Death: I really couldn't help my self..."Sorry."=D This is after the last episode.
"Hey Kid have you seen Crona?" Maka asked me.
"Should I go get her-"
"I'm sure she just doesn't know how to deal with going back school...She may think were mad at her."
"Maybe your right...But I still think I should go check her."
"If it makes you any better I'll check on her during lunch."
"Thanks Kid." She smiled.
I smirked "No problem."
"So did you see her?" Maka asked during lunch.
"Yeah she felt sick an-"
"Is she ok?...oh...Sorry"
"As I was saying She felt sick and didn't want to worry you."
"As long as she ok."
"Kid what's wrong?" She held up a book.
"I think she may have the flue or something."
"Are you sure I need to go-"
"You can't!" I said a little to loudly.
"Why not."She apparently didn't notice.
"Um...I-it may be contagious"
"I'm sure she'll be just fine."
-After School-
Kid walked back home quietly in till his phone broke the silence.
"Hey Kid." It was Liz.
"There's a huge sale going on right now so I may be a while. Patty also wanted to go to the Zoo so we may be back late."
"Ok...Please remember to buy symmetrical clothes-"She hanged up.
He smirked "I'll have the house all to myself...Just perfect."
Arriving at his house he locked the font door. After making sure no one was home he walked past the main rooms stopping at the eighth door. Pulling out a key from his pocket the opened the door. And losing it back up once inside. He stared down the long hall way to the stairs. When he got there he stared hearing mumbles of some sort. He finality got to the door that led to a room. Opening the door the mumbles stopped.
"Good Afternoon Crona." She was right where he left her tied to the bed post Her hair was a little messed up ,but he could excuse that for a minute." ┬ " (┬ =Drool)
Crona Prov
"..." He removed the blindfold allowing me to see. I just turned my head away glaring at the wall.
"What?...Are you mad at me?" He pouted.
The bed squeaked when he sat down. "You know." he cupped my chin forcing to to face him."Your really cute when your mad."
"Well it's your fault really." His hand sneaked under my dress running up my leg.
"If you weren't so goddam cute you wouldn't be stuck in this situation now would you?"
"Are you giving me the silent treatment?"
"I know how to break that." He lead down.
I felt something warm and wet run up my leg. "St-stop."
"See." he smirked climbing on top of me. "I can make you do anything." He met are lips I gasped when I felt something warm on my lip,his tongue. His tongue entered my mouth exploring every inch of it. I slowly pushed his tongue out and letting my tongue enter his mouth. After a minute or two he pulled away. "My my aren't you sweet." he licked my chin.
"C-c-c-can you untie me?...Please."
"Hm...Nope." he started biting my ear. "We don't want you running away now would we?"
"Wh-who's we?"He pulled away and smirked.
"Would you like to see?"
Death: Please tell me what you think I was bored so I put faces I couldn't help myself Sorry.
Please review