she said to herself: Go Professor!

However, the moment her head of house turned the corner, Malfoy brushed past her, whispering, "Nice skirt, Gryffindork."

Blushing red, she looked down at her skirt. An inch shorter than school standards...shoot. That cat-barf on her perfectly sized uniform was back to haunt her. She couldn't lengthen it, they weren't allowed to use magic outside the classroom.

Looking back up at Malfoy, she spat,"I find it odd that you, of all people, would notice."

He reddened ever so slightly, but replied with,"At least I don't have spiky ginger cat hairs on my uniform. I'm above that."

Hermione ran down the staircase, clutching her books. Once she arrived at the Great Hall, she bolted down her breakfast (toast with butter and jam), and rushed to class, with Harry trailing and Ron trying to extract himself from Lavender's very tight grasp on his arm.

Potions. With the Slytherins.

In the dungeons.

Oh boy.