Chapter 1
Darth Revan, to some he was the savior of the Galaxy and to others he was the man who was responsible for burning half of it to the ground. In the Outer and Mid Rims, he was generally liked due to his actions in the war with the Mandalorians, in the Inner Rim and Core he was hated for more than obvious reasons and he was accepting of that. They all believed him to be the next Sith Lord who destroyed for the sake of destroying things, but he had his reasons and the only other being who knew those reasons was his friend and apprentice Malak. It was to make the Galaxy stronger, able to withstand an attack from the real enemies of the people of the Galaxy.
No, Revan did not want the Republic destroyed. It needed to stay solvent to fight the real enemy, but he had to do this, he had to take that step to make it stronger and he had to fortify it himself because the bureaucracy that was entrenched around the foundation of the Republic wouldn't budge. That meant that they would have to be removed at the point of a blaster and lightsaber. Revan was more than happy to oblige. Then there was the question of the Jedi. All of them, they were ignorant pests who needed to have their eyes opened and if they wouldn't listen to reason, he would open their eyes for them. But again they were being the pests that they were to him, they tried so many times to kill him but he had fought through them and in the end he had several teams of Jedi that were sent to kill him under his control, he had broken them into submission. And he would do it again. "Lord Revan?"
"Lieutenant Yarr, what's the word from the Valkyrie?" Revan asked not turning from the view port at the head of his flagships bridge.
That had always sort of frightened his attendants who brought news to him, he understood somewhat why they were frightened when he read their thoughts, but honestly what did they expect him to do? But this one was his favorite, she showed no fear of him and it was refreshing to say the least. The blue skinned Twi'lek had been with him since the Mandalorian Wars, and she had never once been out of favor with him or Malak for that matter and she was quickly approaching her promotion to Commander. "Yes, they've engaged the Jedi."
"Good," Revan said folding his arms across his chest. "Your spies abroad that ship? They've confirmed that the Jedi girl is with the team?"
Again Yarr nodded, she always covered her bases when it came to direct directives from her master. "Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan is aboard the shuttle, ten Jedi, twelve Republic Commandos, and you are familiar with the method they're going to use to board this ship?"
Revan nodded his head and a lopsided smirk appeared behind his mask. "Yes, the fools are going to ram the shuttle into the entry bulkhead at the dorsal end of the ship, I know that and trust me when I tell you this it will work, make sure of it, and you make sure that when you give the order for the fighters to allow them to break our defense perimeter, they make it look like they did it unwillingly."
"I handpicked the select fighters for this mission myself," Yarr reported with a self-satisfied smile on her face. "They have one order, to find that shuttle and to harass it to us but not to destroy it, and for that matter all of the squadron captains know what to do. I have also sent your hand picked operatives to the Leviathan and the command structure under Malak's command know nothing about it."
"Very good, tell them to watch him closely and he if or any other commanding official want to take action against this ship, they are to kill everyone that they see," Revan ordered with a hint of fire in his voice. "I know what you're thinking, if Malak decides to make his move at this time, what can a team of soldiers do against the power of the Force? That's the million credit question, do you want me to answer?"
Yarr nodded, she was curious to know how her master would quell this potential betrayal, and knowing Revan as well she did, she knew that he would make sure that he won in the end. "I am very, very curious to hear what your move will be if that happens sir."
"These soldiers, well that term doesn't exactly apply to them," He began very cryptically. "They're my bodyguards in a sense, they're also my private servants that exist outside of the military structure of this Empire, they're made up of force sensitive beings that I have come across in my travels, I've trained them to serve me and trust me when I tell you this that they can take down the guards that Malak will have put in place, and I've instructed them in ways to capture or incapacitate Malak so that I can deal with him once I have Bastila."
Revan was wise, a tactical genius and in this situation he was no different, and if Malak was a traitor than Yarr would do her best to make everyone who joined his betrayal suffer like none other before them. But she inwardly shuddered at the images of what Revan would do when he got his hands on Malak. "Don't be so surprised Yarr, Betrayal is one of the foundations of the order that Malak and myself belong to, but I have no intention of dying just yet with the work that still needs to be done, and if I am betrayed I will only be merciful on my Apprentice, if my officers do it than I will make them suffer, however don't mistake that Malak won't suffer if he betrays me."
"I would never betray you Revan." Yarr maintained, she didn't want him thinking that she would ever betray him for Malak or anyone else.
