Death:Sorry it took me for ever. Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot.
"I don't know hoe to deal with being Kid's prisoner."There's gotta be a way out of here...Come to think of it...Ragnarok hasn't talked for a while.
"If your wondering where Ragnarok is he's probably sleeping." I turned to the shower to see he had a towel on his hip ,but could still she some stuff.
"That knockout gas was made to put Ragnarok to sleep."
"W-w-w-why?" I kept looked at the bubbles not noticing he was besides me.
"Why?"He cupped my chin. "So he wouldn't disturber us of course." He quickly kissed me my face truing bright red. As I looked away. "Here's some clothes ,so you can change."
"Or I could change you?" I slowly grabbed the clothes from his hands. "That's better...Here's a towel."
"Um...I-i-i-i-it's to small." I said noticing it barely covered anything.
"Man, you know what to say to make me horny don't you?"
I quickly dried myself but stopped when I noticed something. "A-a-are these yours?" I stuttered looking at the black boxers.
"Okay... T/T"
"I'll be turned on even more if you don't ware them...You'll be tied to a bed with your legs open. Every time I enter I'll see-"
"Kid where home!" Liz voice rang through the house echoing.
"Liz."I took a breath about to yell ,but a hand covered my mouth.
"Don't even try yelling...If I hear anything while I'm gone you'll be in some real shit." I nodded scared of his grin. "Good girl." He let me go and picked up his pant's taking out a key. He went out locking the door.
Kid prov
"There was no reason to scream Liz! I bet you even woke up the neighbors!"
"Do we even have neighbors? Not many people would like to live by a Death god."
"Fine if we had neighbors you would have woken them up." He sighed "Please refrain from yelling in this house...please"
"Yes sir." Patty saluted.
"We ate out ,so where gowning to sleep...Good night."
"Yeah, good night." I walked to the kitchen after making two sandwiches I headed to the room. Crona was sitting on the bed noticing me she scurried to a corner. "I brought you some dinner." I knelt down besides her. "Aren't you going to eat?"
"/" I bit down on one trying to get Crona to eat the other.
"In that case." I kissed her licking her bottom lip. She didn't open her mouth ,so I did the next best thing. I bit her lower lip opening her mouth. I pushed the chewed food into her mouth. "Open you mouth next time." I was about to bite the other one when she took it from my hand. She started to eat it. "Is something wrong Crona?...You seem rather unhappy."
She was silent for a while. "Medusa would lock me in a dark chained me to a dark room...Medusa never let me did...Medusa never feed made some for me...I don't know how to deal with it!."Tears stated flowing down her cheeks.
"Crona there's no reason to cry." I patted her head as her shoulders hitched with every sob.
"Why do you treat me so differently even though I'm still the prisoner?"
"Crona her intention were bad there were punishment to make you insane. Mine are...well more out of selfishness. I wanted to keep you all to my self." I laughed nervously. "How about this if you'll stay here and not escape this can be your prison cell."
I expected a rather rude response but what she said surprised me. "Okay."
"Okay as long as I stay here I won't be lonely." She smiled.
"Let's go to sleep Crona." I motion to the bed. She reluctantly got on. "Good night Crona." I whispered into her ear biting it softly.
"G-g-goodnight." She squeaked.
Crona prov
"You want me to what?" I asked Maka.
"I want you to give this to Marie-sensei." She said handing me a book.
"Be careful on your way there remember don't go through the forest." she warned.
"Okay." Headed down the trail. "Bye Maka!" I waved.
"Bye!"She waved back.
After a while I noticed a black tail sticking out of a bush.
"Agh! That little shit got away!"
"Um...excuse me sir..A-a-are you stuck?"
He jumped up landing on his feet. "Me stuck no ,no I was just...looking for my dinner."He scratched his head. "I seemed to have misplaced it." He was a fox with Three scars on the right side of his head.
"Maybe if we retrace your steps we can find it."
"No it's long gone ," He slowed down when he saw me.
"Um...S-s-sir your drooling." I backed away slowly.
"Oh sorry." He wiped his mouth. "So, what's a little cutie like you doing out here." He got on all fours circling me.
"I-I-I-I'm delivering a book to Marie-sensei."
"Hm..Isn't rather foolish to send a cute girl, like yourself, to do an something in the middle of the day."
"N-no I don't think." His bushy tail ran over my face. "Achoo!"
"Oh sorry." He counted to circle around me. "So where dose this...teacher live?"
"In a cabinet around the forest."
"Well wouldn't it be easier to go through the forest than all the way around."
"But Maka said not to go through the forest."
"Yes but it's getting dark out don't you think. Besides how will she ever know." There was a twinkle in his eye and some other emotion I could not recognize.
"You won't tell her right."
"No, but you better hurry before it gets dark. Not all wolfs are as friendlily as me."
"Thank you Mr. Wolf." I headed to the through forest. Getting there a lot faster without disturbances. I knocked on the door "Marie-sensei!"
"C-c-come in!"
I walked in. Here's the book Maka borrowed from you."
"Aw~ how sweet of you." She closed the door.
"You look different."
"Oh must be my new makeup." She laughed awkwardly.
"Marie-sensei why is your voice different?"
"I seemed to have a cold."
"Marie-sensei why are your eye's brighter?"
"To see you better honey there contacts."
"Marie-sensei why is your nose bigger?"
"To smell you better."
"Marie-sensei why-"
"You know what that's in of!" She tackled me to the floor. Her wing falling. "Mr. Wolf!"
"Seriously I thought I did a good job in disguising myself to."
"Where's Marie-sensei?"
He leaned closer and whispered, "I..ate..her."
"My blood black. I'm sorry if it's not tasty!"I covered my head.
"Don't worry I won't eat you. It would be such a wast to eat such a cute little thing." he played my hair.
"Th-then what an I for."
"For fun." His tongue ran up my face. "Though you look very tasty...It's hard to resist." He bit down on my ear nibbling and sucking on it.
"Names Kid."
"Um...Kid wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-what are you doing."
"Well, I plan to keep you for my self you and then rape you."
"What dose rape mean?"
"Hu? You don't know what rape means?"
"It means I'm gonna fuck you."
"What dose fuck you me-"
"Seriously kid don't you know anything!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Aw forget it!" He got up. "I'll rape you next time! Tell that friend of yours to explain what Fuck means."
"What do you mean next time." The room stared going into a blur.
"Crona wake up." I opened my eyes.
"Hu? Where's Mr. Wolf?"
"Well I have to go to can you please let go?"
"Wh-" I looked down noticing that I was on top of him and hugging him. Jumpimg up I said sorry.
"It's okay I really enjoyed it but I can't be late to school. Other wise Liz would have entered."
"Um...when do I go to school?"
"That's a good question." He said while putting clothes on. "I think about it." He stopped at the door. "Crona if I hear anyone saying your here. When I get back you will be punish."
"Okay." I looked at the ground.
"What? No good bye kiss?"
"Hu?" I looked up as he met my lips. "O/3/O"
"See you later." He closed the door. Leaving me in complete shock.
"I don't know how to deal with good bye kisses."
Death: Please review.