Yes, the pairing is Pendy/Peter x Wendy. It is not PxJ for once. :) Please R&R!

Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan.

Stuck at the Window

Chapter One: The Fall

A dark mist covered the London streets, streetlamps making dull circles of light as it surrounded them. Stars danced around the moon, one particularly shining bright. Clopping hooves echoed down the cobblestone streets, people were cheerfully saying good-bye to one another, and many more noises echoed in the stifling weather.

If you happened to be paying attention to Time, you would hear the grandfather clock suddenly not tick. The clock on the kitchen wall would stop mid-tock. The moon might seem to freeze for a moment or two.

A figure was flying over the houses, their ashy blonde hair suddenly becoming damp with the humidity. His green eyes were peeled for a certain house, for a certain window.

A skeletal leaf drifted downwards, softly landing on the sidewalk before stepped on by a polished boot. The boot's owner did not look upwards to see the leaf-clothed boy or his sparkling friend.

The fairy was wearing a dress composed of dark green leaves. Her blonde hair shone like bells; her voice was composed of their sound. She kept trying to convince the boy to turn back, to return back to his home.

"No, Tink," he whispered stubbornly as he swerved to avoid a familiar chimney. He was getting close.

The fairy pouted but stopped talking. Leaving behind a trail of pixiedust, she followed Peter Pan until he stopped at a window.

"This is it, Tink. I'm pretty sure it is," he told her.

The fairy rolled her eyes and frowned but then nodded to confirm.

"Here goes nothing," he whispered before drawing closer to the stained glass window.

A young girl, no older than thirteen, was walking up the street toward home. Her skirts swished around her feet as she obediently kept to the sidewalk, much wanting to just twirl and jump in the streets. But no, she must be a proper young lady.

How could she be that at thirteen? She was supposed to be a Wendy-lady. Not a proper young lady. She was a Wendy-lady. Not ever will she be a proper young lady.

She would always and forever remain a Wendy-lady.

Her lush brown curls framed a soft face with innocent blue eyes as pinkish lips twisted into an upset frown. She did not want to grow up, no matter what she told Peter Pan. Bowing her head in hopes that the curls would hide her face, she crossed the street, knowing she was almost home.

Almost home to books and studying. Her frown deepened at the thought of the homework waiting for her. She yearned to be an author with all her heart but...No. You will do anything to become an author.

She suddenly stopped, furrowing her brow in puzzlement. A leaf had floated and landed in front of her. It was not skeletal like the ones Peter Pan wore, but a light, healthy, greenish-yellow one. "Look at yourself," she scoffed, "Stopping for a leaf." Shaking her head, she started walking once more.

The clocks have resumed ticking and tocking but something is wrong. There is some type of...slowness, if you will, that surrounds your home. If you watch the clock, seeing the long hand and the little hand then the tiny, extremely little second-counting hand, they seem to be moving as slow as snails. Or slower, if you are of the impatient kind.

The weather remains the same, the noises are ceasing, the moon remains uncovered. Peter Pan is trying to open the window to no avail while Wendy Darling is walking home.

Hearing faint grunting, Wendy glanced upwards. Her mouth formed a small 'O' in surprise. There was a boy floating outside her window with a little ball of light on his shoulder. He was wearing an outfit of leaves and no shoes.

"Peter!" she yelled loudly before she could restrain herself and started to run the last few yards to her house.

Startled, the flying boy looked down at her before a smile spreading over his features.

A large dog with a rich brown and white coat began to bark, the bark booming throughout the house. It rushed to the window and barked louder, putting its paws on the glass.

Wendy froze as Peter's hands shot away from the window, as if it shocked him. For some reason, he started to fall. He didn't know why and neither did Tinkerbell or Wendy. Scared, he scrabbled at the window's edge as he proceded to fall.

Wendy watched in faint horror as his hands slipped past the edge. He was falling now, his face a mixture of fear and surprise. Tinkerbell flitted by helplessly as she bit her lip, unsure of what to do. A thump and a sickening crack! split the air. The fairy shot downwards toward her best friend, still unsure of what to do but knew she had to stay beside him.

"Peter, please be okay," Wendy said under her breath before running to the door.

Without Peter or Wendy's knowledge, the window had opened...A bit of half an inch. That was just enough for the boy's shadow to seep in. Nana smelled something...odd. She knew that a boy who was not any of her owners was trying to open the window. It was the one from last time. She began to snarl as she grabbed the shadow between her sharp teeth. It tasted like cold air and darkness but she backed away.

The shadow was easier to pull away this time. It was so easy that Peter Pan barely noticed it.

Don't worry - later chapters will be longer. Well, was this good? Awesome? Terrible? Horrid? How will I know if you don't review? Or story-alert? Or favorite? :) -MythScavenger