"I know Yarr, I trust you," Revan finally turned and though she couldn't see it, he was now smiling. "That is a very seldom compliment."
Yarr bowed deeply. "I am honored Master."
"And know I sense that you are curious of why I've tracked the Jedi Girl, and why I desire her?" Revan added with a curious note.
The woman's lekku twitched, she found it curious that her master would be so focused on this one single woman, she knew that she had to have some ability and talent but that still didn't excuse the fact that she was a one Jedi learner in an entire order. "I am Master."
"Young Bastila has a talent as you've thought correctly, one that is very rare in those of use that can feel the force, one that could make us invincible as we push towards Courscant," Revan explained quickly tying his hands behind his back. "And what further peaks my interest in this girl is a simple, she can handle and demonstrate this skill with the expertise of a Master, she has a bright future and use with me."
"Would this have anything to do with the Republic pushing us off of Fondor?" Yarr asked raising her eyebrows in a questioning look.
Revan nodded. "Yes, she used that power to bolster the moral and strength of their invasion forces, the Dark Jedi that were present on Fondor reported it to me and I personally explored the records that we've secured from the Republic, that's when I began to track her."
"And when you found out that they were planning to kill you?" She asked.
"I knew that I finally had her," He answered with a slight chuckle. "I only had to make sure that I had everything set to my advantage."
A beeping sounded from one the communication stations that lined the bridge, Revan moved his head to look at it and the Ensign who worked it, and following her master, Yarr turned her head and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Well? Report Ensign."
"I'm receiving word that the shuttle has penetrated our perimeter?" The young ensign reported, he was trying desperately not to look at Lord Revan out of nervousness.
Revan spoke this time, he enjoyed the look of panic that came across the poor boy's face when he began to speak. "Have you managed to prevent the report from reaching Lord Malak's ship?"
"Yes Lord Revan, I managed to dampen-"He was cut off when Revan raised his hand.
"Very good Ensign as you were," Revan said putting his hand down and moving at the fastest pace possible from the head of the bridge, Yarr fell into step closely behind him, she didn't need him to tell her that he would have more orders. "Deploy the security teams that the pre-designated points, reiterate the orders that Jedi Shan is to be unharmed and they most maintain the feeling that we were taken by surprise."
She nodded. "And the Dark Jedi, what shall I tell them?"
"Nothing," Revan responded as they stepped out of the bridge and the blast door slammed shut behind them. "I'll direct them myself, make sure that when I get to their dormitories that they're all there, I want to make myself clear to all of them at once."
"Yes Master." She bowed and stopped as he marched to the turbo-lift.
When Revan stepped onto the lift, he straightened his posture and fixed her with a glare that was icy even under the camouflage of a mask. "You've never failed me Yarr, but I am correct in assuming that you don't need to be told to not fail me in your duties today?"
"No sir," She nodded her head. "I will not fail you."
"I know, best of luck." He said and then the doors slammed shut behind him.
Oh yes, it would be a glorious battle indeed.
The Leviathan, Turret Control, In the Mid Rim near Bimmisaari
He was sure that Malak was going to do it, and he was there to disable the likely way Malak could get it done. This wasn't normally what he did, he hunted Jedi for his master, but he eagerly accepted this assignment when he was made aware of this potential betrayal by Malak. He wanted to prove his undying loyalty to Revan and his ability to do anything. His name was Jaq and he was one of Lord Revan's most seasoned Jedi Hunters, and today he would have to change his role from Hunter to Assassin which in some circles could have been considered the same thing. But he didn't, when he hunted, he was ordered to keep his prey alive, but in this case, he was ordered to kill everyone he found if Malak so much as even did anything that could undermine or harm Revan. And it wasn't like it was so hard for him and his team to penetrate the Leviathan, they after all were under the direction of Lord Revan and he could insert them anywhere he pleased.
Standing in the room, he watched as the attendants sat at the individual units that controlled individual gun turrets, eleven targets all together. It would be hard to make a clean sweep by himself, but thankfully one of his sub-lieutenants was stationed at the door waiting for the signal to begin. All of the men on his team were trusted, and he trusted them with his life any day and today was no different. "Commander, Republic Shuttle incoming off of the port bow, it's surrounded by Jedi Snub Fighters, orders?"
"Power up Turbo Batteries," The commander ordered, he was a portly aging man who had been serving in wars since before Jaq was born, but if he made one mistake than this would be the last battle that he ever saw. "Target the shuttle with all guns and fire."
That shuttle, it was important to Revan had he also had more orders for him that came directly from Revan himself, they were supposed to stop all fire on the shuttle and let it intercept with the Dark Lords Flagship. Jaq cleared his throat, and looked to the Commander with a stern glare. "Commander, I would suggest that you cancel that order."
"And what is that Ensign…?" The commander let the last word float off.
Jaq turned and nodded to his other agent who was at the door, they were to begin now regardless of the fact that Malak hadn't made his move yet. "Jaq, Ensign Jaq, and you don't want to go through with that order, because if you do, then I and my man will kill you all before you can scream for help, power down all the batteries and raise your hands."
Revan's Flagship, Bridge, Conference Room
"I've just given the order for the Leviathan to enter a parallel position to our own," Revan said as he stared down the group of a dozen or so Dark Jedi that were gathered in the conference room, he had already informed the more base population of his acolytes, but these men and women they were the most elite of his group. "That will give the shuttle a clear and straight shot to the dorsal entry bulkhead, when that happens I want half you spread out on the path to the bridge, the other half will be posted on the bridge itself to meet the survivors of the team, but I need to stress the point that if Padawan Shan is killed, than all of you who live through this will die most terribly, are we clear?"
From the group, there was a collective nod and they all seemed to hiss out the response that Revan demanded. The Dark Lord of the Sith nodded. "There is another matter that I have to speak with you about, it concerns Lord Malak and his looming betrayal of me."
"I am one hundred percent certain that he will make his move tonight and if that happens, I expect all of you to fall into line and serve me without question or as I say again, you will suffer," He said cocking his eyes and scanning the entire group for that one look, or expression that tipped him off to a traitor. "Malak was meant to take the mantle from me, but not from behind my back, that is dishonorable and it will not happen as long as I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, when my spies on his ship contain him, I expect you to do as your told when I deal with his followers, are we also clear on that issue?"
"Yes master," The Dark Jedi who was seemingly the leader of the group said with a nod at his master, he was a very strong Jedi before Revan had broken him and he was even stronger as a servant for the Dark Side. "Malak will rue the day that he ever betrays you."
Revan nodded and made a motion with his hands. "Good, to your posts, go!"
And when he moved his hand, they all broke into movement, some were walking, others were running and it was clear that they were anxious to meet the Jedi and Republic task force that would soon be gracing them with their presence. After knowing that the room was completely clear, Revan turned and pressed a button on one of the control units that was under the large view screen it was a comlink. "Report Jaq."
Jaq, the only one he trusted to get his assignment done without so much as a single hitch in the thread. "Master, I've contained the Battery operators and restricted the control of them to the bridge and other places that aren't covered by our operatives, suggestions."
"Did Malak say that he was going to do it?" Revan asked curiously.
"No sir, they were going to fire on the Shuttle carrying Padawan Shan," He said, he sounded tired by completely aware of his circumstances and surroundings and that was a good and respectable trait that Revan liked in the organization that Jaq was in. "I felt the need to make a command decision and stop the attack before they blew the shuttle to hell."
Revan nodded his head. "You were right to do that Jaq, very good job."
"Thank you sir, now what shall I do? Jaq asked sounding even more concentrated.
"Destroy the Computer brain, and kill all the turret operators," Revan ordered knowing exactly what he wanted done to that ship. "I want you to follow Malak's orders when it comes to select opponents, but you don't target my ship or Jedi Shan's Shuttle."
"Yes Master," Jaq responded. "And by the way, her shuttle is on collision course and should hit in seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…"
And as if on cue, Revan's ship shuddered from the impact is suffered, and as soon as the Dark Lord regained his footing, he smirked to himself and pressed the button on the com station to resume his conversation with Jaq. "If you'll excuse me Jaq, I'm expecting company."
AN:/ I've been meaning to write this ever since I watched a certain timeline video that came from the Old Republic website that pertains to Malak and Revan. I hope you like this and that you'll continue to like the rest of this story as well. So if you would please, I'd like you to leave a review for me, it would be the nice thing to do.
Yes, as you probably guessed already, "Jaq" is Atton from the second game, if that wasn't so obvious already.
And again I would have to remind you to leave a review.